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First holiday just me and my kids - all inclusive?

31 replies

BacktoB · 27/07/2021 13:19

I've only been on holidays with daughters with other adults (either their dad when we were together, or my mum), but I've just finished my degree and we all deserve a little break! so I'd like to take them away next Easter.

I overthink things and have anxiety, so I want to make it as easy as possible to take them away. I've never been on an all inclusive holiday, but I feel like that would be my best shot? Ideally I'd like the option of one or two trips out, but with a nice enough resort that if we don't make it outside, it will still be nice.

Can anyone recommend anywhere nice, or maybe correct me if I'm not on the right track?

OP posts:
PeonyTime · 27/07/2021 15:30

How old are the kids?

Personally, I prefer self catering. More space, sofa and TV for me in the evenings. Breakfast at crack of dawn when the kids wake up. We generally eat out one main meal an day, and have something simple like croissants for breakfast, and sandwiches for the other meal. I did lots of weeks away without DH when the kids were 4-10. Caravans on a decent site with pool, some evening entertainment, and easy reach of a beach or city were the biggest hits.
I did this in Italy with the kids and no car. Fab holiday

Jerseygirl12 · 27/07/2021 16:07

All inclusive sounds perfect for you, the Canary Islands could work for that time of the year.

emmathedilemma · 27/07/2021 16:21

An all inclusive package sounds ideal for your needs. Get something with flights and transfers included and all you have to do is pack your bags! I'd find somewhere with a good kids club so you have the option of some quiet time by the pool too.

SeeYaBeYa · 27/07/2021 16:27

I'm going to agree with @PeonyTime and say I prefer self catering so you can properly relax in a separate room while they're sleeping of an evening. I guess AI with a suite would work on that score though. But I hated only having one room when mine were little - it didn't really feel so great watching telly in the dark with the volume down and subtitles on. And that's after finally managing to get them to sleep via leaving the room and sitting in the bathroom/corridor etc.

BacktoB · 27/07/2021 16:44

Thank you all for your replies.
They will be just 13 and just 8 when we go. When they're not at school I tend to get up early-ish with youngest and go to bed at about the same time as my eldest, so I think I would look for a two bed situation.
I would typically go for a villa or apartment and self-cater, but thinking about going shopping with them etc makes me nervous now!

OP posts:
SeeYaBeYa · 27/07/2021 17:21

If you'd feel less anxious doing AI there are places with family suites which would work for what you want. I'd go to a travel agent though rather than trawling through trying to find them yourself.

In terms of shopping etc I do know what you mean and I felt the same but really anywhere you go if it's a resort type place they're used to having nervous clueless foreigners around and I've never had any problems. In fact, the opposite - people make a fuss of kids in a lot of parts of the continent and resorts like having families rather than stags etc. I can still remember ds1 sitting like a bloody Prince Regent lapping up the coos and clucks of restaurant family members along with his couple of spoons of free sorbet they gave him when he was getting all toddler-arsey one evening.

BarbaraofSeville · 28/07/2021 09:22

I'd also recommend the Canaries for decent weather at Easter and self catering, your DDs are old enough to get their own drinks and ice creams out of the fridge and help with clearing up so it's not like you won't get a break.

Look for somewhere with a supermarket (a large Spar is fine) within walking distance and plan to eat out for lunch or dinner each day.

You can then have breakfast in the accommodation and easy food in the evening, BBQ, pizza, bread, cheese, olives, crisps etc.

We stayed here and it was perfect. Less than 5 minutes walk to a supermarket, 5-10 mins walk to beach and marina with restaurants, easy access to other parts of Lanzarote if you want to go to a water park or see the volcano.

OnlyFoolsnMothers · 28/07/2021 09:23


Notawriteryet · 28/07/2021 09:26

Have a look at Los Zocos in Lanzarote. Their suites are nice, we had a 2 bed with a lounge and kitchen, massive balcony, aircon, pool view AND it was all inclusive. There was a little supermarket opposite for essentials which meant that one of my fussy eaters could still have his particular cereal in the morning.

littletinyboxes · 28/07/2021 09:32

If you decide to go for an all inclusive, be aware that the quality and variety of food included can vary hugely (and not necessarily in line with price). I've found that this is not usually apparent from the travel agent info but if you read the trip advisor reviews you can get a feel for what's on offer.

TickledOnion · 28/07/2021 09:33

Definitely do all inclusive. I did it with my first solo trip with my DDs when they were 6 and 8. I decided that I did enough driving, shopping and cooking at home and needed a break. Also I didn’t want to be restricted to restaurants that served pizza. All inclusive meant the kids could eat food they liked and I could have fresh fish or something I liked. In the end they tried a whole variety of food that I would’t normally buy as they could just have a taste without me wasting money.
We went to Mallorca but I don’t know if it would be hot at Easter so canaries is a better bet.

FawnFrenchieMum · 28/07/2021 09:39

Easter will limit the locations but as a few people have suggested Canaries would work well.

I love AI with the kids, feels a lot more like an holiday to me, not having to worry about having enough food / drinks in everyday or that I’ve budgeted enough money for food for the whole holiday.
Check the trip advisor reviews as food quality varies massively, some people are happy with a ‘canteen’ feel every day. We much prefer a couple of Al a cartes on site but with just you & kids this might not be as important.
Also search Facebook for the name of the hotel. You might find a group specifically for that hotel or posts in other forums.

katienana · 28/07/2021 09:42

All inclusive all the way! Most have a snack bar where you can get ice cream or Lollies whenever you want, drinks on tap by the pool etc.
Canary Islands I think you generally get more for your money.
We stayed here in 2019
The food was fantastic, there were 3 restaurants plus buffet, the buffet had high quality food like sushi, always had more basic stuff like pizza so something for everyone. The pools were lovely as well. The only downside was that you couldn't go onto the beach as too dangerous but for 10 days with little kids were happy for a really relaxing break. We could have done day trips eg waterpark or boat trip if we'd wanted.
Our room had a terrace so we would get a few cocktails from the bar when the kids went to bed and look out onto the sea.

