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Kos Greece

5 replies

gillyginger · 01/04/2019 06:57

Thinking about a week holiday beginning of June, two adults and DC 13 and 11, anybody been? Thank you

OP posts:
MrsPatrickDempsey · 01/04/2019 07:13

Yep - been a couple of times; once to the Holiday Village and once to a hotel with a water park near Kardamena - name evading me! Lovely destination with lots to do; Kos town nice to visit and we did the day trip to Turkey for fab shopping. Departure from the airport was chaos though as it's tiny and can't seem to handle more than one flight. Would return though.

Bluelonerose · 01/04/2019 07:18

Blue lagoon resort in kos is amazing. I don't go back to the same place twice but I would there.
Water park on site, huge pool, private beach. Heaven

SooticaTheWitchesCat · 02/04/2019 13:11

Yes, we went to a lovely resort called Mastihari. It is a nice, small, traditional Greek resort with a beautiful beach, some lovely tavernas, shops and small bars. It was perfect for a relaxed holiday.

MrsAmaretto · 02/04/2019 17:58

Yes, and we went to the Blue Lagoon Resort and i’d Go again. There’s a fb page set up by a former tourist about it for info.

We really enjoyed Kos, the town was nice, our hotel was fantastic and we thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the neighbouring island with the volcanoe. Kids are desperate to go back

Witchofzog · 10/04/2019 11:47

Kardamena is beautiful. I loved it there! And it is very affordable too. The previous poster is right though - the airport coming home is awful - tiny, overcrowded, no announcements or screens in English. I would still go back though

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