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Euro camp, maybe tuscany

17 replies

DangerousMouse · 06/12/2018 10:50

Has anyone stayed at a european euro camp? It seems too cheap to be true! We'd like to stay at one in Tuscany and use it as a base to explore the area, get car hire etc.. although the pools and evening entertainment would be very useful!
Any recommendations for which one to go for? Thanks

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DangerousMouse · 06/12/2018 10:50

Oh and we have children aged 8 and 15, and would need accommodation with 3 bedrooms

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R00tat00tt00t · 08/12/2018 10:24

Hi dangermouse, we stayed at an amazing holiday camp in Tuscany last year. They did have Eurocamp accommodation as well as lots of other companies e.g. vacan soleil, canvas etc but we booked direct from the site owners -human company, as it was cheaper and accommodation seemed better quality/newer/better location etc. It's a large site but set on a hill and has a village feel so not too sprawling and didn't feel too crowded or busy. Good choice of restaurants, bar, takeaway, gellateria; great pools; decent entertainment for the kids etc. Only potential problem is it's very popular and may already be booked up for summer 2019.
I'll try and do a link for you. Any other questions just ask.

R00tat00tt00t · 08/12/2018 10:28

Oh and meant to add.
Don't know how much accommodation they have with 3 rooms but ours did - it was called a leonardo and had 1 double and 2 (compact) twins. Others might just have 2 bedrooms but this would be a double, triple (bunk over singles) and potential sofa bed in kitchenette?

It really is a lovely site and great base for exploring the area - Florence,Sienna, Pisa etc. Would recommend a hire car though.

DangerousMouse · 08/12/2018 20:24

That sounds perfect, thank you, I'm off to check it out!

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Mynydd · 08/12/2018 20:28

Not tuscany but we stayed in a eurocamp near rome called camp fabulous. It was indeed fabulous and I never thought I was a holiday park kinda gal 😆

If you hire a car then a eurocamp can be a fab base for exploring with kids

shutlingsloe · 11/12/2018 13:28

Norcenni is lovely - good exercise on the hills Wink.

@R00tat00tt00t is right, it feels like a village and is lovely to wander round in the evening.

Fabulous is indeed fabulous Grin.

DangerousMouse · 14/12/2018 12:05

We've booked Norcenni, it looks amazing thank you! Any top tips? the adventure ropes place looks perfect for my two..

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anniehm · 14/12/2018 12:29

Have dove sites with Eurocanp on it (we went with different company) they are pretty good. The entertainment isn't to our taste but they make a reasonable base for exploring plus have a pool for chill out days. Check prices if you book direct though, we found it quite a bit cheaper though using google translate is a faff.

R00tat00tt00t · 14/12/2018 13:49

Brilliant Dangermouse, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. When are you going? I'll have a think re; tips and reply later.

HotHandle · 15/12/2018 09:44

We went last year. Italy is CHAOS in August, heaving everywhere. We wouldn’t go back in August...

HotHandle · 15/12/2018 09:44

Look at Human Company

DangerousMouse · 16/12/2018 21:54

We are going last week of July and first week August, we'd like to find some nice markets and explore some smaller towns nearby. We will probably spend our last day in Pisa.

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TefalTester123 · 22/12/2018 18:54

Been to NG. Get the train from the local station into Florence. Don't drive as parking is a pain. Siena and San Gimignano are good days out.

Karwomannghia · 28/12/2018 11:53

This sounds really interesting. Is a day in Venice too much of a stretch? How often did you get to the coast?

DangerousMouse · 30/12/2018 20:12

Good tip about the train to venice, last time we drove in Italy we crashed in Rome! I think we'll stick tot he train for the cities and just explore more rural ares in the car.

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DangerousMouse · 30/12/2018 20:12

Train to Florence even.. although Venice also sounds good!

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bitofabelly · 30/12/2018 21:28

Pienza and Montepulciano are must do's ..beautiful especially Pienza

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