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Can anyone recommend which brand of vacuum storage bag?

34 replies

follygirl · 11/01/2011 17:18

I am on a mission to de-clutter and sort out my storage. I am thinking of buying some storage bags which are compressed by sucking the air out.
Can you recommend any good brands? Preferably something I can buy online.



This thread is a bit old now, but if you've landed here looking for recommendations, we've recently updated our best vacuum storage bags buyers guide, featuring lots of products, as tried, tested and recommended by Mumsnet users.

We hope you find this useful. Flowers


OP posts:
blowbroth · 12/01/2011 15:03

I got these at Argos. Not online I know but really good value , they are up in my loft now full of all my size 22 clothes that I used to wear before I lost 5 stone!
Anyway, I can recommend them and they're great value!

moragdingdongbellingham · 13/01/2011 13:12

I've tried 2 different brands and am disappinted with both.
One of each brand expanded numerous times (and with differing amounts of stuff in them). I bought a big one to store a spare duvet in and stored it in conveniently small space. It expanded and I had to rip the bag to remove it. The others just expanded so it's like a normal bag.

follygirl · 13/01/2011 22:40

Thanks for the recommendation blowbroth and well done for losing that much weight!

OP posts:
blowbroth · 14/01/2011 19:23

Thank you follygirl!

julie33 · 02/02/2011 21:36

I found some really reliable vacuum storage bags, and they come with a 5 year guarantee - I bought them from

julie33 · 02/02/2011 21:38

Just copy and paste this whole web address to go to the full range of vacuum storage bags

prettybusymummy · 13/08/2011 20:39

Hi everyone, thought i would let everyone know i got some from // and they were really good, they store all my first childs clothes and seasonal.

Fluffycloudland77 · 13/08/2011 21:26

I have the argos ones, jumbo and large and they work really well.

Donna1212 · 30/01/2013 17:38

I got the large ones from here and I've managed to get SO many baby clothes, blankets etc. all stored away if/when the next little one appears :) They seem to be holding up OK after about 4 weeks so promising I guess

vacuum storage bags

starfishmummy · 30/01/2013 22:09

I have cheap ones from poundstretcher and B&M bargains and some expensive ones (can't remember where from). The cheap ones are better! The pricey ones let the air back in.

armagh · 01/02/2013 21:07

So some people get them to work. Wow!! Am fed up with the ones i got. Waste of money. Think they were JML

deebelle · 25/02/2013 17:14

Argos seems rated on top of the lists. Get one and better try it for yourself at home.

EvaJames · 20/06/2013 12:44

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daisyfraser · 19/09/2013 11:53

Just to check - this outfit called scatty squirrel -did anyone actually get goods from them, or did they just take your money?

All seems a very odd set up - was told vacuum bags were sent out but they never arrived. A replacement set was offered with 50 points added to my account - I don't have an account with them.
I have been offered a full refund but we'll see if that occurs.

The previous mention on this thread by Julie33 looks like an ad to be honest
Just wish to mention so others aware.
If I'm wrong then sorry

Janey78 · 19/09/2013 12:51

I bought some from they were great. I manged to get all my little boys outgrown clothes stored away under his bed ready for when we hopefully have another little one in the future :)

hollyisalovelyname · 21/09/2013 21:57

JML- the only ones that have worked for me. I threw all the others out- a waste of space- excuse pun

mumof4ok · 02/10/2013 16:03

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coffeemum79 · 03/10/2013 14:41

These can be a bit hit and miss. I purchased a few of the packmate ones and they are doing a sterling job so far. I got mine here

LindaMcCartneySausage · 03/10/2013 14:46

I've bought them in the past from John Lewis. They always reinflated. Disappointing, but such a good idea in principle. I prefer using plastic crates and sealing them with tape.

coffeemum79 · 03/10/2013 14:51

when they work they really are amazing. A full size duvet packs down to next to nothing!

coffeemumm79 · 16/07/2014 10:20

sorry to revive this "zombie thread" (!) but I have found a site that sells these for considerably less than the one I last posted -

They are even cheaper than amazon and also have free delivery which is always a plus.

darleydame · 14/09/2014 14:46

great link coffeemumm79 but I end up on a page about geese!

BlueFlowers88 · 23/09/2014 15:26

Works for me! No geese in sight. Good spot coffeemumm79 Thanks


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Florence2701 · 17/06/2015 13:17

The Holding Company vacuum storage bags are useless. Paid £9.50 just to try out the bags before ordering a large hanging one. Just as well I did because the bags I purchased are rubbish. First time I used they inflated within about five minutes. So I had the idea to try again, this time by putting Gaffa Tape over the zip end in the hope of a better seal. Once again it inflated after five minutes. I am going to write to them and will let you know IF I get an answer.

michaela09 · 15/03/2016 05:27

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