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City break with teens - Amsterdam, Barcelona or Berlin?

48 replies

PoloMintPatty · 05/03/2023 08:48

Just as the title says really.

We are thinking of 4 or 5 days in a European city with our teens (13 & 16). Where would you go?

I am googling and each city has things to do but I'm interested if anyone has been with their teens and would specifically recommend.

We have been to Rome and absolutely loved it so maybe that's raised our bar too much.

OP posts:
Lordofmyflies · 05/03/2023 08:52

My teens loved Berlin - there are some great museums, history, boat trip down the river, lovely parks and a cool urban feel to the place.
Barcelona was also a hit but there wasn't quite as much to do and more of a beach vibe.

PoloMintPatty · 05/03/2023 09:04

Lordofmyflies · 05/03/2023 08:52

My teens loved Berlin - there are some great museums, history, boat trip down the river, lovely parks and a cool urban feel to the place.
Barcelona was also a hit but there wasn't quite as much to do and more of a beach vibe.

Thank you! Berlin has been my gut feel so far.

Beach vibe is good but due to some health issues we wouldn't be sun bathing so it's good to know if that's one of the draws of Barcelona!

OP posts:
Nolosomi · 05/03/2023 09:50

Barcelona would be my choice, been there with my kids, it’s awesome. Great things to do & see, great food, easy to get to from airport! My teen daughter has been to all your mentioned places and is going back to Barcelona in May with her boyfriend. It’s not a beach vibe unless you are near the beach. There is tons of culture, The Picasso museum is incredible, the architecture stunning and many tours around some amazing Gaudi buildings - there is Park Guell. There are funiculars, cable cars, and good shops (Sephora is the best imo!). It’s a fun, vibrant place.

ChungusBoi · 05/03/2023 09:56

Any of these would be a good choice with teens. At those ages they may have specific interests that guide your choice a little? My DD is into architecture so she got a lot out of visiting all of the Gaudi buildings in Barcelona.

AnnaMagnani · 05/03/2023 09:58

Berlin. Loads to do and see and no need for eye bleach after walking past sex shops.

SquashPenguin · 05/03/2023 10:04

Berlin gets my vote. It’s my favourite city. Lots of good hands on museums, amazing food, and for a capital city it’s surprisingly inexpensive!

Im biased because I love Berlin. I hated Barcelona, it was seedy as hell. I was grabbed by men in broad daylight and didn’t feel safe after dark. Couldn’t wait to leave.

ItsOnlyWordsInnit · 05/03/2023 10:06

I‘ve raised two kids in Berlin, including the teenage years. It’s very much a young person‘s city - although probably more gauged towards young adults than young teens. What time of year will you be going, and what kind of things are your teens interested in? There’s too much to do to just give you blanket recommendations. For instance, one teen guest was into history, so we took her to the Egyptian Museum, while another was into cars so we did a Formula 1 simulation at the Mercedes centre and go-karting. There’s something for everyone really.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 05/03/2023 10:07

Berlin by a country mile. Amazing city.

PoloMintPatty · 05/03/2023 10:07

ItsOnlyWordsInnit · 05/03/2023 10:06

I‘ve raised two kids in Berlin, including the teenage years. It’s very much a young person‘s city - although probably more gauged towards young adults than young teens. What time of year will you be going, and what kind of things are your teens interested in? There’s too much to do to just give you blanket recommendations. For instance, one teen guest was into history, so we took her to the Egyptian Museum, while another was into cars so we did a Formula 1 simulation at the Mercedes centre and go-karting. There’s something for everyone really.

You've pretty much nailed my teens with your one sentence there! DD is into history and DS would love anything formula 1 related.

However, we are hoping to go next month so very short notice so I'm aware some things might be booked up.

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Headlandblur · 05/03/2023 10:09

Berlin - it's also the most affordable. My teens loved it and it gets mentioned a fair bit a year later. We got sound everywhere on the €1 citybikes.

LlynTegid · 05/03/2023 10:26

Berlin I'd choose, much more I think to do for teenagers.

ItsOnlyWordsInnit · 05/03/2023 10:28

You should be ok for bookings as long as you’re not there over the Easter weekend itself. I‘m pretty sure we didn’t book the Formula 1 too far in advance.
The go-karting we went to was way out in a scuzzy non-tourist area, but we had our car - wouldn’t recommend if you don’t know the city.
My specific advice is probably out of date for a post-covid era though - all the museums require timed entry tickets now. I think you get preferential entry with a Welcome Card though, which also covers public transport (and your 23yo will be covered by your ticket). I think you can buy that at the airport already.
You will need to make some hard choices about history venues, there are so many - does your DD prefer older history or is she more into 20th century stuff? Bear in mind that the museum next to the Holocaust memorial is hardcore stuff, and the Sachsenhausen camp is not recommended for under-14s. It’s pretty upsetting for adults too.
Are you staying in Mitte? That will make getting around so much easier, as it’s so central. And if you’re in an AirBnB, you know they all need to be licenced now (starting March)?

