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30 replies

LiteraryDevil · 22/05/2018 13:05

I have such an exciting life I know but can anyone recommend some really good pegs? Mine are forever breaking. Probably doesn't help that they get left out in all weathers which makes them brittle but I also find that they twist so that the spring pings off one side and I end up having to put them back together. Thanks!

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MarsBarsAreShrinking · 23/05/2018 10:52

I did say they weren't cheap @BakerBear lol...

I think they're a little less on Ocado, £5.99 a pack.

To be fair I bought 3 packs and only on rare occasion has that not been enough but I make sure I do a load of washing every day so it never builds up and it's not such a huge job.

HPH3 · 24/03/2019 18:47

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Maffy · 24/03/2019 18:56

Ikea do marvellous pegs, £2 for lots including a peg bucket. I've never had one break and I leave them on the line all year...

Ohyesiam · 24/03/2019 20:47

I use the chunky wooden ones from local discount store. They last well.

My peg bag is my daughter’s first dress sewn up at the hem and on a baby coat hanger, I love itGrin

Strongbeatsskinny · 25/03/2019 20:27

Lakeland pegs are brilliant

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