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Swim up rooms

18 replies

Heracles1000 · 18/04/2022 21:18

Hi everyone

Looking to go away in Europe in June '23. Does anyone have recommendations for family friendly hotels that have swim up rooms or private pools (I love swimming but hate hanging around poolside)?

We have been looking at Greece and Portugal but happy anywhere really!

Thank you so much!

OP posts:
Heracles1000 · 18/04/2022 21:19

We will have a 2 year old by then by the way! So baby friendly clubs would be a plus

OP posts:
SomethingAboutNothing · 18/04/2022 21:30

We stayed at the TUI Blue Lagoon Princess in Halkidiki in a swim up room. It was a beautiful hotel, although in the middle of nowhere with nothing to visit nearby.

One thing to consider with a swim up room was that we couldn't use the pool after 6pm as they put cleaning chemicals in overnight.

Tuters · 18/04/2022 21:30

Can't recommend anywhere but check with the hotel before you book that the pool swim upon private is heated.
I have made this mistake twice and the pools were unusable, so bloody cold!

Fivemoreminutes1 · 19/04/2022 07:04

Ela Excellence Resort in Turkey

Heracles1000 · 19/04/2022 10:50

Thank you! We are looking at the TUI blue atlantica creta paradise at the moment!

OP posts:
Joystir59 · 19/04/2022 10:54

Get one with heated pools as unheated outdoor swimming pools can be icy cold

dontknowwasmadetoknow · 19/04/2022 11:41

Have a look at the holiday village Rhodes,we stayed in the deluxe section with a swim up room and it really was lovey. The deluxe section has its own restaurant as well so it's like a small hotel but with all the facilities of a large complex if you want them.
This year we are staying at The Liberty Fabay in turkey in a direct pool access family room. It's a new hotel, looks lovely and has good reviews.

Lavenderlid · 19/04/2022 11:43

Is no one else nervous about having a pool right outside your open doors if you have small dc?
It does sound lovely though

SmallElephants · 19/04/2022 12:13

Sounds a bit impractical with a two year old no? Would you be better looking for something right on a beach?

Heracles1000 · 19/04/2022 16:17


Is no one else nervous about having a pool right outside your open doors if you have small dc?
It does sound lovely though

Why? The doors lock and I have eyes. I was a lifeguard in earlier years and DC has weekly swimming lessons which are aimed at swim safety.

It's a big birthday for me and I don't want to spend the whole holiday reserving loungers with towels tbh. I also want to guarantee that ill be able to pop out for a swim whilst my DH and DC kip in the room without traversing the whole resort.
OP posts:
CJay81 · 19/04/2022 16:32

No idea what the atlantica blue creta paradise is like as a hotel, but if you fancy escaping the hotel for a day out, chania is beautiful, lovely old town and harbour.

ThinkAboutItTomorrow · 19/04/2022 16:42

I think the 2 year old nervousness is about the faff of watching them by a swim up pool. You're sitting out relaxing and need to nip in to grab your sunglasses / a drink / book / phone but need to chivvy 2 year old inside and close the doors each time rather than leave them on a closed off terrace / balcony for 30 seconds.

But it's a trade off vs the ease of having the pool on your doorstep I suppose. I doubt I'd do it but it's a personal preference.

Lavenderlid · 19/04/2022 18:07

Well I'd hate to have to keep shutting the doors, lovely to have the doors open and you can go in and out freely - you can never take your eyes off a small child next to water, swim lessons or not.

Heracles1000 · 19/04/2022 21:36


Well I'd hate to have to keep shutting the doors, lovely to have the doors open and you can go in and out freely - you can never take your eyes off a small child next to water, swim lessons or not.

Good thing I'm not taking you then 😁
OP posts:
Startuplife · 19/04/2022 23:04

We had one at a TUI Blue last summer and it was excellent. DP isn’t a massive sunbathing fan so he could sit in the shade of the room while I laid with my legs dangling in the pool.

The only thing to check is how much sun it gets. When we were researching we read a lot of reviews for hotels where the swim up rooms got barely any sun which wouldn’t have been worth it for me. We ended up with one which had sun all morning until about 2pm when we’d go for lunch and then spend the afternoon at the main pool which was ideal.

momlog20 · 19/04/2022 23:04

Gloria Palace Gran Canaria

Rickrollme · 19/04/2022 23:09

Did I miss the part where OP asked for advice on how to supervise her toddler next to a pool?

Bitezbabe · 19/04/2022 23:10

We stayed in Marbella Corfu last September in one of their swim up rooms. My daughter was in the room next door with her 3 and 2 yr old boys. I went in pool only once as it was freezing and we didn’t get the sun. Daughter and boys never got in. Hotel was lovely and we spent all day by the splash pool where the children played happily. Would return but wouldn’t bother paying the extra in that particular hotel for the swim up rooms.

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