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Can anyone advise me what it is like in duinrell?

30 replies

Lupyto · 23/05/2022 12:16

We have never been abroad with kids who are now age 10 and 13. They are active boys so looking for somewhere with activities etc. is duinrell a bit like Center parcs? I don’t know anyone who has been in real life. Would we fly to schipol and get a taxi from there? And then could we manage without a car and just bike around the site? Has anyone been with this age group kids and has it been good fun?
many thanks in advance for any advice anyone could give me

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BingB · 23/05/2022 12:18

There's a Facebook page called something like family days out north east and they did a very long blog on duinrell. It's definitely worth a read and gives loads of information on transport, cost if food, local places to visit ect.

LizzyBennett · 23/05/2022 12:31

I went twice with my DC around the same age and they loved it. Especially the pool.

First time we got the train from schipol - it wasn't direct, but it was easy enough. The next time we got a transfer (suntransfers, I think) and that was much better and not too expensive either.

There's no driving on site - anyone who brings a car gets to their accommodation and parks up for the week. The town is lovely and a very easy walk from the site, as is the beach. There's a supermarket in the town and a delicious ice cream shop too.

I've never been to center Parcs so can't compare.

No1HolidayPlanner · 23/05/2022 15:49

We started going when are kids were 10 and 8, they are now 18 and 16 and still want to go! It's fab. Theme park on-site is free. Pool you pay extra for but so many slides! You can hire bikes on site and cycle to the beach, nearby villages etc.Local town of Wassenaar is a short walk.. lovely restaurants. Highly recommend it.

ThisIsNotARealAvo · 23/05/2022 15:55

The pool is extra abs is quite expensive, but the theme park is free and is amazing. We went when kids were about 9 and 11, there wouldn't be that much for older kids. The entertainment was not great and the on site restaurants were ok but quite expensive. The accommodation is basic but there is good facilities for laundry. Our kids loved hiring a go kart and riding it around the site with all the other kids.

BeanCounterBabe · 23/05/2022 16:12

The pool is included if you book direct with Duinrell rather than Eurocamp/Canvas etc. I think you need to book early to get the pool included. We have driven over and camped which was easy. We’re going for our second visit end of this week and taking our bikes this time to save hiring them.

I’ve only been to one Centre Parcs but Duinrell wasn’t similar really. Less organised activities but the pool is amazing and the amusement park is unlimited access. Kids made lots of friends on site as well. Beach is 4K away and Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden and Delft all easy to get too.

Lupyto · 23/05/2022 17:12

Thanks it sounds quite good for us then. I like the idea there is local town to go to too. Only thing is I am trying to work out if kids can go to the Netherlands as they are unvaccinated. I think now we are not in the eu they need to be vaccinated. Not sure though it’s confusing trying to work it out

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ivykaty44 · 23/05/2022 17:16

you can cycle in to Dana Hague, its not far. Also if you want to go further you can use the train really easily

my daughter was about 10/11 when we went and had a great time, she met a friend from another holiday there at the same place - they would shot of after breakfast each day to go on the rides. We stayed about a week

eat in the small town a couple of times and did self catering the rest

the beach is near enough to cycle to

take passport size photos if you have them as you need them for the swimming - if not get them when you get there

the swimming was a good 2 hours every day

livingonpurpose · 23/05/2022 17:28

@Lupyto Children under 18 travelling with their fully vaccinated parent(s) or legal guardian(s) do not have to be vaccinated themselves. This is on the Government of Netherlands website and also on the UK Government's website.

Absolutesuperstar · 23/05/2022 17:31

The blog that PP referred to is from North East Family Fun.

purplesequins · 23/05/2022 17:36

the swimming pool is awsome. also used by locals. you have to book a slot.
the themepark is a bit meh, fun enough for half a day.
the beach is great. in the hague or katwijk you can book a few hours surfing for the family at one of the many surf schools.
the hague is a beautiful city to visit.

you absolutely must eat your bodyweight of fritten met frittensaus.

