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Laundry Detergent!! Getting a new brand but which one?

35 replies

ForTheLoveOfGrace · 04/03/2021 09:27

Sorry boring subject but I have been using fairy non bio since DD was born but now she's 6 I thought it was high time we went for a different type not necessarily non bio.

I'd like a cheaper detergent that smells lush (not lavender) We are currently getting Sainsbury's deliveries but do sometimes get Tesco too and I'm not opposed to other brands. Any recommendations? TIA

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OP posts:
Tittyfilarious · 04/03/2021 09:31

@ForTheLoveOfGrace do you use fabric softener? If you do then for washing powder I've used aldi almat for years and then whatever fragrance softener I like at the time.

rosesarered321 · 04/03/2021 09:34

I use tesco biological powder for my whites, I used to use ariel and it is just as good. I use the extra rise button on my machine as I have sensitive skin and it is fine. Non biologicals just didn't get my washing clean.

ForTheLoveOfGrace · 04/03/2021 22:35

Thanks for the replies!

OP posts:
oohmyback · 04/03/2021 22:41

I like the Aldi almat too but just switched to smol deliveries to cut down on packaging and I'm happy with it. If you like lovely spells then you can do that with softener. I don't use softener as I don't like the string smells. I'm happy with a fresh detergent smell but I know most people prefer a scent. I think if your skin tolerates most detergent then go fit a cheaper one and splash out on softener.

userxx · 04/03/2021 22:50

I also use Aldi almat, the bio one. I then use different fabric conditioners, lenor ocean escape is currently my go to one but Im a sucker for a nice smell and will swop and change whenever I fancy.

theskyispurple · 04/03/2021 22:52

I use daz powder and then alternate method pink conditioner, and the Ecover one

dementedpixie · 04/03/2021 22:53

I currently use Persil bio powder but only buy it on offer. I like lenor sensitive fabric softener

Alfiemoon1 · 04/03/2021 22:58

I use smol pods and their fabric softener although I do sometimes switch as i like to change fragrance every so often

danni0509 · 04/03/2021 22:58

Blue bold liquid (I like purple too but you said not lavender) I tried yellow bold from home bargains yesterday not seen it before and that smells gorgeous too!

I used to use a shit ton of comfort not for the softness more for the scent but don’t use comfort anymore, just bold liquid on its own.

People always comment how nice my washing smells.

danni0509 · 04/03/2021 23:00

P.s Bold is £2.99 a bottle in home bargains, cheaper than supermarket. I also don’t use as much as the bottle says it makes no difference to it’s performance.

ShakespearesSisters · 04/03/2021 23:01

I get "smol" capsules through the post, its an eco brand. I don't seem to need fabric conditioner with it. I get the bio ones so more chance of getting stains out. They do really well apart from tomato based stains, which to be fair, I've never found anything that gets those out first time.

99icecream · 04/03/2021 23:08

I use Daz powder, it cleans better than anything else, it's very good value for money and I love its old fashioned clean smell. I get a giant box from Costco for about £10.

Twillow · 04/03/2021 23:21

Have gone back to fairy powder after years of liquids, as they congeal and cause black slimy stuff to build up inside the drum! I have found it great - I add a scoop of enzyme powder (Vanish type, whatever's cheapest at the time) for whites or stains, and a cap of zoflora for fragrance. Have stopped using conditioner and don't notice any difference, I think it only added scent!

Twillow · 04/03/2021 23:22


I get "smol" capsules through the post, its an eco brand. I don't seem to need fabric conditioner with it. I get the bio ones so more chance of getting stains out. They do really well apart from tomato based stains, which to be fair, I've never found anything that gets those out first time.

Tomato-based stains bleach out when you dry them in sunlight!
ForTheLoveOfGrace · 05/03/2021 07:04

Wonderful. Thanks so much I've got a good few options to look into now.

So sad I'm actually excitedWink

OP posts:
70isaLimitNotaTarget · 05/03/2021 08:48

I have Sainsbury own brand Bio/Non Bio/Colour powder . Main shop in Sainsbury
I like the Waitrose Non Bio liquid for delicates but rarely go there ( have a bottle of Waitrose washing up liquid that is the nicest smell but it's nearly finished so I might need to make a visit there )
I use Astonish Stain Remover powder if needed and Astonish pre treat spray

No problems with stains and smell nice

RampantIvy · 05/03/2021 08:58


Have gone back to fairy powder after years of liquids, as they congeal and cause black slimy stuff to build up inside the drum! I have found it great - I add a scoop of enzyme powder (Vanish type, whatever's cheapest at the time) for whites or stains, and a cap of zoflora for fragrance. Have stopped using conditioner and don't notice any difference, I think it only added scent!

I learned on here that liquids aren't good for the washing machine, and ended up with a smelly washer.

I now use Fairy powder for colours and Arial powder for whites and light colours. DD's eczema disappeared and my washer stopped smelling.
dementedpixie · 05/03/2021 09:27

@RampantIvy If you are using Fairy powder then it contains bleaches so it will fade dark colours just as much as bio powder. If it is a liquid or you used a powder for colours then they should fade less quickly

RampantIvy · 05/03/2021 09:40

Oh, thank you for that. I knew not to use bio powder for colours. I have a big box of Fairy, so will look to replace it with something else when that has finished. I won't go back to using liquids though as I am trying to avoid buying anything in plastic where I can.

dementedpixie · 05/03/2021 09:45

Bio is fine for colours. You get bio colour powders. They don't contain the bleaches that can fade dark colours

RampantIvy · 05/03/2021 09:48

I will look out for them next time @dementedpixie. Thank you for the advice.

WaterGarden · 05/03/2021 09:49

I like Daz. Also Ariel colour which has a stronger smell. I like Surf lavender but no good for you. You might like other scents though

Noell · 05/03/2021 09:50

I always use Ecover washing powder. Not had any problems with it.


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RaininSummer · 05/03/2021 09:52

I don't use softener but love the smell of the ecover lavender and sandalwood (not that lavendery).

crispinglovershighkick · 05/03/2021 09:53

If you use Daz where are you buying it? I used to use it for whites - probably recommended on MN years ago - and suddenly it disappeared from the shops.

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