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Recommend a steam generator iron

13 replies

noenergy · 23/04/2021 11:44

I know a lot of people on Mumsnet don't iron but I'm looking for recommendations for a steam generator iron. A have heard Tefal ones are good but there's so many different models.

What should I be looking for?

Max budget £180

This thread is a little old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for steam generator iron recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best steam generator irons page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
GladysNarracott · 25/04/2021 16:48

I bought an inexpensive Russell Hobbs one because I wanted to try one out without spending mega bucks.
In the main it's good but occasionally it will spit blobs of water out onto whatever I'm ironing at the time. Not sure why it does this.
Another thing to think about is your ironing board. Mine is years old and doesn't have a mesh bottom which I think are best for the steam generator irons as they let the steam through, therefore you don't end up with a very damp board cover (as I do)
It took me a bit of time to get out of my usual way of ironing as with most things you can get away with just ironing one side, the steam and heat iron both sides simultaneously. I wouldn't ever go back to a 'normal' iron.

rwalker · 25/04/2021 16:53

Tefal every time ultra glide bottom brilliant if you look after it .
Remember with any iron to clean them nothing abrasive hot iron and rub a paracetamol over it everything just wipes off

Blastandbollocks · 25/04/2021 16:54

I got a Phillips GC7420 nine years ago (I'm sitting looking at it!) and it's still going strong. Probably not as quick to warm up now as it was, but still works well. Was £99.99 when I got it.

A quick Google suggests it would be the GC7808 now.

NotImpossible · 27/04/2021 12:48

I'll be interested to see answer to this too - I haven't owned an iron for a long time but my small steamer is not up to the job of getting cotton looking really good so I need one now.
But I was always crap at ironing so there's not much point unless it's a really good one

Livingoffroyalities · 27/04/2021 19:40

An opposite of a recommendation, don’t go for a Philips.

Our one is only a couple years old, chucks out brown stuff regularly, usually on white shirts. Confused

Ours has malfunctioned twice now, although Philips has fixed it both times......just waiting for it to happen again.

Blastandbollocks · 28/04/2021 20:21

Might be a new quality thing then @Livingoffroyalities then. Mine does it if I haven't used it for a while 4 months, but I think that's allowable.

jaundicedoutlook · 29/04/2021 21:10

I’ve been thinking about getting one for a while (obv need to get out more). Have previously bought Rowenta regular steam irons - anyone used one of their steam generators?

Franticbutterfly · 01/05/2021 14:27

This is my third steam generator iron - - and I've never had a problem with it. The best part is that it's self cleaning so you never get those little white bits of scale on your clothes.

bouncydog · 01/05/2021 21:21

Can’t beat Tefal. No idea which model I have, but they’re all amazing. Super quick for superking duvets and sheets!

MrsPerfect12 · 03/05/2021 09:04

Buy a self cleaning model, I have to do it manual which is no real hassle but I'd prefer not to do it. I have morphe Richards from Argos. Not at home to check the model but it's good.
I had a polti from John Lewis previous which was great.

TinyCheese · 08/05/2021 14:27

I have a self cleaning Philips one, which works well, you should definitely see the difference after the regular steam iron. A word of caution though - always keep it empty when not using and don't keep it in direct sunlight as it can grow green algae inside which is a pain to get rid of!

silentpool · 12/06/2021 04:41

I bought a refurbished Polti from eBay for £75. Love it!

cerena · 05/03/2022 11:03

Don’t go for Philips. I don’t do ironing much. Only iron my daughter’s school uniform and the Philips steam generator was broken after 2 years of very light use. I have serviced it and it is again broken after 1 year of light use. Thr sevice is asking me £37 + postage. I
am here to see the comments about other brands.

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