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4 replies

Wisenotboring · 11/01/2020 13:11

My husband and I are planning a holiday with our baby and are looking for something easy, relaxing with the opportunity to do some classes/go to the gym. Any suggestions? I have heard sensatori are nice but would be interested to know of experiences or if a particular one is recommended? Thanks!

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MilesHuntsWig · 11/01/2020 13:18

We did a sensatori holiday with our 7yo last year and it was nice - there were other families there with smaller children and it was very easy. Main advice would be to book any classes or restaurant seating via the app ASAP as they get booked up quickly. We did the one in Cyprus (before the boycott Cyprus campaign) and enjoyed it.

Snowcandle · 12/01/2020 15:02

The sensatori barut sorgun in side, turkey is gorgeous. Didn’t have young kids with us but lots there and very family friendly. Check out the reviews on tripadvisor.

notjudgingjustasking · 14/01/2020 11:54

Could look at the Ikos brand, absolutely wonderful.

Wisenotboring · 14/01/2020 12:56

Many thanks all x

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