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Rome Short break where to stay!

97 replies

Noeuf · 25/09/2021 20:31

Hi all so thinking three nights, kids all have SEND so can’t arrange care longer. Dh and I want to go Feb outside half term. Language not a problem, just the whole overwhelming stuff to see issue. Looks like Spanish steps or piazza navone (sp?) as a base but any ideas on getting around / seeing the Vatican - dh fixated on this for some reason. I hated Barcelona and in my head this is the same - we go, we miss the good bits, and we’ve just had a ‘meh’ stay.

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Mantlemoose · 25/09/2021 21:03

Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Fontana de Trevi excellent areas also. Colosseum a bit further out but still ok. Walk everywhere and look up as well as straight ahead! If you want tour get in touch with Stefano at Roma Cabs, him and his team are fantastic! You can book for Vatican but easy enough to walk to. I wouldn't stay at Termini too far out for me but massive difference in hotel pricing so depends on your budget. Ah, Roma.

MySaladDaysAreGone · 25/09/2021 21:05

Don’t stay near the Vatican v boring! Piazza Navone, Campo dei Fiore and trastevere are much more ‘italian’ and atmospheric.

Noeuf · 25/09/2021 21:17

Ah brilliant I thought the Vatican might be boring! Budget is looking at around £1200 flight plus hotel on BA. but tbh I went once on a trip when I was 20 and spent a day in MacDonalds and faffing so not a clue about where anything is, what to do, etc .

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EwwSprouts · 25/09/2021 21:24

We stayed opposite Trajan's Market. Easy to walk everywhere, though we did take a bus down to the Vatican as it was hot. We just admired it from outside as had DS with us. Rome really does lend itself to wandering and seeing what you come upon.

fruitpastille · 25/09/2021 21:31

We stayed in the Trastevere area and walked to pretty much everything we wanted to see. Lots of restaurants close to the hotel for evening meals.

Jenjenn · 25/09/2021 21:31

We stayed near Vatican just behind castel St angelo in an apartment few years back and it was fab. Great base for exploring and loads of restaurants to choose from. Had amazing wine and antipasti at Il Goccetti just across the river. I only spent one long weekend in Rome but would love to go back so I will follow your thread for tips op :)

Noeuf · 25/09/2021 21:31

Thank you thats what I’m hoping. I’m more of a mooch around in the direction of eg 1 or 2 interesting things but oh look a shop etc.

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Noeuf · 25/09/2021 21:33

Ah interesting I assumed Trastevere was not walking distance - it’s sold as a romantic break, so bought maybe not near everything.
jen please do I’m keen to make the most of escaping for a couple of days!

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fruitpastille · 25/09/2021 21:38

We stayed at Hotel Santa Maria which was charming.

Noeuf · 25/09/2021 21:44

Thanks - is that central?

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Geamhradh · 25/09/2021 22:02

We stayed just outside the Vatican walls this summer. Perfect location to reach everywhere else, and many places reachable within a 15 minute walk. Chose that area as its fairly central, but a good safe area. Trastevere is the next area along from the Vatican, most evenings we just popped over the river to eat. Lots of excellent cheap restaurants both sides in that area.
The more touristy areas around Piazza Navona, Piazza di Spagna etc are more expensive obvs but tbf I was surprised how cheap everything was. Restaurants around those areas can be hit and miss as there are lots of hawkers outside each one trying to get you in, but tbf we only had one crappy meal.
I live in the south of Italy and Rome was way cheaper than down here.
If you want to visit the Vatican museums, then you can buy tickets online beforehand. St. Peter's is free, and the queues, though long, move quickly.
Longest queue we had, despite having tickets beforehand was for the Pantheon. Worth it though.
Colosseum very busy but staged entries, so smooth running.
Masks and Covid pass/negative test taken within 48 hours mandatory inside, and at some outside places (ie Trevi fountain) where there are crowds.
Despite living in Italy I 'fess to not having been to Rome for a holiday since 1992 Blush it's changed beyond recognition (for the better) cheaper, better organized, feels safe (police/army at all tourist hot spots)
It was great.
Don't even think though of staying anywhere near Termini. The station is great, really modern and full of places to shop and eat. Outside it's like many big capital city station hubs, fucking terrifying. Beggars, gangs of scary men, drug addicts and drunks lying on the pavements. We were there at 2pm on Friday afternoon and I remember saying to DD "imagine climbing through this lot to get back to your hotel of an evening" As it was we strolled happily through Trastevere and St. Peter's Square. Fabulous.

