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Very picky mumsnetter needs your recommendation for next years all inclusive.

53 replies

mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 19:12

We spent a week at the caretta beach in kalimaki on Zante this August and whilst we enjoyed it (with a few niggles), we would like to go somewhere different next year.

Things we liked about CB were: the water park, the fun park attached, the room, the proximity of family friendly restaurants, the variety of pools, the quietness and the minibus to the beach.

Things we didn't like were: the rubbish quality of soft drinks, the "Brits abroad" type entertainment (we just didn't partake, so didn't matter) and the repetitiveness of the buffet restaurant.

For next year we are looking for the following:
Accommodation for 2 adults, one child with separate sleeping areas for a little privacy.
A balcony or terrace.
Tea making facilities and fridge.
Sitting area would be nice.
Selection of pools, poss inc a water park on site if possible.
All inclusive with a choice of restaurants and bars.
Nice lounge/bar areas to relax in.
Local restaurants and nice quiet town or village within walking distance.
Beach within walking distance.
Somewhere in Europe, maybe Balearics, canaries or Greece but nowhere which is a "party town" and not bothered about it being somewhere full of other English people either.
Not bothered about kids clubs/"entertainment" either.

Ideally not high rise, a friend has mentioned somewhere with little bungalows which sounds lovely.

DH is quite picky, as am I and we would rather not just walk into a travel agents. Budget to up to £3K max for a week (this year spent £2400 plus a couple of hundred spending money, so know it's possible).

OP posts:
mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 19:13

Pressed go too soon, any recommendations very gratefully received :-).

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AndNowItsSeven · 23/08/2015 19:43

No recommendations sorry, just wanted to say I love the honesty in your title Grin

mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 19:50

Lol, I am rather a perfectionist Grin. Plus dh would be so annoyed if we spent that much money on somewhere we hated.

We were so lucky this year to get the quiet room we did at our hotel, we realised upon arrival how different our holiday could have been so I want to research next year thoroughly Smile

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PoppyBlossom · 23/08/2015 19:53

This might be too commercial, but it ticks a lot of your boxes?

PoppyBlossom · 23/08/2015 19:59

Turkey looks like a nicer location, but less in the way of water parks.

mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 20:10

Thanks for the links, we don't want to go to Turkey, although your link does look lovely Smile

Also, we need somewhere with a/c included.

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BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:15

why even do all inclusive?
just get a villa

BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:15

i adore Turkey

mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 20:16

All inclusive because otherwise it's not a holiday for me, I don't want to have to shop, cook or wash up on holiday.

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mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 20:17

Brenda, have you felt safe in Turkey? DH is really against it.

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PoppyBlossom · 23/08/2015 20:18

I think the all inclusive will go hand in hand with Brit holiday destination, standard entertainment type places. Would you consider self catering holiday villas?

BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:20


Dalyan is lovely. I went here last year and loved it

turkish FOOD is amazing.
these apartments are lovely and the host/manager lays on lots of interesting trips.

No music or shite ' entertainment' just mood lighting around the pool and the riverside walk of 10 mins into dalyan town.

RJnomaaaaaargh · 23/08/2015 20:20

Can I recommend Sicily?

leccybill · 23/08/2015 20:21

I'm the most risk averse person going, and I've just come back from Turkey, having also visited many other European AI hotels.
Turkey felt completely safe, and just like anywhere else. Don't rule it out. Super value for money and guaranteed to be hot.

mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 20:22

I'd really rather not have to cook or shop on holiday poppy, it's just not a break otherwise. Plus we really like not having to go anywhere or carry any money -found it really liberating.

Not bothered if there is entertainment going on, as long as it's not obtrusive as we probably won't be going along, would rather have a quieter bar area as an option. Caretta Beach was certainly not quiet quiet but gave us options.

That's why I was asking for personal recommendations - I'm sure the place I'm looking for must exist Grin but don't trust travel agents to tell me the truth.

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GloriaHotcakes · 23/08/2015 20:23

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Rosa · 23/08/2015 20:23

sardinia but maybe not the Forte Village ...

BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:23

has wifi and aircon.

Lovely view of the mountains. We did a jeep safari into the interior where rival jeeps shoot water at each other, you go up to an icy waterfall and havelunch. BRILLIANT

BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:24

LOL at link

hold on

SWFARMER · 23/08/2015 20:24

We're going to the Dominican Republic in December and paid 1200 each for 2 weeks for adults. All inclusive. Private beach. Lots of pools. 8 different restaurants. Proper alcohol.

mrsmilesmatheson · 23/08/2015 20:24

Will look at Turkey, dh may be persuaded!

Need to think about heat too I guess, as we have to go in UK summer holidays and Zante was about as hot as we would want it, 33-37degrees.

OP posts:
BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:24
BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:25

i couldnt do all inclusive - too infantilising and not good for local economy


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BrendaandEddie · 23/08/2015 20:25

everyone i know who does DOm Republic gets serious food poisoning

Whatevertheweather · 23/08/2015 20:27

We went to the Atlantica Aegean Blue in Rhodes last year- loved everything about it and it ticks all your requirements. We booked through Thomson but you can book direct with the hotel if you prefer

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