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Vacuum storage bags! They're amazing!

20 replies

Bluestocking · 08/06/2013 21:50

I may be telling you all something you already know, but I can't believe how well vacuum storage bags work. I put a duvet in one and FOUR pillows in the other, and the vacuuming reduced them down to two (amazingly heavy) flat packages which have gone easily onto a shelf in the wardrobe. My only concern is that the vacuum seal might go and the wardrobe will explode under the pressure of rapidly expanding bedding!


This thread is a bit old now, but if you've landed here looking for recommendations, we've recently updated our best vacuum storage bags buyers guide, featuring lots of products, as tried, tested and recommended by Mumsnet users.

We hope you find this useful. Flowers


OP posts:
UseHerName · 08/06/2013 21:54

hmmm interesting Grin

off to google Wink

Bluestocking · 08/06/2013 21:58

I got them from M&S but there do seem to be lots of different versions. I'm going to get some more tomorrow to put all my winter clothes in!

OP posts:
MyCatHasStaff · 08/06/2013 22:00

I have been using these for years. I like them but they tend to re-inflate over time, so it's worth re-vacuuming them occasionally if you remember.

Jan49 · 09/06/2013 11:01

Your exploding wardrobe is making me cry with laughter.GrinGrin

GibberTheMonkey · 09/06/2013 13:01

I did this. Put them in the top cupboard of a built in wardrobe, they expanded and I had extreme problems getting them out again.
Dh laughed lots

ItsAllTLAsToMe · 10/06/2013 12:45

I think they are quite good, especially if you have somewhere good to store them. Under the bed = all dusty ultimately in our house. I'm off them at the moment, but I might use them again in the future.

Bluecarrot · 10/06/2013 13:07

Packmate have been my favourite as they have a flat bottom so you fit more in and stand them up. I think you can buy attractive boxes that they sit in, so once you fill and vacuum then they look prettier than just the bag. They are also the only brand where the zip thing hasn't come off.

We have duvets that come into two parts so you can vary the tog. I store any bits we aren't using in the bags. I also have one full of fabric so it won't get musty while waiting for me to find a purpose for it all.

Titsalinabumsquash · 10/06/2013 13:08

JML ones are the best, Sainsburys always reinflate after a day or 2 Hmm

TheBirdsFellDownToDingADong · 10/06/2013 13:10

Oh we always use these in Italy! I get a real buzz out of the shlooooooooooooooooooooooooopy noise the bag makes as you suck the air out of it.

Just done "change of season" (ie all sweatshirts and jumpers schlooooooped, all vests and shorts unschloooooooooooooped) It's very satisfying.

hollyisalovelyname · 10/08/2013 09:15

Bought the JML ones and so far so good. Here's hoping. Threw out the other crappy ones.

Doodlekitty · 10/08/2013 10:14

I got some of these from pound land to store pfb's baby clothes in. We sored then 3 weeks ago and they are still all deflated. Going to get some for bedding next

WildThongsHeartString · 10/08/2013 10:20

You can buy a big set of assorted size bags from Costco online, (bit dearer but dont need membership card)we are still using the bags we bought 5 years ago

LaBelleDameSansPatience · 10/08/2013 22:06

Mine (John Lewis !) seem to re-inflate rather quickly.

mackerella · 11/08/2013 07:57

We use these loads, mainly for baby/maternity clothes, nappies and bedding. I get them in packs of 3 or 6 from Argos - not sure what brand they are but they've held up very well. I've just unpacked all of DS's clothes and nappies for newborn DD and the bags had all held their vacuum 2+ years after they were packed. (Just as well as we could have had a nasty underbed explosion Shock.) The clothes smelt a bit "stale" but not musty or mouldy, and a quick wash/airing got rid of any plasticky smells. Despite being folded before packing, everything was very creased after being stored for so long - fine for cotton baby clothes but I wouldn't want to store anything too vulnerable like that. They're a brilliant invention, though!

nobodysfool · 11/08/2013 08:00

I use these for camping to transport duvets and pillows etc Smile

queenebay · 11/08/2013 08:06

I did this to pack our holiday suitcases

LegArmpits · 11/08/2013 08:09

Morrisons sell really big gusseted snort ones, two for a fiver. They're EXCELLENT.

pureandwise · 12/08/2013 11:32

Can I ask for recommendations for the ones you simply roll up to expel the air please? I was thinking that you don't always have a vacuum cleaner at the other end of a holiday, or of course camping, to pack things up again. Has anyone used these and if so, what brands do you recommend?

owlface · 14/08/2013 20:37

Bump as I'd like to know too!

nobodysfool · 23/08/2013 09:35

Pureandwise - I use a vacuum at home then an electric put set to suck when on the campsite. Works pretty good Wink

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