Lupyto · 23/05/2022 17:58

Thanks livingonpurpose that’s really good I couldn’t find the right bit. Thanks for all these tips, they are great, didn’t know about the surfing

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Lupyto · 23/05/2022 18:07

What would be the easiest way to get to Amsterdam for the day? Taxi? Train?

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Fluffruff · 23/05/2022 18:20

There is a v active Facebook group for duinrell. You can ask any question on there about transport options. The little town it’s next to is absolutely lovely with a great supermarket (Jumbo) and shops. We stayed recently but with much younger children. The big pool and slides complex was amazing. We booked a premium duingalow directly and got 2hrs a day access. There is a beach nearby but we didn’t go. The Facebook group has a lot of info on days out options for if you want a break from the park.

Lupyto · 23/05/2022 18:31

Thanks I will check out the Facebook group

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BitOutOfPractice · 23/05/2022 18:37

If you want to take the car it’s very easy to get the ferry to the hook of Holland (depending where you are on the uk of course) and then a short (half hour?) drive. We always used to take the overnight ferry and it was a great part of the holiday!

otherwise I’d use public transport. It’s so efficient and cheap.

CactusFlowers · 23/05/2022 19:36

Lupyto · 23/05/2022 18:07

What would be the easiest way to get to Amsterdam for the day? Taxi? Train?

Bus plus train and it’s very straightforward. Pay with card on the bus. is the site/app for travel in the Netherlands.

CactusFlowers · 23/05/2022 19:39

The pool is always free if you book direct (unless you are camping), but if you book early you get an extra hour a day.

It is currently €10 per person for two hours for the pool if you don’t book direct.

FoodieToo · 23/05/2022 20:06

Back from our 5th visit in February. We are going for years now and still love it .
So much to do ! The theme park is quaint but they do try to keep it alive with new rides etc.
The water park is the best we have been in . We have hired cars and gotten transfers from Schipol, both good options.
So near so many interesting places - Amsterdam for Van Gogh, Anne Frank etc.
You could also do a day trip to Efteling ( fab theme park).
If booking accommodation with the campsite ensure to go for Premium, the rest is not good.
Based in a lovely town with great restaurants and the best ice cream shop in the world- can't ask for more.
I would advise going outside the summer holiday as it's very dear then . Autumn mid term is the best in our opinion!

Ionacat · 23/05/2022 20:12

We went over Easter. It is worth checking the prices between booking direct and then booking with Eurocamp/canvas and paying extra for the pool. It was cheaper for us to book with Eurocamp and factor in the price of the pool. The Facebook group Hints and tips for Duinrell is very good. There’s so much to do nearby, you’re not far from Leiden, Den Hague, Gouda as well as Amsterdam. We did the ferry from Harwich and took our car, but plenty of people fly and on the Facebook group there is a recommended taxi company who’ll come and pick you up. One of our best holidays ever.

BeanCounterBabe · 23/05/2022 20:32

We are camping and got passes for 4 pool visits for a one week visit. Might be because we booked so long ago and their offer has changed now.

Nootkah · 23/05/2022 20:47

Its great. Not at all like Center Parcs though if thats what youre looking for. Theme park is good, pool complex is amazing. Wassenaar is walkable and has everything you need. Travel - we've been twice and done the overnight ferry with our car. Its a max 45 minute drive from Rotterdam (from Hull), Ijmuiden (Newcastle) or Hook of Holland (Harwich). To get to Amsterdam... Theres loadsnof options, public transport is excellent. We drove to Voorschoten and got the train from there.

Lupyto · 24/05/2022 06:29

Thank you all. I was thinking that we would go in summer initially but might struggle to get good accommodation then so wondering about October now. I think the majority of the water park is open then? So could still be fun holiday? Just a bit cooler

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Fluffruff · 24/05/2022 06:56

Yes our trip wAs over easter and despite the cold weather (including hail!) we had a lot of fun in the water and theme park. I would avoid the summer, I think it would be heaving. We barely queued for any ride because all the campsite bits weren’t occupied.


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No1HolidayPlanner · 24/05/2022 06:58

We always go in October half term.. weather similar to UK.. never been in the summer

Lupyto · 24/05/2022 07:00

Oh that’s great

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