RuleOfCat · 25/09/2021 22:09

Many, many yers ago I had the most wonderful Rome holiday directly on Piazza della Rotunda, with a room that looked right onto the Pantheon. The hotel was nice enough, 3 star, but what made it stand out was that view of the Pantheon. Looking online now, it must have been where the Albergo del Senato is, but it might well have changed hands in the meantime, as the name isn't ringing bells. There seem to be several other hotels looking out onto the Pantheon too, the Antico Albergo del Sole al Pantheon looks fab, but the view might be less stunning. I remember the Pantheon being beautifully situated for most things, very central for walking around.

Noeuf · 25/09/2021 22:25

Oh brilliant thank you, I’m always wary of stations so that’s confirmed it. Exciting to think of somewhere with views too, I’ll look on BA for any that are looking it to the Pantheon. There was one which went on about views. Sounds as though wherever we are will be walkable. I just want to be able to step out and find nice cafes and shops really

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AmandaHoldensLips · 25/09/2021 22:38

Stay at the Hassler hotel. Ask the concierge to get you a car and a private guide for a half day (or full day) tour. Fabulous.

ContadoraExplorer · 25/09/2021 23:05

Trastevere for sure - we had a tram stop close to our hotel which we hopped on a few times but it was reasonably easy to walk from there and so many great places for food right on your doorstep.

Noeuf · 26/09/2021 04:18

Interesting, I was focussing on the more central areas, was a bit put off by Trastavere being described as romantic in case out the way? Car idea sounds like a plan if we run out of enthusiasms for walking!

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Geamhradh · 26/09/2021 07:57


Interesting, I was focussing on the more central areas, was a bit put off by Trastavere being described as romantic in case out the way? Car idea sounds like a plan if we run out of enthusiasms for walking!

I don't think many areas are out of the way in Rome in all honesty.
We only caught the metro to get from Termini to our hotel at the Vatican. Walked everywhere other than that, just jumping on at night to get back if we were knackered.
I think Trastevere is described as romantic because it's quite particular as in full of tiny back streets and little restaurants etc, but it's pretty generally touristy.
samsalmon · 26/09/2021 08:00

Definitely the area around the Pantheon. Campo dei Fiori area also good.

CatsOperatingInGangs · 26/09/2021 08:03

We stayed at the Hotel California nearish to the Termini and it was great in February. What it’s like in summer is a different matter but I didn’t see any antisocial behaviour like what the PP is describing. Very accessible for trains and buses, walking distance to many of the sights. There’s a lovely restaurant underneath the hotel for night when you’ve done enough walking too.

Noeuf · 26/09/2021 08:05

‘I don't think many areas are out of the way in Rome in all honesty‘

That’s a relief! I’ve only spent a few hours there about 30 years ago, and I know from other holidays it’s easy to end up somewhere far away from any ‘action’.
Maybe start by looking at hotels and flights and not worry too much about where.

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Cazzovuoi · 26/09/2021 08:06

Trastevere is a 15 minute walk from the Spanish Steps but a walk that is gorgeous, over the Tiber river, past the Bocca della Verita.

Hotel Del Corso on via del Corso is gorgeous. It’s really central and you can walk everywhere. There are two metro stops near Piazza Spagna that will bring you close to the Vatican. Book your Vatican museum tickets online to skip the queue.

Make sure you visit Tonnarello restaurant in Trastevere and order the polpette cacao e pepe meatballs. We went twice in a weekend Grin

Weepingwillows12 · 26/09/2021 08:06

We stayed at Grand Hotel de la Minerve one time which was next to the Pantheon and walked most places easily. I was working so only went out evenings so didn't go all the way to the Vatican but the Colosseum, Spanish Steps etc were all walkable.

I went a few years back too and stayed near Termini and wouldn't recommend it. Just a bit further from everywhere although we did still walk. Felt a bit dodgier too.

Rome is one of my favourite places so enjoy.

Noeuf · 26/09/2021 08:07

Thanks sam and cats that’s good to know. I think maybe I’ll try for Spanish Steps or Pantheon and also consider the other areas if the hotels aren’t nice? Huge price difference in some of them.

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StMarysKettle · 26/09/2021 08:07

You should do the Castel Sant'Angelo. Gorgeous views and a cafe halfway up where we stopped for wine and tiramisu. Generally I felt Rome was extremely underwhelming and didn't enjoy it but that was a highlight. There was a man playing violin outside too so that was a lovely wander.

Noeuf · 26/09/2021 08:14

marys Thai is my worry! I found Barcelona really boring and felt like we’d missed the good bits - saw the cathedral but queues massive, walked for miles from the beach to the Gaudi gardens, beach was 20 mins from hotel, everything was a massive walk through residential parts.

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