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Best clothes pegs

13 replies

UCOforAC12 · 19/04/2019 15:50

I have a mismash of rubbish ones and not enough anyway. What are your recommendations for non marking pegs to hang clothes on an outdoor line please?

OP posts:
dementedpixie · 19/04/2019 15:51

I have eco force ones bought cheaply from morrisons

mommybear1 · 19/04/2019 17:47

Hegs- they are great you can usually pick them up for a good price at ALDI

UCOforAC12 · 19/04/2019 19:20

We have both of those supermarkets near by thank you

OP posts:
Strongbeatsskinny · 26/04/2019 22:00

Soft grip ones by Lakeland

JumpingFrogs · 29/04/2019 23:05

Lakeland. Have had some of mine for years and have never had a broken one. They have several types but the ones with flowers on are the strongest

everythingisginandroses · 30/04/2019 09:21

Another vote for Lakeland. We have a mixture of Lakeland and some cheap ones from god knows where. I am planning to buy more Lakeland and throw away the other ones, due to their habit of announcing their demise by snapping and flying apart in all directions when you try to use them - I have been hit in the eye several times Angry

NannyR · 30/04/2019 09:25

Traditional wooden ones, they do the job, are really cheap to buy and biodegradable.

fairislecable · 01/05/2019 18:10

I have had these for a few years now and the work really well.

Due to their shape I can hold 6 in my hand at a time.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 03/05/2019 08:33

Lakeland with the flowers on. No contest Smile

ExpletiveDelighted · 03/05/2019 08:41

Wooden ones, cheap and do a really good job.

deadsexy · 05/05/2019 07:46


WhereYouLeftIt · 05/05/2019 19:45

Another vote for Lakeland's soft grip pegs. Must have got them about five years ago, maybe more. Never had one break on me, which can't be said of others I have had.

theyellowjumper · 05/05/2019 20:43

I use soft grip Lakeland ones on things like t shirts that would get peg marks, and traditional wooden ones on everything else.

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