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Totter and Tumble playmats

25 replies

FromWalesAndBackAgain · 27/01/2023 21:09

Does anyone personally recommend the totter and tumble play mats? Thinking of getting one for our extension that I’m going to make into a play area for our DS (who is 1 in March) I have been selling his old clothes on Vinted to save up a pot for it and almost there. However, I was reading reviews on John Lewis and it seems to be a mix of people saying they love them and others saying crumbs stick in the texture and they stain very easily, and they looked well worn and in poor condition after 6 months. Im happy to pay the price tag for then but at that price would want it to last much longer than 6 months. Thanks for any advice

OP posts:
Lmgify · 27/01/2023 21:11

I’ve had mine for a year and a half, it’s fab. Much cleaner than the kids playing on the rug. I wipe it with some Milton every now and then

LillyLeaf · 27/01/2023 21:12

Ours still looks great. Had it for nearly 2 years and was in a high traffic area. They are pricey but worth it. No regrets.

Andthebaby33 · 27/01/2023 21:13

I love ours. It’s so thick and soft for kids to play and adults to sit on the floor without a numb bum! No issues so far and we’ve had it 2 years.

LikeTheFruit · 27/01/2023 21:15

Love ours. Had it since June 2020 and looks brand new still. Easy to clean. Great to sit on and play with baby toddler. Fab when they're learning to crawl/roll/walk as so soft.

Nightmanagerfan · 27/01/2023 21:16

We've got two in high traffic areas and they're still going strong after 4 years. Really comfy and warm and easy to clean!

8DPWoah · 27/01/2023 21:17

I looked at one to do a similar job but just couldn't justify the cost, so I got some of the interlocking EVA type foam mats from Argos. The colours are a bit garish but they are warm to sit on, comfortable and for £25 I'm not going to worry if the odd one gets knackered and needs chucking away. Aldi did some pastel ones a couple of years ago and I keep my eye out for those as they were much nicer colours!

Passanotherjaffacake · 27/01/2023 21:20

Mine is munchkin and bear but similar thing. - the lighter colour looks dirty over time and tbh I find the grooves a huge pain to clean with a dog wandering over them (yes we wipe his paws and keep him clean but he is a dog and they find muck somewhere!). Also one side stained with yellow cornflour paint. Had it for 3 years. So decent buy but not perfect.

SalviaOfficinalis · 27/01/2023 21:21

I love ours, wouldn’t be without it. Really nice and comfy to sit on and looks lovely.

I can see what people mean about crumbs but I hoover ours and they come out fine.

december2020 · 27/01/2023 21:24

Had ours about 2 years and it's still going strong.
DS loves it and every adult who's sat on it has been shocked on how comfortable it is.

Definitely recommend.

FromWalesAndBackAgain · 27/01/2023 21:24

Thanks everyone for the responses! We have a dog too (should have mentioned this) but she is only a small cockerpoo and doesn’t really go in the area we would have it much. Glad to hear most people with the totter and tumble rug find they have had good wear with it, it’s never going to last for ever ❤️

OP posts:
december2020 · 27/01/2023 21:43

If it helps at all, we have a bigger dog and the mat has been perfectly fine.

Though our dog doesn't chew - so the mat has been safe from that.

ebonylion · 27/01/2023 21:46

Weirdest thing I just got one this week
Now let me read your post

ebonylion · 27/01/2023 21:48

FromWalesAndBackAgain · 27/01/2023 21:09

Does anyone personally recommend the totter and tumble play mats? Thinking of getting one for our extension that I’m going to make into a play area for our DS (who is 1 in March) I have been selling his old clothes on Vinted to save up a pot for it and almost there. However, I was reading reviews on John Lewis and it seems to be a mix of people saying they love them and others saying crumbs stick in the texture and they stain very easily, and they looked well worn and in poor condition after 6 months. Im happy to pay the price tag for then but at that price would want it to last much longer than 6 months. Thanks for any advice

Got ours this week
For third child. Wish I got for first
Thicker and better then a rug if you have anything other then carpet down.
I have bought and replaced 6 rugs each at least 2mt long over almost 7 years
My mat arrived this week so so thick
I wish I got it earlier
Baby stopped moaning

Cococomellonn · 27/01/2023 21:54

We have had ours about 8 months. It is not a light colour but I don't think it would stain that easily if you wipe it quickly if anything that would stain eg bolognese or curry: crumbs - I haven't had a problem with that at all. It's comfortable to sit on and easy to keep clean and looks nice.

I had the foam interlocking mats before that and they're not nearly as useful because the grooves mean crumbs, bits and liquid can go through the gaps.

I recommend. We've got the biggest size.

FromWalesAndBackAgain · 27/01/2023 21:56

Our dog doesn’t chew either - she is generally not destructive 😅

That’s great - it is an extension on our kitchen so wanted something stylish as will be on view a lot and something that will save my knees. We currently have the ubiquitous La redoute Berber rug in there but it is not kind to the knees and is shaggy so a nightmare to clean

OP posts:
EmmBeeOhDee · 27/01/2023 22:14

One of our best buys & we've had it three years. Also great for exercising on!

Kentlassie · 27/01/2023 22:15

We’ve had ours 3 years and still looks good.

1Wanda1 · 27/01/2023 23:17

We've had one since DD was 4 months. She'll be 4 years old this weekend and it's been the best thing ever in terms of "cost per wear". Think it cost about £150. Really thick and good quality. Basically acts as a rug in our living room still. She does gymnastics on it now and I do my exercise vids on it. She. She was a baby she played on it. Definitely recommend.

1Wanda1 · 27/01/2023 23:18

*when she was a baby she played on it.

FromWalesAndBackAgain · 28/01/2023 03:47

Thanks everyone - excited to get one now!!

OP posts:
Cococomellonn · 28/01/2023 09:15

Ah yes I do my at home workouts on it too!

Knowe · 30/01/2023 10:12

Maybe I've been really unlucky, but I bought one last year for our snug/playroom and it's been impossible to clean. Dirt gets trapped in the texture of the mat and you can't remove it. I've followed all the cleaning steps according to Totter and Tumble's advice (mild dish detergent, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar) and nothing gets the stains out. They actually say you shouldn't vacuum it either which is pretty impractical in a house with young children who will inevitably spill things.
I'm now left with a very unsightly mat which definitely doesn't look stylish so I think I'm going to have to get rid of it! I contacted Totter and Tumble about this and their response has been less than helpful - they would 'encourage me to keep trying to clean it' to see if the stains will lift and try taking it out into the sunlight to see if that helps too (fantastic advice in the middle of winter...) - not the kind of things a busy Mum has time for! I wish I'd seen the John Lewis reviews first before I'd bought it and threw £150 down the drain.

Rosesandteacups · 30/01/2023 11:17

I love ours. Have had it over 3 years and looks new. Actually bought a second and will get plenty more use out of them with baby number 2 on the way but even so my 4 year old still uses it for games/play. It’s my number 1 baby purchase


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willieversleepagain1 · 30/01/2023 11:51

Munchkin and Bear have a sale on until tomorrow with 30% off their large mats, bringing them to less than £100. I’m not sure if they’re better or worse than totter and tumble but just thought I’d mention it. Note that you need to add the item to your basket to get the discount.

willieversleepagain1 · 30/01/2023 11:52

Meant to say up to 30% off some of the mats, not all. The botanical steel blue one for example.

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