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Please recommend hotel/accommodation in Croatia

9 replies

zeebee · 28/01/2023 14:39

Just that really. We’re all keen to go to Croatia but seem to be tying ourselves in knots trying to find a hotel or other accommodation. For some reason it doesn’t seem as easy as previous holidays, and possibly a bit more expensive.

There will be 3 adults and 2 teens, so 2 rooms I think. Pool, some watersports, good food, a few activities and some sightseeing are on the agenda. Older DC need a gym or somewhere for road cycling & running.

Hotel Albatross Plava Laguna near Porec looks like an option - has anyone been there? Or other suggestions please?

OP posts:
zeebee · 29/01/2023 13:53

Anyone 🙏

OP posts:
Pleasepleasepleaseno · 29/01/2023 14:45

We went to Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Split and Hvar. We had 2 bedrooms in all of them, and Sibenik and Havr had gyms. If any of those locations are on your radar I can tell you where we stayed :)

Fivemoreminutes1 · 30/01/2023 07:42

Have a look at Aminess Maestral Hotel in Novigrad.

BookwormButNoTime · 30/01/2023 07:47

Sun Gardens Dubrovnik has two bedroom apartments but is in a hotel complex so you can eat out or self cater as you choose. Gorgeous accommodation.

Short taxi ride into the old town but not too much around the hotel itself. More of a good place to base yourself and travel to see other parts of the coast (Ston, Cavtat etc)

zeebee · 31/01/2023 22:01

Thank you. Sun Gardens looks fab but might save that for future child free years! No availability for Aminess Maestral sadly.

Split and Sibenik may well be on our radar now. Had been hoping for Porec and surrounds but that’s possibly unlikely now.

OP posts:
Hbh17 · 31/01/2023 22:05

Try any of the Maestra group of hotels. A small chain, but local so money stays in Croatia, and gorgeous hotels. Several different ones in Rovinj (fly into Pula).

Pearfacebanana · 31/01/2023 22:09

The Valamar Hotels are lovely.

We stayed at Hotel Isababella Valamar which is a private island just off Porec and lovely. Great food. Lots of activities. Get the boat over to Porec. Hovercraft to Venice.

Pearfacebanana · 31/01/2023 22:10

Oh also the Isabella has a teen room, PlayStation etc!

Aaaaaaaaggghh · 01/02/2023 11:36

In Sibenik we stayed in Amadria Park Jure. We did have a car though. I'm not sure you'd be able to walk into yhe city without. I can't remember the name of the place in Split. Going to try and dig it out for you

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