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Neilson with teens?

25 replies

discoohno · 31/05/2022 23:16

Which one would you recommend for 17 and 15 year olds? The Croatian one looks good. The Retreat in Sivota is direct from Edinburgh so that would suit us but it’s gone very fitness focused (CrossFit on holiday? No thanks!) and has very little watersports.

I’ve just see the Buca age 15+ only has availability too. I like the sound of that as it will be more chilled but will there still be teenagers for our teenagers and it’s miles from anywhere….

decisions decisions! Anyone been to any? Thanks!

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Rhumba · 31/05/2022 23:22

Off to Croatia in about a month. We’ve been there before. Keen for our 16&18 yr old as nearby village to visit and lots for teens.

discoohno · 31/05/2022 23:28

That’s good to hear. I was worried it would be overrun with toddlers! We’ll be going end July. What’s the nearby village like? Do you need to prebook teen clubs? Thanks, I appreciate it!

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ErrolTheDragon · 31/05/2022 23:28

We went to the Croatian one in 2017, after DDs A levels - we enjoyed it, mostly good winds, decent kit iirc.

The other Nielsen clubs we'd been to were mostly in Turkey and unfortunately I think they're all gone now.

discoohno · 01/06/2022 06:56

Thank you @ErrolTheDragon

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Rhumba · 01/06/2022 07:06

Don’t think you need to book teen clubs but maybe check. There was a wee supermarket and a few restaurants just outside and then the town was about a mile away (I think). Plenty of teens when we went last time and they all tended to hang out together in the evening. Beautiful National Park with you can cycle to with good walks and also climbing.

discoohno · 02/06/2022 12:17

@Rhumba That’s great thanks. It does sound good. Were there lots of tiny kids too? The thought of that is swaying me more towards Boca (age 15+) but I’m not sure how many teens are there….TA reviews seem more adult only. They can join in teen stuff at Messinni next door apparently.

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emmathedilemma · 02/06/2022 17:14

I went to the Croatian one a few years ago as the Scotland school holidays started so all the kids were either Scottish, English independents or pre school age (very few). There was a fair sized group of teens who all seemed to get on together and plenty of activities to keep them occupied. The downside is they no longer fly from Edinburgh so for that reason we’re doing the retreat this year.

discoohno · 03/06/2022 11:22

@emmathedilemma thank you! Yes, it’s so much cheaper early July! We can’t go until
August for various reasons. The retreat does look good too. Have a great time!

We also have the option of 10 days in Croatia but flying from Manchester. Bit nervous to do that at the moment! But it would be less hassle then Gatwick. Did you stay one week or two?

Do you remember which rooms you had in Croatia? I do like a sea view…

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ErrolTheDragon · 03/06/2022 12:00

I can't remember - we never bother about sea views especially when we're going to be on (or inGrin) it all day. But iirc it was a nice room in the main hotel. The cabins looked a bit too ... well... cabiny to us.

MrsMcGarry · 03/06/2022 12:06

I did Croatia with just me, dd and her friend after their GCSE’s
it was brilliant for them - they went out every night in town which was big enough for them to enjoy and small enough for then to be safe.

Great sunset views - I did very little apart from yoga classes and reading tbh, they had a wonderful time

Kaftankween · 03/06/2022 12:10

Buca is right next door to the large Messini. I wouldn’t be surprised if the older kids at buca join the messini kids clubs.

Kaftankween · 03/06/2022 12:12

It’s literally 2 min walk down the beach

jamesspaderismine · 03/06/2022 12:25

We did lesvos October, there is a small village just a short 10 minute walk away and lots of beach restaurants and bars.

discoohno · 03/06/2022 12:51

Thanks! Just trying to excuse between Buca and the Croatian one. There’s no other availability.

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Kaftankween · 03/06/2022 13:48

I would probably pick Croatia. Buca is really small and I found it a bit concrete looking. I like a bit of greenery. Kids would have to go to messini from Buca as Buca is very small and couples orientated.

Kaftankween · 03/06/2022 13:50

They’re quite helpful to chat to I find. Give the helpline a ring and ask what they would recommend.

SynchroSwimmer · 03/06/2022 14:11

Alana in Croatia just has everything, huge numbers of sailing craft - from kayaks to catamarrans, the extensive inclusive spa area - if the weather turns, new supermarket opened just beyond the tennis courts, as well as the smaller shop around the corner, 50m pool, very spacious largely uncrowded grounds….I would say you absolutely can’t go wrong here with teens - from the climbing wall to SUP yoga….and it’s safe. Accommodation with sea views in the tower, or the side wing adjacent, but a larger quieter wing over the other side, above the spa area. (Packing now as we speak 😊)

Vounaki, Greece - less appealing these days but still a nice resort and safe, town nearby. Option to hire a day-yacht if qualified skipper….unhappy that they appear not to have added to the sailing craft since taking over from Sunsail….only 2 original catamarans left now (with a pretend serviceable one sometimes brought out….)

Lesvos - Aeolian Village hotel is now available with Jet 2 at a very fair price ( Neilson have pulled out but some of the kit/sports facilities remain). I was booked there last week….but late opening and hotel got changed…. Will go back in the autumn.

Lemnos - closed - though Mark Warner resort remains the other side of town.

Sivota - outstanding scenery and sea swimming, unbeatable sea kayaking for teens, nice cycling, tiny pool….2 stays there but we had an “off week” so can’t add more…

emmathedilemma · 03/06/2022 15:25

We went for a week which I think was probably long enough. We didn’t pay to select rooms and had one overlooking the mountains of the national park. To be fair, we spent very little time in the rooms, literally bed and showers and the rest we were outside. I couldn’t face flying from Manchester when edinburgh airport is so close, the flight times weren’t particularly sociable so it was probably going to be another night stay at either end.

Cdl84 · 04/06/2022 09:01

We went to sivota lots of times before having children and it was great - was outside school holidays so didn't see what the teens would do, but the water-skiing, paddleboarding are great, and you can still sail and windsurf. If they like cycling / mountain biking thats great too. Lovely views and village in walking distance.

Messini / buca very nice too, seems more catered to children with the pool and activities (volleyball / football / take tennis). We've been there before and after children and great every time. Very expensive now though.

Mothersruin123 · 04/06/2022 19:15

We're in Messini at the moment for half term and there are lots kids of all ages here. I wonder if Buca might be a bit too quiet? I really like the resort and there is lots to do but it is basically in the middle of nowhere with only a few restaurants a 10 min walk away and the nearest town 6k.

Went to Croatia in 2018 and in all honesty preferred it...I'm guessing there would be kids of all ages there in the summer holidays, and the national park offers climbing and hiking with some amazing views. There is a little town you can walk to with a few bars and restaurants. No beach as such but the water is crystal clear and it's a lovely location. From what I remember even the transfer to/from the airport was picturesque!

Hope that helps!!

discoohno · 07/06/2022 16:18

@Mothersruin123 thank you! I’ve now booked Alana for 10 days. Bloody expensive but hopefully it will be fun.

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discoohno · 07/06/2022 16:20

And a big thanks to @emmathedilemma and @Cdl84 too. We went for Croatia in the end as it sounded more lively for the teenagers. I want to rock climb too so it’s perfect!

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emmathedilemma · 07/06/2022 16:23

ooh i'm jealous, have fun!!


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discoohno · 07/06/2022 16:27

@emmathedilemma the downside is Manchester flights!

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Rhumba · 26/06/2022 22:25

Just to say, currently in Alana and teens are having a ball. They’ve met up with others and right now apparently all heading for a midnight swim. All good. Have a great time

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