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Advise me about cruises please !

24 replies

Snowdropsarelovely · 30/08/2023 16:47

So we have never been on a cruise, but I am wondering about it for next summer – two adults and a 16-year-old. Ideally want things on board that 16-year-old would enjoy. Does anyone have any suggestions about which cruise lines to look at? At all seem so confusing! Probably Mediterranean- definitely somewhere sunny and with flights included in the package. Thanks for any suggestions

OP posts:
CraftyGin · 30/08/2023 16:50

We've done many Marella (Tui/Thomson) cruises. Once you have the bug there is no going back. When we went with teens, they loved them.

Marella is good because it is an all in one package with flights included.

The medium sized ships means they can fit in more ports without using tenders, and tend to have longer times in port.

GoodnightJude1 · 30/08/2023 16:51

We’ve done about 6 P&O cruises now. With and without DC.
It depends what ur DC enjoys? If they like swimming, sunbathing, exploring when you get off the ship then they’ll be happy.
Always plenty of food for teens…that was a plus for my DS as he’s permanently hungry!

The entertainment is usually really good and we’ve always enjoyed them!

P&O have always included flights too so makes booking pretty straightforward.

Snowdropsarelovely · 30/08/2023 16:53

Thank you both – that definitely gives me a starting point. Teen would like pools, slides, activities, such as minigolf, fitness classes, and definitely any theatre type shows which some cruises seem to have in the evening?

OP posts:
GoodnightJude1 · 30/08/2023 16:53

We’ve done 4 of our 6 cruises from Valletta (Malta) and I’ve fallen in love with the place. Next one is Valletta and then around the Greek Islands…can’t wait!

GoodnightJude1 · 30/08/2023 16:55

Definitely give P&O a look. We’ve never been disappointed yet!

Sirzy · 30/08/2023 16:55

For what your teen is interest in something like royal Caribbean may be best.

Budgiegirlbob · 30/08/2023 17:09

The bigger ships with Norwegian or Royal Caribbean are best for teens who like water slides, rope courses etc. Most will have gyms/fitness classes, but check the age for this - I think 16 is ok, but double check if it’s very important to your DD They also have teen clubs which is a great way to meet other teens.

We’ve done a couple of cruises with Norwegian with our teens, and they absolutely loved it. So much to do on board- although their favourite was shuffleboard !!
They never even made it to the teen club.

Fairyliz · 30/08/2023 17:25

Royal Caribbean for teens, mine loved it.

CurlewKate · 30/08/2023 17:37

There's a TicToc er called Emma Cruises that has loads of interesting information about companies and ships... I'm kind of addicted to her!

OhhhhhhhhBiscuits · 30/08/2023 17:56

Royal Carribean for that age. One of the newer ships with all the slides, ice skating, dodgems etc.........

Norwegian come a close second but at 16 I would avoid princess, cunard, p&o, celebrity. Princess and p&o are fabulous for younger ages with the kids clubs but not enough activities for 16 year olds in my opinion.

Jokesadooooo · 30/08/2023 18:58

Royal Caribbean would be my recommendation. I am sorry, don’t flame me but we found Marella to be Blackpool at sea. I’d say P&O wouldn’t be right for a 16 year old depending on the child.

Pootle40 · 30/08/2023 22:50

Sirzy · 30/08/2023 16:55

For what your teen is interest in something like royal Caribbean may be best.

This. Royal Caribbean or NCL best for teens

Snowdropsarelovely · 02/09/2023 19:15

Thanks all, I like the look of many of the Royal Caribbean cruises. I haven't got as far as booking, but do you book the flight as part of the package? I would much rather do that in case there is any problem with the flights. Also, I can't see anything about tips? Is that included or will that be an additional daily fee? Thanks

OP posts:
OhhhhhhhhBiscuits · 02/09/2023 19:40

Snowdropsarelovely · 02/09/2023 19:15

Thanks all, I like the look of many of the Royal Caribbean cruises. I haven't got as far as booking, but do you book the flight as part of the package? I would much rather do that in case there is any problem with the flights. Also, I can't see anything about tips? Is that included or will that be an additional daily fee? Thanks

On P&O flights and Tips are included. On Royal Carribean they will be additional.

