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Entertaining 3yr old on 11 hour plane ride

22 replies

IwaswhoIam · 28/04/2022 08:11

I’m looking for some entertainment ideas for my 3 year old on an 11 hour plane ride . I was going to buy a few new toys to put in his backpack , maybe an activity book. Any recommendations or any toys that were huge hits for you . He only just turned 3 if that makes a difference.

I also have a one year old but he can’t sit still so I think he’s a lost cause 😆 but if you have any tips for him too .

I did an 8 hour flight with them a few months ago but it was a night flight and they mostly slept . This upcoming trip is an 11 hour day flight . At least I have my husband this time around . I was on my own for the 8 hour flight .

OP posts:
MrsHGWells · 28/04/2022 08:20

Take a note pad, a few rolls of cellotape and balloons have unlimited fun on a plane trip and easily disposed (of after the fun). We would make paper buildings, Origami type paper fold animals etc, or just make cellotape designs on the tray table. It’s very tactile and fun. In fact I always carried ballons I my bag with my LO’s as was a great instant distraction with scraped knees, tears & meltdowns etc.

watercolour books they have ink already on pages just use a water pen. a couple pots of playdoh.

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 28/04/2022 08:23

watercolour books they have ink already on pages just use a water pen

These are great! We get the Usbourne books ones.

Dare I say it, Kindle Fire (or similar) with headphones

whatsagoodusername · 28/04/2022 08:25

Triangular crayons. They don't roll.

Get him used to headphones now and let go of any screen time rules.

I used to get lots of little things from the pound shop so not a big deal if they were lost or ditched along the way. You can wrap them up to make them extra exciting.

Roselilly36 · 28/04/2022 08:39

Triangular crayons are a great idea. Yes, little toys, wrap and gifts and give every so often can be a good distraction. Take snacks, incase the kids don’t like the options on the plane, I know mine never did. I assume there will be entertainment on the plane, tv & music, get him due to wearing the headphones. When we took a long day flight, I didn’t see too much of my DS2 he was well looked after by the cabin crew ladies, who took a shine to him!

JurasicPerks · 28/04/2022 08:46

Food, unlimited screens if they will tolerate, food, colouring books with non roll crayons, food, sticker books with the white sticky background removed.

Sqeebling · 28/04/2022 08:55

Don't forget headphones as it'll help him focus, not get distracted and obviously not annoy other passengers

HollowTalk · 28/04/2022 08:55

Balloons on a flight? Really?

MrsHGWells · 28/04/2022 09:22

@HollowTalk obv not blown full size.. but can make a small disposable ball.

OP headphones are great & kindle if your child have favourite shows and can tolerate head phones.

Invest in a trunkie - or small trolly bag with wheels your toddler will love to carry own kit.

JurasicPerks · 28/04/2022 10:33

Trunkies are a nightmare. There are much easier things to carry, transport, and access when traveling. A rucksac for the adults, and nothing for the kids until they are old enough to carry reliably for the whole journey would get my vote.

I'd also be dubious about balloons.

TakeMe2Insanity · 28/04/2022 13:23

Agree trunkies are the work of the devil. They are a pain to carry while you have your own stuff, your child and now the annoying suitcase!

Definitely load up the ipad with apps and tv shows and plug in kid headphones rather than bluetooth.

Snacks, lots of snacks!

Beamur · 28/04/2022 13:29

Non messy play - fuzzy felt, stickers, all good.
Does he like stories? There's something called story cubes I think? Dice with pictures and you use them as little prompts to make up a story.

Squiblet · 28/04/2022 13:42

When DS was younger than 2, the best thing was a sort of giant piggybank with an oversized coin slot in the top. I had a bunch of big plastic buttons of various colours and he would slot them in the top till they were all gone ... we'd turn it over, unplug it and empty it out ... and repeat. That used up a solid hour. (He was past the age of putting everything in his mouth so it wasn't dangerous)

Any toy where you press a button and things light up, that's also good. Though sounds are not ideal if you're on a plane. Also Transformer-type toys that can be changed into a car, truck, whatever - then changed back.

