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Vacuum storage bags for clothes

10 replies

TheHouseofMirth · 11/10/2015 16:44

Can anyone recommend some please? Years ago I bought some from Lakeland but they were rubbish. I expect they've got better over the years so I'm ready to try again!

OP posts:
Yarpyarp · 11/10/2015 16:46

Dunelm Mill have them. Various sizes and they do the job.

WindYouUp · 11/10/2015 18:38

I bought some from Argos a few months ago but they were all full of air after a few weeks so wouldnt recommend.

Optimist1 · 11/10/2015 19:01

Packmate are terrific. Quite often at a reduced price on Ocado website. Have used mine multiple times and no signs of them giving up.

Onsera3 · 11/10/2015 19:03

I have those ones from Ocado and some air immediately seeps back in so they don't stay as compact as I would like. I don't know how. Otherwise they are ok.

ShoeJunkie · 12/10/2015 15:44

So far the ones I got from the 99p store have been the best. I've also had the Lakeland and Packmate ones but both have been rubbish.

blibblobblub · 12/10/2015 15:45

I've got some Argos ones, not tried them yet though.

I did spy some in the pound shop though!

Onsera3 · 12/10/2015 17:28

The valves on my pound land ones all broke.

mum2monkeys32 · 06/03/2016 16:28

maybe try some with a guarantee so you can get free replacement if anything goes wrong? I found 5 year warrantee ones on - only one has needed replacing after 3 years and they were very good at sending new one out no questions asked

irie · 12/03/2016 12:53

IKEA 2 for £2.50 and only ones that have worked for me!

Kraggle · 12/03/2016 12:54

Asda ones have worked well for us so far.

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