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What to take on caravan holiday with toddler?

23 replies

MoreCheesecakeNow · 16/05/2023 21:41

So far my list consists of:

Travel bed guard
Inflatable bathtub/mini paddling pool
Lots of snacks for the train
Sun hat
Swim nappies
Mix of warmer and summer clothes
Easy folding pushchair
Blackout blinds

We will be going for a week, is there anything I could have missed?
Any suggestions?

OP posts:
Hellocatshome · 16/05/2023 21:42

A ball you always need a ball.

Icedlatteplease · 16/05/2023 21:42

Folding holdall you can scoop all the extra bits lying around into when it comes to going home

Bigglebiggle · 16/05/2023 21:44

Toys / colouring for when your in the caravan.

Bigglebiggle · 16/05/2023 21:45

And lots of clothing. Ignore the weather forecast and take clothes for all weather's. Shorts, t - shirts, jumper, big coats, light jackets, water proofs, standard pj's, thick pj's. However many items of clothing you think you need, double it.

Thesunwillcomeoutverysoon · 16/05/2023 21:46

Flannel to block the shower drain and make a mini bath for a manky toddler...

Upanddownthemerrygoround · 16/05/2023 21:47

Are you going by train? If driving I swear by those collapsible crates to pack things in, can be used for all sorts when you’re there.
decathlon does a tiny paddling pool that fits nicely in the case of a shower on a caravan holiday.
dettol wipes
nappy bags. I always forget nappy bags.
washing powder.
a small bag of toys. For us that might have been a matching game, 5-6 books, some toy cars, a stacking game, some colouring pencils and paper, a few duplo blocks… (all depending on age).
swim stuff if there’s a pool, splash park or anything similar. Swim shoes.
clothes pegs.
sharp knife.

Ellemeg82 · 16/05/2023 21:47

Insect bite cream - lots of knats around!
Arm bands.
Toddler plastic plates/cutlery
Antibac wipes - so you can wipe surfaces down.
Washing up liquid - to wash up toddler drinking bottles, cups, plates etc.

I'm glad you have blackout blinds on your list. We went to Havens one year in a caravan and I resorted to bin bags and towels on the windows as the curtains were paper thin and my then 2yo was waking up at 4am Confused

kessiebird · 16/05/2023 21:52

Nightlight of they have one at home, we always took one to hang on the travel cot.
Childrens medicine kit so calpol, thermometer, plasters what ever else you use regularly.
Wipes or wash cloth
Bedtime story book
Favourite soft toy
Cutlery and plate if they have plastic ones.
Water bottle

I used to make lists under the headings off getting dressed. sleeping, eating, playing and toliletries / medicine.

Treasureboxkey · 16/05/2023 21:56

Check the size of the windows in the caravan that you have booked (Do you have pics?) You might find that they are too small for the portable blackout blinds. Of they don't have enough to stick to the fall off.
If so, a roll of solver foil and a water spray. Wet the windows and the foil will stick. It works nicely to keep out light.

Body warmer is always good
Those big flexible buckets are great for transporting things/ storing shoes and make a great toddler bath.
Toddler cups, bowls etc
We always take DS's scuttlebug with us

Wine and gin

Treasureboxkey · 16/05/2023 21:56

Sorry. There are so many typos in there.

Beenhereageskeepchangingname · 16/05/2023 21:57


wineandsun · 16/05/2023 21:59

Bucket and spade so they can dig...anything

Treasureboxkey · 16/05/2023 22:02

My kids live in those SPF suits when it's hot.

PrincessesRUs · 16/05/2023 22:24

Nb the disposable swim nappies are reusable (unless they've been pooed in) either rinse, wring out and dry or you can put them in a washing machine (I've even put them in the tumble by mistake and they've been fine). Just thinking about cutting down on luggage - I only take 2-3 on holiday and reuse over and over.

Itsgottobebetter · 16/05/2023 22:38

If it’s going to be sunny a small inflatable paddling pool. You can then relax outside your caravan without dragging everyone down to the pool.

whereaw · 16/05/2023 22:41

Sound machine!!! Grin

MoreCheesecakeNow · 18/05/2023 06:57

Thank you for all the suggestions. They've made their way onto my list.

OP posts:
Superfrog3 · 18/05/2023 07:06

If your going by train, I think the list you have is good. You can normally get toiletries/ washing up liquid ect at a local shop ( try to not use the caravan site one if you don't want to remortgage) to save dragging it around with all your stuff on and off trains. I would take a bottle of calpol and thermometer just in case.

Have the best time 😁

Sometherusername · 18/05/2023 07:13

Baby monitor?
Blow up ring for the pool
Colouring/stickers/games/books (things to do in the caravan if it's raining)
Wellies and waterproofs
Check what they do/don't provide e.g. tea towels, bin bags (always forget these!), Washing up sponge and liquid, soap and shampoo

FusionChefGeoff · 18/05/2023 07:21

Balloons!! Take up no space but give endless hours of entertainment

CeeJay81 · 18/05/2023 07:30

It's not something to bring but if your going by train to a caravan site book a tesco or asda delivery slot and get shopping delivered. The onsite shop is often expensive and has limited choice. We always do this when we go to Haven.

SkankingWombat · 18/05/2023 07:48

I like the scuttle bug idea upthread. We always take something with wheels, which was a scooter when they were little and still now when needing to pack lighter (with the luxury of space, we take their bikes).

Definitely a ball. It doesn't have to be large. We have a small knobbly one from Decathlon that gets used in the pool too (obviously we make sure it's clean first).

Is there a pool? Maybe one or two little floaty/sinker pool toys.

I would buy a couple of new Hot Wheels/My Little Ponies/whatever they're into. You want to pack light, so I'd use the novelty of something new to offset the lack of choice and variety. We camp quite often, and have toys that are stored in the trailer. DCs only get to play with them whilst we're away, so they always hold their attention for a long time.
Neither of mine were much into colouring at that age, but they loved a sticker or scissor skills book.

Crocs are great for toddlers when camping. Easy on, quick drying, sand is easily removed, etc etc.

SkankingWombat · 18/05/2023 07:54

I've just spotted someone else recommended a sharp knife - definitely this! They are always blunt in hired vans. I usually take my own bread knife too, rolled up safely in a couple of tea towels. I also bring a thin lightweight chopping board, as the vans always have the glass ones (no wonder their knives are blunt!).


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