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Beach in Netherlands

26 replies

PostladyPat · 03/09/2023 12:52

Hi. Would love to take my three kids to Netherlands. We can get the ferry over from North East. Can anyone recommend a nice place there very close to a beach? Is there a Euro camp on a beach? Kids are under 13. Youngest is 8. Thank you

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PostladyPat · 03/09/2023 12:53

Meant to say budget is about £1800 for a week

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blessedarethequichemakers · 03/09/2023 13:03

There's a eurocamp place at Kijkduin.

For quieter, take another ferry to Texel or the islands in the north.

Parker231 · 03/09/2023 13:07

My parents live in Belgium and spend the spring and summer at Knokke-Heist on the Belgian Coast. Lovely coastline of beach, lots to do and places to stay.

PostladyPat · 03/09/2023 13:07

blessedarethequichemakers · 03/09/2023 13:03

There's a eurocamp place at Kijkduin.

For quieter, take another ferry to Texel or the islands in the north.

Oh lovely thank you

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PostladyPat · 03/09/2023 13:07

This is excellent thank you

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PostladyPat · 03/09/2023 13:08

Parker231 · 03/09/2023 13:07

My parents live in Belgium and spend the spring and summer at Knokke-Heist on the Belgian Coast. Lovely coastline of beach, lots to do and places to stay.

Oh hadn't considered that far thank you!

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Digestive28 · 03/09/2023 13:08

Look at Zeeland area. Loads of beaches, if on ferry maybe take your bikes or hire some? Lots of good Dutch campsites similar to Eurocamp but not actually Eurocamp so maybe worth widening the search a little

blessedarethequichemakers · 03/09/2023 13:58

Dutch campsites are great. We stayed at this one a few years ago. Not on beach but people swam in the river. Kids put up notices at the toilet block if they want to make friends, things like 'rounders on the big field at 7 or meet at pitch xx for a story'. They all run free around the site on bikes and have a fab time.

Movinghouseatlast · 03/09/2023 14:01

The beach at Den Hague is amazing long and sandy, lots of beach bars. I was shocked!

DiDonk · 03/09/2023 14:22

Zeeland is quite nice, Middelburg too, the Hague does have beach activities and a city nearby.

We have done them all as family holidays and had fun too but really the Dutch coast isn't a patch on France, Italy, Spain or the UK.

It's mostly ugly and overdeveloped, weather very variable and eating out is expensive compared to other EU countries.

It is easy to get by with speaking English though and the cities are well worth visiting if/when it rains!

CloudPop · 03/09/2023 14:41

Domburg is absolutely lovely

PostladyPat · 03/09/2023 15:02

Thank you all

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Riverlee · 03/09/2023 15:05

Duinrell is a mumsnet favourite. I have friends who go there every year.

Its close to a lovely sandy beach, not too far from Amsterdam and has a good pool complex and small theme park adjacent to it, which when we went, we had free access to (used to go first thing and later to avoid the crowds).

Riverlee · 03/09/2023 15:06
I’ve posted the Eurocamp link, but all the major companies have bases there so it’s worth looking around.

Riverlee · 03/09/2023 15:07

Also consider the Dutch Center Parcs. They’re cheaper than the UK ones.

Whatsthepoint1234 · 03/09/2023 15:39

As a Dutch person I say avoid Zeeland and anywhere around the Randstad (Amsterdam, Den Hague, Rotterdam etc) - I love Friesland as it has great beaches (better than Zeeland) and Leeuwarden is a nice city. You can also visit Groningen nearby and the Frisian islands are lovely. Much more greenery and less full of British hen parties etc so better for children.

PostladyPat · 03/09/2023 17:06

Thank you what a great response all

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weebarra · 03/09/2023 17:11

Not beachy, but as well as Duinrell, we're just back from here:

Gelderland is a lovely area.

Needapadlockonmyfridge · 03/09/2023 17:14

weebarra · 03/09/2023 17:11

Not beachy, but as well as Duinrell, we're just back from here:

Gelderland is a lovely area.

^^ That's a lovely site, and the lake nearby is super.

I would also suggest looking at the Belgian coast.

oishidesne · 03/09/2023 17:43

I second whoever said Domburg. Zeeland is a bit dull... domburg has a great atmosphere.

We used to live in Europe

StamppotAndGravy · 03/09/2023 17:59

If you go to Terschelling island it's mostly Dutch and German tourists. It's a bit more natural than on the mainland. There's a large nature park and it's a dark reserve so you can see the stars. The sea isn't much good for swimming because the waves are too big, but there are lifeguards and it's shallow so it's brilliant for wave jumping. do tent hire packages, so you get a complete tent with beds, chairs, cooking equipment, plates, and stove all set up at a campsite of your choice. You still have to book the campsite and bring a sleeping bag, but it saves so much faff!

MissAmbrosia · 03/09/2023 22:01

Have a look at - they have some fab beach hut type accommodation. Duinrell is great. Loads of beach clubs etc at Scheveningen.


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LondonMummer · 03/09/2023 22:25

I blog about the Netherlands for families. These are some of our favourite beach pavilions

PostladyPat · 04/09/2023 07:01

Thank you these are all really helpful. Smile

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