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Has anyone been on a Neilson holiday?

7 replies

custardlover · 20/01/2019 19:15

We're looking at the resort in Lemnos. We're not sailors although will probably have a go at kayaking but the rest of it - accom, facilities, the local town - all looks nice. We did Mark Warner in Sardinia last year which was lovely but isolated - there was no town anywhere near and nowhere to visit, and the accommodation was fine but your outside terrace was gloomy. It's be great to hear from anyone who has done an alternative that they would recommend; we're looking for enough activity to keep two energetic young boys happy, with nice personal space and facilities and near enough to something else to escape for a day if we start to feel cabin fever!

OP posts:
custardlover · 20/01/2019 19:46

That was a rambling post, sorry!

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UnaOfStormhold · 20/01/2019 20:04

We've done loads of Neilson holidays and I'd definitely recommend them. Lemnos is a nice resort, reasonably easy walk to the town though I seem to remember that aftrt a busy day it felt like a bit of a hike uphill on the way back! I'd give the water activities a try while you're there - I learnt to sail, ski and windsurf on Neilson holidays and they're well set up for beginners. The accommodation isn't luxurious but comfy and kept spotlessly clean, and there's so much to do that you don't spend much time there.

custardlover · 20/01/2019 20:47

That's all great to hear, thank you! I think we might have found the one then!

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TheApprentice · 20/01/2019 20:51

We've been to lemnos in October the last two years with neilson. Also been to vounaki. The holidays work for us because my dh is very outdoorsy and likes to be active on holiday whereas I'm not and i like to relax. The neilson holiday offers both! We like the resort in lemnos. ..its compact and easy to find each other! Also the kuds clubs are fab if you need them.

Hollowvictory · 01/02/2019 15:36

Lemnos Neilsons is good and a short stroll to a nice harbour village. As per all Neilsons accommodation is basic and the beach is poor, they will tell you its the best beach of all Neilsons. Maybe it is but its still gritty sand with a power station at one end. However you can't see it from the pool!

GreenShadow · 03/02/2019 18:28

We've also had a week with Neilson in Lemnos.
We chose it over some others because you could walk to the town reasonably easily and because it was good for beginners.

DC and I did the sailing course and we did bits for windsurfing plus we all had a go at water skiing which we'd never done before.

I thought the rooms were actually quite nice though food was a bit more limited than some places we've stayed, but then it's not a massive centre.
Pool was good and we always found a lounger when we wanted one.

SpoonBlender · 03/02/2019 19:18

We've done Neilson skiing and seasports several times, they've always done a bang-on job of the sporty bits, plus arranging evening stuff/trips etc for those who want to. Never had any Neilson run accommodation - they've always hung off the back of existing hotels/resorts.

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