We spent some time spilling tiny amounts of water on the tray table and using it to 'draw' a picture, then wiping it up. (You will need many cloths, as a general rule). Those water-paint books are also good, where the water on your brush lets the colours show.

Madcats · 28/04/2022 13:44

I travelled a fair bit when our DD was under 5. If the plane wasn't busy DH and I would split up and play "tag team" at keeping her amused.

Fuzzy felt is a great idea, as are aquapen mini packs and sticker books (especially if you can get ones with a holiday theme).

We always assumed that inflight entertainment consoles would be broken, so would download plenty of TV programmes/movies.

Interactive eBooks were pretty good 10 years ago, so there must be some excellent ones nowadays. Pack child headphones that have volume limiters.

Oldnews · 28/04/2022 13:52

Usborne travel activity book for little kids - we get hours out of those. Little playmobil blind bag type things and a couple of new hot wheels. You can also get magnetic puzzles in a tin that my 3 year old likes. I get greeting card blanks and a selection of foam stickers, and googly eyes - he loves to make cards for people. I have a little card making kit in a zip lock bag to keep him entertained in restaurants train journeys etc.

LollyLol · 28/04/2022 13:55

My favourite is a Magnetic "sticker" scene set -i got a fabulous one called Magna Carry Emergency Vehicles which is a lightweight, slender booklet. It does fold out quite wide but it is fantastic and my DS loves it.

Seems expensive but we have had hours and hours of play from it on holidays, at grandparents, on journeys.

You can get something smaller from Janod that's similar in style.

And then I agree with downloading stuff to an iPad and taking that along to watch. It's the simplest way to kill time and realistically on a flight that long you will sometimes need them to sit quietly.

Don't envy you taking a one year old along... night flight so they sleep is my best recommendation!

BonjourCrisette · 28/04/2022 14:01

Agree that balloons seems fraught with potential to annoy other people!

DD liked those sticker scenes where you can reposition the stickers. Also CBeebies mags and similar which usually have a fair number of activities in them plus a cheap bit of tat small toy. Snacks can fill up quite a lot of time if doled out in small quantities. A packet of pipe cleaners is fun and cheap.

You could wrap quite a few small things up and let him open something once an hour or so. Think stocking fillers.

nearlyspringyay · 28/04/2022 14:26

Drink gin.

Balloons? FFS no.

Just be prepared for it to be shit and it might be slightly better.

What time is the flight? Have they got their own seat?

MadameCholetsDirtySecret · 28/04/2022 14:27

I’m amazed about the ballon suggestions. Ballons and low pressure environments that occur (for example) during takeoff/turbulence will result in it expanding and popping. I’m not sure you will be allowed to take them on board.

IwaswhoIam · 28/04/2022 14:40

Lots of great situations ! Thanks

@nearlyspringyay it’s a 10am flight , landing 4pm local time ( 8pm U.K. time ) so a full day flight . My one year old will nap but my three year old is unlikely to . The 3 year old has his own seat but the one year old does not .

I’m more of a wine person lol but I will definitely enjoy a glass or two

OP posts:
BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 28/04/2022 15:10

I'd ask the airline to sit you in two very very separate areas. Then you and dh can tag team. 2 hrs each with the baby/3yo and then swap. Repeat until landing.

Clymene · 28/04/2022 16:16

I have always just done pound shop toys. Then it doesn't matter if they get dropped. Variety is key. Big fat no to balloons!

gogohm · 28/04/2022 16:23

Puzzle book, colouring book, reading books. We didn't have smartphones when mine were small but they did enjoy watching the map screen showing where the plane was (for 9 hours, we live overseas so this they did from birth twice a year) I took snacks in tiny packets and gratefully accepted help from any willing fellow passengers (I flew alone with mine, there was always someone trying to make eye contact with the kids and offering to read to them

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