KombuchaKrisis · 28/07/2021 09:45

I really recommend Barceló Castillo Beach resort, Fuerteventura.

As a rule I don't like all inc but I'd actually return here. It's so nice and the rooms are all individual little cottages so have have a kitchenette too. It has a few pools to choose from and also has its own beach. The whole place is gated too so you need your key pass to get into the complex, felt very safe.

KombuchaKrisis · 28/07/2021 09:48

Yes good wise, there was your main restaurant which was buffet ish, a lot of it was freshly prepared by chefs in front of you. Snacks around the pool areas are non stop but there is also a mini supermarket style shop for essentials and a toy shop. It literally did have everything ha!

Aztectrousers · 28/07/2021 09:56

I agree all inclusive is the way to go. Nothing to worry about you get there.
Have you thought about Turkey? Some of their AI resorts are fabulous with loads to do and the weather is generally good at that time of year. I can recommend the Tui Sensatori Barut Sorgun in Side which is excellent, lots of families there but not sure when they open for the season.
And yes look on trip advisor for reviews.

Babdoc · 28/07/2021 10:17

Absolutely all inclusive, booked through a package operator so you have support all the way through from reps at the airport and in resort.
You do NOT want bloody self catering or a villa - how is that a holiday, when you will have all the chores you have at home?
All inclusive means you can budget confidently, with no extra expenses, too.
I was widowed with two babies, and was terrified at the prospect of my first holiday alone with them!
I had DH’s elderly aunt with me for holidays abroad until the DDs were 7 and 8, when I booked through Thomson (now part of TUI) for a fortnight in the Med. We had a lovely time, the excursions were well organised, and I felt very safe and supported.
I progressed to booking our own trips online, but I really appreciated that first hand hold.
Go for it, OP! Bon voyage.

scrambledcustard · 28/07/2021 10:26

Zafiro Menorca is a great little AI hotel. We've been three times. The rooms come with a kitchenette,living room area and separate bedroom. There are two main pools with slides and a toddler pool. The food is ok too and you can get poolside food freshly done. Kids entertainment at night is cheesy and their is a kids disco but they love it. Its close to the beach which is lovely and perfect for kids and there is a beautiful harbour you can walk around at night plus a little train ride that takes you round the town. Minorca is just a family island, every thing closes down about 11pm so no groups of stags or hens.

I'd take mine there this summer but ex has beat me too it so I'm taking them away for xmas to Dubai to a hotel which ive paid half board for.

BarbaraofSeville · 28/07/2021 10:31

You do NOT want bloody self catering or a villa - how is that a holiday, when you will have all the chores you have at home

But you don't have 'all the chores you have at home'. Beyond keeping the kitchen usable, what exactly is there to do? Plus not everyone sees shopping for food in foreign markets, supermarkets etc as a chore, but part of the holiday.

And some of us want the freedom to go out sightseeing and to be able to eat local food, served at a table on the sea front, at a time of our choosing and not have to run the gauntlet that is an AI buffet three times a day or pay an absolute fortune for a la carte AI.

Brycare · 28/07/2021 10:53

Agree with the above re self catering accommodation.
For me anyway, one of the most enjoyable parts of my holiday is eating out in the local restaurants every day.
I personally much prefer this than eating in the hotel all the time.

Aztectrousers · 28/07/2021 11:03

I’ve done both and got a bit fed up traipsing around every night looking for somewhere to eat that pleased everyone when self catering. And it’s not my idea of fun food shopping with 2 kids and yes you still have chores. The big AI resorts usually have a few different restaurants to eat at and loads of choice so not the same thing every day. But everyone is different so it’s your choice OP.

Jerseygirl12 · 28/07/2021 11:33

Try and look for all inclusive that have some outside dining areas and a couple of different different restaurants. Pool or beach options for lunch are always a hit.

Babdoc · 28/07/2021 11:46

To the PPs who think a self catering villa would be anything but a lonely and isolated chore-filled holiday for a single parent on a budget - think again!
In a hotel, OP will have adult company, kids activities, no need to cook or food shop.
If she enjoys going round markets, she can do that for fun, not because she has to. Nor will she have to lug heavy food supplies back to the villa in the heat with grumbling kids in tow.
She will also have English speaking reps and reception staff if the kids are ill or there is a problem.
You aren’t thinking about life as an anxious single mother, you’re imagining it as a nice holiday with your DH and family. I can assure you as a widow, it is totally bloody different.


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BarbaraofSeville · 28/07/2021 11:59

Well the villa I suggested upthread was literally a 2 minute walk across a park from a medium sized supermarket and between the three of them, they're perfectly capable of carrying back supplies.

Many places like this provide a shopping trolley for guests to use. A little further is the beach and the marina, with restaurants and more shops.

There's a private pool, patio and barbecue. It's likely to work out far cheaper than half decent all inclusive, so better if you're on a budget.

Required cooking is absolutely minimal and there's three of them to do it. The DDs are perfectly capable of putting pizzas in the oven, opening bags of salad and crisps, loading and unloading the dishwasher, getting their own drinks and ice creams etc. If anyone is doing any chores beyond this, I can't think why.

The management company's on site office speak English and provide any help that's needed. It's the type of place where the OP would be able to relax on a sunlounger and spend quality time with her DDs.

Woeismethischristmas · 28/07/2021 12:08

I’d go all inclusive, I don’t really want to have to tidy up/ cook/wash dishes. I like coming in to a made bed and fresh towels and disappearing sand.

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