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Amsterdam with Kids

34 replies

mikado1 · 07/06/2023 06:55

Following the v helpful Paris with kids thread, would anyone have particular recommendations for Amsterdam? Children will be 11 and 8. Thanks!

OP posts:
Fleurdebleurgh · 07/06/2023 07:03

Nemo science museum is a must

TheBitchOfTheVicar · 07/06/2023 07:04

I came on here to say Nemo! It's excellent

Fivemoreminutes1 · 07/06/2023 07:37

A’dam Lookout
Body Worlds
Moco Museum
This Is Holland

Happy Pig Pancake Shop
The Pantry
La Zoccola pizzeria 

Whenwillglorioussummercome · 07/06/2023 07:38

Amsterdam is the home of the escape room. We did a great one there.

StarchySturgess1 · 07/06/2023 10:19

Theres a Tony's Chocolonely factory and cafe close to the train station, you can make a personalised bar of chocolate which is quite cute.

I don't know how long you're there but if you can spare a day, get the train to Delft, it's only about 40 mins and Delft is perfect to take kids. Quieter, lots of easy access non jam packed shops, cafes and food stops are great, good outside spaces dotted about. Really recommend it if you can fit it in.

Padamae · 07/06/2023 18:58

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MamaNell · 07/06/2023 19:01

I did this trip in March with a 13 and 10 year old. So much fun, Amsterdam is great for kids.
There Anne Frank museum is incredibly moving and it was an amazing experience. As was the late night walk (10ish) as it feels so safe and the canals are so beautiful. The food street market was another highlight

mikado1 · 07/06/2023 22:13

Great all sounds super, thank you. Not going until second half of July. We won't fit in Delft I'd say as we have 3 nights on a houseboat mid interrailing trip!

OP posts:
LondonMummer · 07/06/2023 22:52

I'm an Amsterdam family blogger. These posts (and others) on my blog will give you a load of ideas. Let me know if I can help with anything (my husband is Dutch but we live in the UK and head over there extremely often)

queenofthewild · 08/06/2023 07:50

If they are into football the Ajax arena tour is brilliant.

Zandvoort aan Zee is a beautiful beach only 30 minutes by train from Amsterdam. If it's a sunny day it's a lovely trip to take.

pharmachameleon · 08/06/2023 08:19

I really fancy Amsterdam with my DS but worried about him seeing near naked women in the red light district. Is it easy to avoid this area?

MsPussinBoots · 08/06/2023 08:25

The Wondr experience is fab and I'd definitely recommend the zoo.

Whenwillglorioussummercome · 08/06/2023 09:38

pharmachameleon · 08/06/2023 08:19

I really fancy Amsterdam with my DS but worried about him seeing near naked women in the red light district. Is it easy to avoid this area?

Yes. I spent three days there and never went near it. It's a relatively small bit of the city. I gather too that it's been reeled in a bit too, so not as explicit as it used to be when walking around.

pharmachameleon · 08/06/2023 11:49

@Whenwillglorioussummercome great to know thanks

mikado1 · 09/06/2023 19:27

LondonMummer · 07/06/2023 22:52

I'm an Amsterdam family blogger. These posts (and others) on my blog will give you a load of ideas. Let me know if I can help with anything (my husband is Dutch but we live in the UK and head over there extremely often)

That's fantastic. Thank you so much!

My biggest worry I think is that so much seems to be book in advance, it just feels stressful to have everything decided on and sorted before we go.

You must know us queenofthewild, they're highly excited at your Ajax suggestion, will book!

OP posts:
mikado1 · 09/06/2023 19:28

Thanks everyone, taking note of all!

OP posts:
LondonMummer · 09/06/2023 19:34

@mikado1 Don't worry. Not everything needs booking but best to know what does.
We are a huge Ajax family. Even though we live in London we have three season tickets there and my husband used to do stadium tours. Your kids will love it.
Go again another time and book them onto Ajax Camps and Clinics to train with the academy. There are week long camps in Summer (probably fully booked) or day clinics in other holidays. My kids ADORE this

mikado1 · 09/06/2023 19:35

Oh wow!!! That sounds incredible. Definitely putting that on the bucket list!!

OP posts:
LondonMummer · 09/06/2023 19:36
LondonMummer · 09/06/2023 19:36
BeanCalledPickle · 10/06/2023 16:47

Day trips. We went out to the windmills and Edam / volendam with tickets and tours and it was ace. Nemo amazing. Pancake bakery a must. The rjiksmuseum does a treasure hunt which they enjoyed. Probably the best city I’ve visited with kids!

Philandbill · 10/06/2023 17:10

As others have said Nemo is great. The roof terrace there has great views. We were there about eight years ago, so quite a while, but I remember a water feature that my DC loved and splashed about in so I was glad I had a change of clothes for them as they were very wet. We liked the zoo as it's not too large. We stayed on a houseboat and one of their fun memories from the holiday is feeding ducks through the windows. Amsterdam is great for kids, very easy to avoid the unsuitable for them areas.

LiquoriceAllsorts2 · 10/06/2023 19:48

pharmachameleon · 08/06/2023 08:19

I really fancy Amsterdam with my DS but worried about him seeing near naked women in the red light district. Is it easy to avoid this area?

Yes, it’s just a small area and very easily avoided.


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fussychica · 10/06/2023 20:28

Red light district easily avoid, the smell of weed not so much!

worktired · 10/06/2023 20:32

Any recommendations for family friendly places to stay in/near the centre of Amsterdam?

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