ItsOnlyWordsInnit · 05/03/2023 10:29

Um, 23yo should of course be 13yo!

Decorhate · 05/03/2023 10:31

I’d say Berlin too. Loads to see especially if they are doing History at school, most of it free.

PoloMintPatty · 05/03/2023 11:04

ItsOnlyWordsInnit · 05/03/2023 10:28

You should be ok for bookings as long as you’re not there over the Easter weekend itself. I‘m pretty sure we didn’t book the Formula 1 too far in advance.
The go-karting we went to was way out in a scuzzy non-tourist area, but we had our car - wouldn’t recommend if you don’t know the city.
My specific advice is probably out of date for a post-covid era though - all the museums require timed entry tickets now. I think you get preferential entry with a Welcome Card though, which also covers public transport (and your 23yo will be covered by your ticket). I think you can buy that at the airport already.
You will need to make some hard choices about history venues, there are so many - does your DD prefer older history or is she more into 20th century stuff? Bear in mind that the museum next to the Holocaust memorial is hardcore stuff, and the Sachsenhausen camp is not recommended for under-14s. It’s pretty upsetting for adults too.
Are you staying in Mitte? That will make getting around so much easier, as it’s so central. And if you’re in an AirBnB, you know they all need to be licenced now (starting March)?

I have no clue on areas for accommodation and I didn't know that about AirBNB which might sway us. I was assuming hotel given we don't know the city.

Is Mitte a good area? Some years ago I stayed in Postdamerplatz but are there better areas to stay? Particularly now with kids in tow? It's a different kind of trip.

I also think I would go to the holocaust museum but that's as far as I would take it now. I would like (is like the right word?) to go to the camp at some point but think it would be too much for my 13yo.

Thanks so much for all of the advice. Think I'm settled (and very excited) about taking them to Berlin now.

OP posts:
maddy68 · 05/03/2023 11:09

Amsterdam is a bit boring for teens I think. Barcelona is great particularly if they like football. The stadium tour is great also Berlin. Lots of history and things to do

HedwigIsMyDemon · 05/03/2023 11:11

Berlin! I love all 3 of those cities but Berlin wins out every time. Book the Reichstag before you go 😄

Oblomov23 · 05/03/2023 11:14

Berlin, we liked it a lot.

piedbeauty · 05/03/2023 13:10

My teens loved Barcelona. Loads to do - lots of great food, la Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's house - fascinating, the harbour, parks, wandering around the old quarter... We didn't go to the beach at all!

We're heading to Amsterdam this summer. I want to go to Anne Frank's house, but interested to see other ideas!

GrimDamnFanjo · 05/03/2023 13:17


I was astonished by how great it was. I visited in June and have visited Barcelona at the same time of year.
The open crime in the tourist areas put me off Barcelona a bit but DD loved Camp Nou and the paella cooking class we did.
Berlin in contrast was more relaxed, the history, green areas, good transport. There's the Wall, the Zoo, art etc.

PamperedEnLaPampa · 05/03/2023 13:42

Berlin! Just got back from a weekend away. (After reading recommendations here)
It was brilliant DCs loved it,just wish we had more time. It flew by.

Pinkbananas01 · 05/03/2023 13:46

Amsterdam - teen DS & pals went last yr for 3 nights & loved it, plenty to see Van Gogh museum, Rjiksmuseum, Anne Frank house etc
As a teen I went with my friend to Barcelona (her parents lived out there for a while) & lots to do there, cathedral, Gaudi

tribpot · 05/03/2023 13:48

Another vote for Berlin. Really fantastic city. I like Barcelona, we were there last July as it was v hot (although not by the standards of Spain). It has a terrible reputation for petty crime and I was v pleased we were staying a little way from the main tourist centre, although I've never really known if the reputation is deserved. Obvs fantastic architecture, landscape, etc. Amsterdam is a lot more than the red light district - I used to live there and I've never even been in it. But it's more of a 'wander around soak up the atmosphere' kind of place.


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WarningToTheCurious · 05/03/2023 14:36

Another vote for Berlin here.

Might also throw Krakow into the mix …

LlynTegid · 05/03/2023 15:27

Would agree about the camp visit being probably unsuitable for a 13 year old.

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