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Sani or Ikos

12 replies

Bananas2 · 16/05/2024 17:56

We're looking to go away in April next year (probably the week before Easter) so the weather could be very hit or miss in Greece at that time. We're considering either Sani Beach or Ikos Oceania and was wondering if people had any recommendations on these or why you'd choose one over the other. Sani is approximately £500 cheaper; however, this is full board so will need to account for drinks so likely will be around the same price for the week. For people who have been to either is there much to do with a 7 year old if the weather is not great?

OP posts:
jeaux90 · 16/05/2024 22:52

My advice is to join the Ikos and Sani groups on Facebook they are really really useful.

IcySpritz · 16/05/2024 22:53

Not answering your question directly but we found Olivia better than Oceania (they aren't that far from each other), especially the layout and ambience of the main restaurant and the bars.

FoodieToo · 16/05/2024 23:58

We were in Oceania this Easter . Weather was incredible and the hotel
was amazing . Our third Ikos visit. Have rebooked Oceania for same time next year !
If weather not great there are still free water sports , an indoor games room , bike hire, tennis etc .

jeaux90 · 19/05/2024 16:09

@FoodieToo is there enough at Oceania to keep teens interested?

FoodieToo · 19/05/2024 16:29

I have sport mad teen boys and I think they would love it . I haven't brought them yet as I go to Ikos with friends .
The watersports are great and some are included - canoes , SUP and pedalos . And then all that I have mentioned above. Never mind the no stop food!!!

We normally holiday in places with water parks etc but I think think Oceania would be great for them. Very few teens there at Easter . An in I saw maybe 5 for the whole trip.

Maybe summer is different .

Bananas2 · 19/05/2024 19:16

Thank you all, I spoke to a few people on the Sani Resort Facebook pages and they said it can get quite boring for kids if the weather is bad so we've booked to go to Cyprus this time as the weather is more likely to be dry in April. Hopefully though one day I'll get to go just maybe when the child isn't so whingey about being bored haha

OP posts:
YorkNew · 19/05/2024 22:34

Do check you have heated pools for your Cyprus trip, I went on March and they weren’t usable as were not heated.

Bananas2 · 20/05/2024 09:10

YorkNew · 19/05/2024 22:34

Do check you have heated pools for your Cyprus trip, I went on March and they weren’t usable as were not heated.

I don't think the outside pools are heated (definitely will be too cold for me but the kid probably wont care haha) but the inside one is and we're going to spend some time exploring paphos, eating out and doing a boat trip etc so probably won't be at the hotel too much this time :)

OP posts:
GrumpyMuleFan · 30/06/2024 19:19

@FoodieToo Slightly off topic, but where have you been with your teens? We're looking for October half term and I am going around in online circles....
Would love to hear your recommendations. 😀

FoodieToo · 30/06/2024 20:20

Do you mean AI type places ?? Atlantica Aegean Blue in Rhodes twice, Stella Palace last summer and Barut Hemera in Turkey this year .
Atlantica was good , Stella was very good . Hoping Barut will be the best !!!

Notnowbarnaby · 30/06/2024 20:28

I was swinging between the two and have rebooked for Ikos. The bill at the end of a Sani stay scared me after seeing the drinks prices on the facebook group! Olivia much better than Oceania in my opinion - views from Oceania are amazing but the layout isn't as nice and very hilly.

LonelyBones · 03/07/2024 18:48

Oceania is super super hilly, and a drag if youve forgot your sunglasses in your room, then its a trek up the hill. Do Olivieria instead and you can take one of the Teslas for the day (its free) and spend it at Oceania as a day invite instead if you want to explore it. Its a bit concrete-y too, not as rustic vibes.

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