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Disneyland Paris

24 replies

Adifferentcorner · 16/10/2021 13:37

Thinking of taking our children to Disneyland Paris as their Christmas present, but looking at going next year. We’ve never been, so looking for information/advice on accommodation. There’ll be 2 adults and 3 children. The 2 most reasonably priced accommodations seem to be Davy Crockett ranch and Les Villages Nature which has listed a VIP apartment, but both have mixed reviews on trip advisor. If anyone has been recently, please can you let me know if you’d recommend either or somewhere completely different! Thank you

OP posts:
rubyslippers · 16/10/2021 13:43

We went to the park this summer - we didn’t stay on site and went for the day whilst we were in Paris
It is very l, very tired looking and doesn’t have much wow / Disney pizazz.
Queuing was lengthy - if you have very young kids take this into consideration (90 mins for toy story rides)
A few rides were also shut and the dining was a nightmare with restaurants and kiosks shut
I hope when you go things are much improved and they have also reinstated the evening fireworks (they were not on when we went)
I know that’s not quite what you asked
When we actually went ten years ago we stayed at New York New York and i believe that has recently been refurbished

Elle8999 · 16/10/2021 15:13

Going on Monday and staying at Villages Nature so will report back!

Adifferentcorner · 17/10/2021 08:49

@rubyslippers that’s good to know, thank you.

OP posts:
Adifferentcorner · 17/10/2021 08:51


Going on Monday and staying at Villages Nature so will report back!

@Elle8999 have fun, look forward to hearing your report! I’m erring on the side of villages nature as it looks like there’s lots of things to do on days you don’t visit the park!
OP posts:
MajorCarolDanvers · 17/10/2021 08:54

Staying on site is ideal as you get magic hours (into the park early) and can pop back to your hotel for a rest if you want.

The cheapest on site hotel is Cheyenne.

But then we have to fly from Scotland to get there and are not taking a car do that has also put us off the offsite accommodation.

Findahouse21 · 17/10/2021 08:54

Village nature is amazing. We stayed with a large group and very veery impressed with the facilities and level of accommodation. Downside is that you need to drive to get there or get the bus, driving isn't 100% straightforward because or poor road layout. The other issue there is that the restaurants aren't a great selection but we mostly ate at disney when we weren't cooking. I would definitely recommend especially with younger children when hotel stays can be stressful. Also being able to get away from Disney for a while can be nice!

RussianSpy101 · 17/10/2021 08:55

Definitely stay on site, you get magic hours and it’s so much closer. The characters often go into the hotels for meet and greet and they run shuttles.
I haven’t stayed in Davy Crocket so can’t advise but we take our DC every year 21-24th December and they love it. Definitely magical for them.

Findahouse21 · 17/10/2021 08:56

Sorry, I meant to add that the bus is very straightforward and not too expensive. If you want to drive (either drive there or hire cars) then consider getting an annual pass. It costs a fortune to park in the parks but it comes free with an annual pass. Just doing that with 2 cars over 4 days nearly saved us the price of 1 pass.

gogohm · 17/10/2021 09:18

I've stayed at the Newport one and the sequoia one, both are standard hotels, not anything special considering the cost. The park itself is busier these days (there was 8 years between those trips) but as my kids were older by the second trip we left them to queue and headed for the German themed bar in the village!

Adifferentcorner · 17/10/2021 09:33

This is all very helpful. The only problem with staying on site is that we are a family of five and I think we would need to book 2 rooms as not sure if any of them have rooms that can accommodate all of us? This would obviously bump the price up. I did search sequoia hotel, but they didn’t seem to have any availability.

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Adifferentcorner · 17/10/2021 09:34

My children are 8, 10 and 12 if that makes a difference on where to go.

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RussianSpy101 · 17/10/2021 10:02

Oh I see. Probably stay off site so you can do other things then.

user1000000000009 · 17/10/2021 12:16

We stayed at Cheyenne.

Our kids loved it. There are no fridges in the rooms but the food was fine in the hotel when we ate there. You can book different places for breakfast and lunch. I found they didn't cater for food allergies well though.

I recommend upgrading to full board, we were told not to bother but I'm so glad we did.

