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UK short break to Hastings any tips?

10 replies

RosyappleA · 01/07/2022 11:30

Hi everyone, this year we won’t be going away as we feel financially uneasy doing so and we aren’t keen on travelling in general as me and DD always get very ill abroad so I wanted somewhere that is quick to drive to and thought it be a good idea to stay in the UK. We live in London and have decided on a short stay to hastings with DD who is 3. Any tips? My dad would take us there when we were young and we loved it.

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restedbutexhausted · 01/07/2022 11:36

Not many tips but I have such a soft spot for Hastings.

The Old Town is lovely for a wander and George Street has some lovely eateries as well as boutique shops which are fab for gift shopping or souvenirs.

You could take the funicular railway for a little ramble.

The crazy golf is great!

Wouldn't recommend eating on the seafront as the food isn't that great imo.

Had lovely ice cream at Di Pola's last time I was there.

You do have to pay to go into the castle now which is a bit of a shame but there is a little cinema there with some history if DD wouldn't mind sitting still for a bit. I think it's only a 15 minute video.

Hope you have a lovely time!

SmileyPiuPiu · 01/07/2022 12:24

Apologies so no tips but following as considering the same.

TheVillageElder · 01/07/2022 13:20

If you're going for a few days, I'd suggest using the Playparks as free entertainment as our children have always loved them there - Google local council for a list and you could do a Playpark trawl working your way around Hastings!
There's the small funfair, but fairly costly and often you have to wait for certain rides to be operated.
There is also the little train at the aquarium end. There are also the free museums that are worth a short trip if walking that end.
The pier opposite the theatre is worth a walk.
If you're there for a few days with your dad, you could drive down to Rye or camber (there's also a regular bus service). They're both lovely for an explore and there's a lovely walk down the coast as well from hastings to Rye. The beaches outside of Hastings are lovely and get sandier the closer you get to camber.

hattie43 · 01/07/2022 13:24

Love Hastings and there is plenty to do , it's very family orientated .
The old town is lovely as is the park , beach .

mummyh2016 · 01/07/2022 13:40

We went last year and really enjoyed it, we stayed at the Haven site and DD who was 4 at the time loved it.
Not tips, we enjoyed the seafront and old town. Went to Camber one day for a sandy beach to build some sandcastles.

TheThreadisMildlyAmusing · 01/07/2022 14:29

I am very fond of Hastings. The old town is lovely and the funicular railways is fun. Other attractions are the Smugglers Adventure, a series of underground caves used by smugglers, the castle and the aquarium (I loved the seahorses) and I think you can get a discounted ticket to visit all three, if you check their websites. Although maybe the underground caves might be a bit scary for your 3yr old?

Just outside Hastings is Pett Level beach which tends to be quiet and I can recommend the Two Sawyers pub for food which is nearby and has a big garden if you don't want to stuck inside.

Rye is worth a visit and so are Camber Sands and St. Mary's Bay for sandy beaches for your DD to play on. St Mary's Bay is lovely and has the
Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch narrow-gauge railway train which is fun. Also Romney Marsh is close by which might be worth a visit.

Also two lovely parks in Hastings, Hastings Country Park and Alexandra Park, Both great for strolling and picnics.

God, I really want a trip down to Hastings myself now 😀

lazarusb · 01/07/2022 14:34

I live in Hastings so if you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me. I agree with all the previous posts and can definitely recommend good fish and chips at the Master fish bar, or Beach Retreat next to the golf (a bit more expensive but cooked in beef dripping). If you're veggie or vegan I can recommend the Hempist on the seafront.

TakeMeToYourLiar · 02/07/2022 07:16

Best fish and chips are at maggys which is in the net huts, you need to book

if the weather isn’t great clambers soft play is fun

could also drive to Drusillas as 3 year olds love it there

Yodaisawally · 02/07/2022 07:52

Also love Hastings, we're in London and only day trip but as others have said easy to get to other places to explore too. Camber is fab, take a bus the parking is a nightmare in summer, Rye is lovely but perhaps not kid friendly. The routed walk from camber to Rye is nice and you could get the bus back from Rye. Bexhill is worth a trip too.

We like the famous cod father for fish and chips

RosyappleA · 02/07/2022 17:30

Thanks a lot for the very helpful replies I will try and see all the places mentioned above. I booked a hotel which seems fairly close to everything and has a sea view. Really excited now!

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