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Is there such a thing as a good ironing board?

5 replies

WhatILoved · 13/09/2020 20:21

So my husband is moaning that our ironing board is not fit for purpose. He is the main ironer in the house and he splashed out on one of those fancy steam expensive ones last year and loves it. I said doesn't it just need a new cover but looking online I see some boards are 50 quid and others 20... I bought ours donkeys ago so no idea. I doubt I would have spent 50. I know someone on here will have the answer. Should I buy a fancy board is there a difference?? or just get a new cover.

OP posts:
PerditaNitt · 13/09/2020 20:27

I have a laurastar for the last 15 years and it looks like it will last a lifetime. Very solid, can take the weight of a steam generator iron and has a good opening mechanism. I replaced the cover after ten years when the old one started to wear through. They are very pricey (unless you can get it on sale) and I think that the Brabantja ones are equally good and often on offer too.

I had cheapo ones in the past and found the surface was a bit small and they felt flimsy with a steam generator iron. That said, the cheaper ones are fine with a normal iron.

PerditaNitt · 13/09/2020 20:28

If you decide to get a new cover rather than a new board, then get a more expensive one because they will have more padding in them and should last longer.

WhatILoved · 13/09/2020 20:30

Thank you for the advice

OP posts:
Cynderella · 13/09/2020 20:51

I have one of the bog Brabantia ones that you can stand a steam generator iron on. Not that I do, but it's sturdy enough. I bought a really nice cover reduced in Lakeland. The covers for larger boards are so expensive, I wish I'd bought two now. This is the board:

EarPhones · 14/09/2020 23:13

Another vote for Brabantia ironing board.

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