The free bus dropped us off at the park each morning. They're every 10 minutes.

We paid for private transfer and it was totally worth it, highly recommended you do this.

We went at Christmas and it was absolutely wonderful. I can't wait to go back.

The parades are amazing!! And magic hour is also amazing so stay on park if you can.

MrsSkylerWhite · 17/10/2021 12:17

Honestly, really wouldn’t bother. It was run down 5 years ago and hasn’t been upgraded. I came down with food poisoning, both visits.
Sorry 🥴

Pumpkinstace · 17/10/2021 12:20

Villages natures.

Honestly, you'll need extra days to do the stuff on site there.

Is like a centre parcs and the pool is amazing.

There is a shuttle, its about 10 minutes from Disney. Its next door to Davy crockett but has slightly better access.

happytoday73 · 17/10/2021 12:25

Has the 12 year old been double jabbed? Don't forget the testing requirements

Bumtum126 · 17/10/2021 13:57

Don't forget the French covid app to get in DL or alot of other places in France

Elle8999 · 19/10/2021 19:48

Hi OP, only 2 days into our trip and I can say that Centre Parcs has been a huge NO for us - first day our keys didn’t work and they took 45 minutes to come and open it after a long day of travelling, second day we got back from Disney to find our electricity had gone and a long 4 hours later they call to say that sadly they have no alternative unless we all want to stay in a 1 bed for the rest of the duration… at no discount to what we’ve paid already. So terrible. Thankfully lights are now working but we still have no electricity in any outlets and no clue what on Earth we are meant to do for the rest of the holiday!! Hoping to switch to a Disneyland hotel tomorrow.
We may have just got very unlucky though as the bus to the parks is cheap and easy and overall facilities nice… just hope you don’t end up like us!

ChicCroissant · 19/10/2021 20:03

The Crockett Ranch is great, the accommodation is more spacious than a hotel room and you have a separate main bedroom and a second bedroom at the other end with three beds in (we've also had bunk beds), DD loved having her own room. The cooking facilites are not great though (no oven) so take a toaster, we haven't cooked there but have put wine/bread/cheese in the fridge! You do need a car for the Ranch, there's no bus AFAIK.

If you have a look at the DLP website, it will tell you the opening hours of the park at the time of year you want to go and if any rides will be closed for refurbishment.

Adifferentcorner · 20/10/2021 07:51

@Elle8999 oh no, that’s awful. Can’t believe they haven’t offered you anything suitable, considering you don’t have electricity 😔. Hope things will be a bit brighter today and you manage to switch to a Disneyland hotel. Hope the park itself has lived up to expectations!

OP posts:
Adifferentcorner · 20/10/2021 07:52

Thanks for all the info/advice everyone 😊

OP posts:
Mysa74 · 20/10/2021 07:59

Hi op, if you're on FB join the Disney Paris FB page. There's bound to be one. It'll tell you everything you need to know. Have fun !

MyOtherProfile · 20/10/2021 08:02

Search on Disneyland Paris on MN. We went 4 years ago and had a great time. 3 nights onsite in the sequoia - worth it for the magic hours where we went on all the rides we wanted without queuing. It did look a little tired but was still magical. And all the staff were so nice and helpful.


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JackieWeaversZoomAc · 20/10/2021 08:04

We stayed at Davy Crocketts a couple of years ago.


It's an easy 10 minute drive to the park & parking at DLP is included.

NIce little 2 bed cabin with parking in wooded area. Kitchenette, 2 shower rooms, tv etc. You could cook meals etc but I didn't go to Disney to cook. Oven, dishwasher, microwave, fridge etc.

Own parking outside cabin.

It was very peaceful- nice antidote to the parks.

We only really slept & showered there. We went to parks early for extra magic time, and were ready for bed as soon as we got in each night.

You get extra magic time as it's a Disney hotel.

There is deck and bbq area at cabin too.

Also in main bit there is pool, bar, buffet restaurant, playground, shopetc. Buffet restaurant was ad good as any in the parks. It's all Wild West themed.

We took one of cheaper cabins further away from main complex - need to drive to get to pool etc.

One adult, 2 kids aged 11 & 8.

Would stay again.

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