Budgiegirlbob · 03/09/2023 08:32

Some travel companies might do a package including flights, but I’ve always booked separately as it usually works out cheaper.
Always aim to fly at least a day or two before the cruise, as the ship won’t wait for you, even if flights were included.
And get good travel insurance that covers cruises - if you are unlucky and get need medical assistance on the cruise, the costs for this are very high.

Budgiegirlbob · 03/09/2023 08:36

Also check what extras are included, and what will cost extra. Some cruise lines include a drinks package, specialty restaurants, wi-fi etc, some charge extra for these. Drinks in particular can really add up.

Jokesadooooo · 03/09/2023 08:48

Snowdropsarelovely · 02/09/2023 19:15

Thanks all, I like the look of many of the Royal Caribbean cruises. I haven't got as far as booking, but do you book the flight as part of the package? I would much rather do that in case there is any problem with the flights. Also, I can't see anything about tips? Is that included or will that be an additional daily fee? Thanks

Personally, I’d speak to cruise angents and see if they can package what you need together. Always, always fly in the day before you sail.

CruiseOver · 03/09/2023 09:01

We have done Royal Caribbean and MSC with our teens and have had the best holidays on both.

MSC is considerably cheaper, the new ships are absolutely stunning and the entertainment amazing. We hardly saw our teens during the 2 weeks, except for dinner and port days!

I am trying to find a holiday that compares so well for next year, but really struggling.

CruiseOver · 03/09/2023 09:05

Our cruises have all been out of Southampton, which was a breeze.

TiredandLate · 03/09/2023 09:13

We did a med cruise on MSC Seaview this summer and loved the ship. Very new, modern, clean and tons to do. I hate being closed in and this ship had a lot of outside space, most bars had indoor and outdoor areas, and the main buffet had outside seating so we ate outside most of the time. We booked our own flights with a good buffer in case of delays and had a brilliant holiday.

I'm looking at Tui or MSC again for next year, but willing to try any of the main lines.

Snowdropsarelovely · 03/09/2023 10:22

Thanks for all the help I'm getting on this thread – it's much appreciated and is giving me plenty to research !

OP posts:
iamthattree · 03/09/2023 10:55

I did a p&o with young teens this year. It was ok - they were too young for the gym (14 supervised on cardio and they are 13 and the staff checked!).

The pools were like toddler soup unless you got up early, we had bad weather so stuff like the cinema was very full and the sports deck had to close a couple of days. They did like the hot tubs though and when they could get on it stuff like shuffle board and table tennis.

Evenings were fine though although mine are not great joiners in so I think more was around.

YaWeeFurryBastard · 03/09/2023 16:36

My take on it:

Marella - like butlins at sea, feels a lot more downmarket than other lines
P&O - very British, quite stiff and formal and attracts a lot of older brits, food not great, not much fun for teens

I think your best bet is NCL/Royal Caribbean or Disney if your kids are into that. NCL/RCL have loads to do for teens and they’ll absolutely love it. Food and drinks we’ve found to be really good on these lines as well.


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Sisterpita · 03/09/2023 17:01

Definitely Royal Caribbean with a 16 year old.

A really good website for info is cruise critic, they have a forum for each cruise line. They can answer about tips etc.

The FAQs on the cruise websites are also useful.

Advice for booking, have the deck plan available when you book. Aim for a cabin with cabins on 5 sides - above, below, either side and other side of the corridor. Think about where the stairs/lifts are in relation to the cabin and where you are likely to spend time. I like between the front and centre lifts where I can get to and from the theatre and the pool. Others may want to be rear near the buffet.

Once you have narrowed it down go on YouTube. There are loads of videos doing walks round the shops, showing cabins etc.

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