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If we loved Annecy - where next? (Swimming, kayaking, cycling)

29 replies

HeyDiddleDumplings · 13/09/2023 06:24

Looking for suggestions for summer 2024 (August).

We loved Annecy (stayed on a holiday park) this year for the beautiful views and all the active things we could do so easily. We cycled, canoed, hiked, swam. It was glorious. We drove in our car then went on to the coast. Perfect trip.

We don’t want to repeat the same again next year. But we did love it.

Can anyone recommend somewhere we might like? Particularly for cycling and lake activities. Our DC are still young - 9&7.

We’ve been thinking maybe ferry over to Caen or St Malo and explore that area. Or maybe fly to an island completely different - but that might get pricey with flights, accommodation and car hire.

If you’ve done a more active holiday where did you go?


OP posts:
beeswain · 13/09/2023 06:53

Slovenia, gorgeous lakes, mountains. Lake Bled or Lake Bohinj

PauliesWalnuts · 13/09/2023 07:13

I stayed at this place a few years back - wasn’t with a family, but a group to watch the Tour de France and cycle for a few days. It was a beautiful area, lots to do, and full of French families who spent the day doing all manner of activities. It looked great! The food was amazing, and the owner spoke really good English and was a lovely guy.

Réchastel séjours tout compris Alpes du sud Village vacances La Bréole

Réchastel, propose des séjours en demi-pension et pension complète, dans les Alpes du Sud. Village vacances à la Bréole au bord du Lac Serre-Ponçon.

outdooryone · 13/09/2023 10:30

Massif Central in France - amazing rivers to paddle, great cycling, hills to climb and a proper 'local France' feel with fewer international tourists, great weather.

Southern Germany - amazing cycle infrastructure, great places for swimming, alps next door...

Austria for similar reasons.

3WildOnes · 13/09/2023 10:32

Lake Garda
Lake Constance
Gorges du Verdon

Bubbleandsqueak22 · 13/09/2023 13:59

Camping Le Rive is on the edge of a lake. It’s not as pretty as Annecy, but has all the activities you could want and it’s right next to the coast too.

Riverlee · 13/09/2023 14:09

Love Annecy, was there earlier this year.

What about a Mark Warner or Sunsail holiday?

ItsReallyOnlyMe · 13/09/2023 14:21

Montenegro, specifically Kotor Bay

You wouldn't be able to cycle there - but your other requirements would be met 😊

Ethelswith · 13/09/2023 14:28

Can you stretch to Swiss ££££ prices?

If so, then near Interlaken and the Lauterbrunnen Valley (Jungfrau region). Lots of activities on the lakes, hiking in the Alps, lots of biking possibilities

TokyoSushi · 13/09/2023 14:29

BIL & SIL went to Lake Bled in Slovenia this summer for exactly this type of holiday, they loved it!

Noduckpicsplease · 13/09/2023 14:32

Lake bohinj in Slovenia is perfect for this, also Lakes in the Salzkammergut region of Austria also.
Would love to know the holiday park you went to in Annecy.

Riverlee · 13/09/2023 14:37

Didn’t stay here, but this site has a lovely view.

If we loved Annecy - where next? (Swimming, kayaking, cycling)
If we loved Annecy - where next? (Swimming, kayaking, cycling)
cherryassam · 13/09/2023 14:41

I second/third the Lake Bled suggestions, also Lake Bohinj

Also Lake Constance is a great suggestion

Germany - Titisee

Austria - Attersee, Hallstatt

Croatia - Lake Peruca, Plitvice Lakes (for hiking)

Macedonia - Lake Ohrid

France - Limousin, Mercantour National park, Annecy, Aix Les Bains, Tignes, Combloux, Provence

Italy - Lake Garda

If you’d be happy with sea rather than lake - Sardinia (particularly Porto Conte Regional Park), Corsica, Croatian Islands (Brac comes to mind but there are so many lovely ones!), Menorca

gogomoto · 13/09/2023 14:43

Black Forest Germany is lovely added advantage is europaparc is there too for theme park fun. I stayed in Titisee but there's lots of options

gogomoto · 13/09/2023 14:44

Another option is aviemore in Scotland, has very similar activities

TheClitterati · 13/09/2023 14:46

take a look at BAGNI DI LUCCA area - fly in and out of PISA.
Very popular activity area and super beautiful

Verite1 · 13/09/2023 14:57

Lake Garda. The north if you want more active (Riva del Garda or Torbole). Where did you stay at Lake Annecy - I fancy visiting it

Vickythevan63 · 13/09/2023 19:38


We have been to Annecy twice with our touring caravan and stayed on the site below - they do have lodges to rent as well.

It is one of the few campsites with direct access to the lake, part of the campsite is an inlet for swimming and launching paddleboards etc! It is walking distance from the small town of Saint Jorioz.

Accueil - Camping Le Solitaire du Lac

Séjournez dans un camping intimiste entre lac et montagnes à Saint-Jorioz en Haute-Savoie Saison 2023 Les réservations sont ouvertes ! Joignable par téléphone tous les jours de 9h à midi et de 14h à 17h. La réservation est possible 24h avant le jour d’...

SwingsAndRoundabouts22 · 13/09/2023 19:49

Norway! We had a great summer holiday there just before COVID. Easy for fjord swimming and kayaking, steep hikes and great views, cycle hire and well marked tracks. Flights and campsites were cheap though food expensive.

Also Austria, flying into Innsbruck and easy public transport up to resorts. Lots of kid-friendly adventure trails with obstacles and challenges along the way.

EmmaPaella · 13/09/2023 19:55

Loire Valley/The Ardeche/The Vendee?

missusvontrap · 13/09/2023 19:56

Austria - we had a ball this summer, rafting, lake swimming, walking in the mountains. The food was to die for and the views the same. Gorgeous place!

missusvontrap · 13/09/2023 19:57

Innsbruck and Aachensee very lovely.

lavenderlou · 13/09/2023 20:07

Loire valley? Has the Loire a vélo cycle routes and kayaking on the Loire or smaller rivers. You can't really swim in the Loire itself but the smaller rivers in the area have swimming spots or there are swimming lakes (not quite the same as Lake Annecy though!). Only takes 3 hours or so from St Malo or Caen.

itsgettingweird · 13/09/2023 20:08


Great for cycling and swimming and great for canoeing too.


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HeyDiddleDumplings · 13/09/2023 20:31

Noduckpicsplease · 13/09/2023 14:32

Lake bohinj in Slovenia is perfect for this, also Lakes in the Salzkammergut region of Austria also.
Would love to know the holiday park you went to in Annecy.

Hi, it was Camping La Nubliere. It didn’t have a pool sadly but was lake side, which we loved. I’m not sure how it compares to other places but we all had a great time.

OP posts:
HeyDiddleDumplings · 13/09/2023 20:39

Wow - thanks so much for all the suggestions. Mum sent always comes up trumps with holiday recommendations. Thank you.

Id been looking at Ardeche actually but thought it might be better when my youngest is a couple of years older - maybe 9 rather than 7.

im going to look into all your suggestions. My DH is keen on Italy I think it might too hot in August.

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