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Where to stay in Santorini?

5 replies

OnlyBejoking · 07/03/2021 20:47

We are planning a trip to Santorini. It will be me, DH and our 11 and 14 year olds. I'm wondering whether it is best to stay in fira to be cental or near one of the beaches. Any recommendations?

OP posts:
Fivemoreminutes1 · 08/03/2021 06:17

Fira has the most restaurants, shops, and hotels and it’s the hub of Santorini’s bus network so you can get pretty much anywhere on the island with just one bus ride. If you like action, shopping, lots of choice for where to eat, and dance clubs then this is where you’ll want to be. If you want peace and solitude then you’ll likely find Fira busy, hectic, and touristy. (That said, if you’re just a little off the main street it’s pretty quiet.)
Personally, I’d probably go for a beach resort like Kamari, Perivolos or Perissa. The hotels near the beaches are more affordable compared to the other side of the island.
Kamari has a wonderful family-friendly atmosphere, a pedestrian beach-front walkway, and plenty of good restaurants (but not really any great ones). It’s a 15-minute bus ride to Fira. Kamari has a pebble beach but the swimming is good.
Perissa Beach has nicer sand than Kamari, but it’s further from Fira. A few new luxury hotels and upscale restaurants have opened here, though there are still plenty of great, affordable hotels and low key restaurants and bars all along the beach road. Your dc might enjoy Perissa and Perivolos beaches more as there are also plenty of watersports available for them to try.

LongTimeMammaBear · 08/03/2021 06:27

Don’t go for the beaches if you want the restaurants and the views santorinibiz known for

We stayed at the beach and spent so much on taxis to go where the action was. Couldn’t eat dinner at our hotel is was so bland and restaurant around were very limited.

When we did our jet skiing, we were bussed to far off location. So staying by the beach for water sports - didn’t happen.

We’ve said we need to go back but stay centrally and not at the beach

Go to another Greek island if you want lively beach holiday. To experience santoriini, stay centrally and not at the beach

LutherRalph1 · 08/03/2021 06:32

We stayed at Kamari. I loved it there but we could have been anywhere if you see what I mean.
We had our 3 month old so didn't venture out much but I do know that the main sights were packed and you had to queue to even get down streets

OnlyBejoking · 09/03/2021 12:21

Me and the kids like peace and swimming. DH wants to explore and take pics. We don't like touristy hustle and bustle, nightlife or posh restaurants. I think DH needs to stay in Fira and the rest of us by a beach!

OP posts:
StepOutOfLine · 10/03/2021 10:56

Can I hijack slightly- hoping to go to Santorini later this year. My idea of hell is a plane full of young adults getting pissed and wanting to go clubbing.
Can people confirm that Santorini isn't like this? Grin

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