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Recommendations for food processors?

24 replies

WhatKatyDidNxt · 12/01/2021 14:17

We are wanting to get a food processor and are torn between a few different ones. We will mainly be using it for making sauces e.g. hummus, guacamole, preparing veg and soups. We aren’t massive bakers. Quite partial to smoothies and juices though

Currently we are torn between:

Magimix 4200XL
Cuisinart expert pro fp1300u
One of the Sage ones


This thread is quite old now, but we’ve recently refreshed our guide to the best food processor with plenty of high-quality options recommended by Mumsnetters. We hope you find it useful.
MNHQ Flowers

OP posts:
BoobyBetty22 · 12/01/2021 14:19

I recommend the ninja kitchen system. It’s fantastic!

WhatKatyDidNxt · 12/01/2021 14:30

@BoobyBetty22 l haven’t heard of that one! Going off to google....

OP posts:
WhatKatyDidNxt · 12/01/2021 14:32

Also probably work mentioning we don’t have lots of space as we have a small kitchen. We are trying to move house but obviously it’s hard to achieve that at the moment!

OP posts:
Notanorthadontist · 12/01/2021 15:02

I had my first Magimix over 20 years. Very happy with that, so replaced it with another one.

JohnMiddleNameRedactedSwanson · 12/01/2021 16:02


MrsMiaWallis · 12/01/2021 16:03

Ive used my Magimix every day for 21 years. Had to replace the bowl once. So Magimix

FrogFairy · 12/01/2021 18:34

Another vote for Magimix.

Nordstrom · 12/01/2021 18:37

We bought a magimix last year and are very pleased with it.

ThatLibraryMiss · 12/01/2021 18:41

I have the Magimix and it's very very good but it's a bit of a beast, large and heavy (and a PITA to clean). I use my stick blender a lot more - it's got a mini food processor attachment.

My next kitchen will have an appliance garage so I just need to open a door and pull the food processor forwards instead of finding it at the back of a cupboard and hoiking it out.

woodhill · 12/01/2021 18:42

I like Kenwood

TheSandgroper · 13/01/2021 05:53

I like Kenwood, too and after 20 years I need a new one because I broke the bowl. I have a Thermie imitation but don’t get on with it much.

AlternativePerspective · 13/01/2021 06:01

I have a Cuisinart and it’s excellent. It’s also considerably cheaper, and smaller than a magimix, although I have owned a magimix before but now they’re far too expensive which is a shame.

Am perfectly happy with the one I have though.

GemmaFoster · 13/01/2021 07:51

Magimix, definitely worth the investment. I love mine, and after 6 years it’s still like new, with loads of use. Can’t see that I’d ever need to replace it.

JohnMiddleNameRedactedSwanson · 13/01/2021 09:35

Magimixes are heavy because they have very very robust motors which will last a long time. A lighter machine won't last as long but it depends on your priorities - a motor could last a hundred years but if it's too heavy for you to lift then it is useless to you! I find the Magimix shape with the bowl stacked on top of the motor neater than the kind where they sit side-by-side.

It is worth considering what you will use it for, too. Magimix and Kenwood both have a very large range of accessories and it is very easy to source spare parts. I don't know if this applies to the other brands mentioned.

WhatKatyDidNxt · 16/01/2021 16:11

@JohnMiddleNameRedactedSwanson l would prefer quality that lasts for years, rather than buying another one in a few years. I’m not the smallest of people and neither my partner so weight wise we should be fine

OP posts:
WhatKatyDidNxt · 16/01/2021 16:12

@AlternativePerspective what kind of things do you use your for?

OP posts:
WhatKatyDidNxt · 16/01/2021 16:13

All those voting for the Magnimix what kind of things do you use it for?

OP posts:
MrsMiaWallis · 16/01/2021 16:17

Today I've used it for
Cake mix
Making passata out of a tin of chopped tomatoes
Making a curry paste
Thinly slicing potatoes for dauphinoise potatoes

WhatKatyDidNxt · 16/01/2021 16:21

@MrsMiaWallis yep that sounds like just the kind of stuff we would do

Love your name by the way!

OP posts:
marchduck · 16/01/2021 16:39

Magimix, I've had mine for 20 years and it's still going strong.
When I'm making batches of chilli/bolognese, I use it to pulse loads of vegetables to a breadcrumb type size. I add about twice the amount of vegetables to the mince steak and my vegetable hating DD is none the wiser.

GemmaFoster · 16/01/2021 23:42

I use mine for bulk veg chopping for making soup, mixtures for chocolate brownies. Just remembered I have a dough blade too, so going to have a go at bread dough.

PickAChew · 16/01/2021 23:44

My magimix is 17 years old. The pulse switch recently broke and I was annoyed that there was no available replacement for that model but DH fixed it with a cable tie!

PickAChew · 16/01/2021 23:48

I have mine set up with the grater disc as that's what i use most often eg for carrot cake. I might flip it over for red cabage or anything else that needs shredding, though i forgot to do the flip, this Christmas. The spiced red cabbage wasn't a write off! Other than that, it makes great pastry and crumbles. I have a mini magimix for smaller amounts and curry pastes - easier clean up.


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BlueCowWonders · 17/01/2021 08:52

Another long term Magimix owner here
I use very regularly for: grating a whole block of cheddar
Mixing cakes/ bread dough/ pastry
Soup ( though less often as I have a soup maker)

Bowl and attachments go in the dishwasher

It wasn't cheap but I expect it to last for decades to come

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