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Best beach in cornwall for swimming in July-August

44 replies

bunny85 · 29/05/2015 18:33

Hi all,

Does anyone have any advice on Cornwall holiday around late July-August time? We are looking for a nice place with sandy beach where it will be possible to swim (in the sea, not swimming pool). If you know of nice B&B (not too far from the beach) in that area, even better! But mainly interested in a part of Cornwall that is best for a beach holiday.

Thanks in advance x

OP posts:
Silkchiffon · 29/05/2015 20:13

We always loved Hayle - huge sandy beach and there's lifeguard cover, the sea should warm up from the sand if we get enough sunshine.

Dc used to love sliding down the sand-dunes at the back of the beach on their body-boards. Smile

Hayle is a nice little place with a good pasty shop and chippy (tho I haven't been there for some years) and a short train ride to St Ives.

Cathpot · 29/05/2015 20:28

Lots of lovely beaches in Cornwall but the Hayle beach- Gwithian- is great because it is so enormous when the tide is out that even at the height of summer you can find a good space. There are big pools that form as well so good for playing in. Falmouth has 3 town beaches- we swim off all of them , and swan pool has a water sports centre on if you fancy kayaking etc. Porthcurno next the to the Minack theatre is lovely as well, as is Sennen Cove. You are going to be spoilt for choice!

bunny85 · 30/05/2015 01:30

Thank you both, very helpful! Will look into it right away.

OP posts:
cressetmama · 01/06/2015 13:34

One of Falmouth's beaches shelves steeply and has a strong undertow; can't remember which, but it's only okay if you are strongish swimmers. In general, beaches on the sheltered South Coast are safer for smallies.

meglet · 01/06/2015 13:38

Kennack sands on the east of the Lizard.

Porthcurno is beautiful. Not sure about currents though. We had a flying visit last year and from what I could see the beach was quite steep when the tide was still halfway up, I didn't let the dc's in because of it.

bunny85 · 01/06/2015 18:51

Thank you everyone. We did end up booking a lovely place 5mins walk from Porthcurno beach - nothing was available in Hayle, but now I think Porthcurno might be just as nice! What would you ladies say about the weather over there in end of August? Is sea likely to be warm enough?

The only thing is we live in London so it's 5,5h drive and I'm pregnant - but hey, it's going to be worth it (I hope)! Grin

OP posts:
meglet · 01/06/2015 18:56

do you have young dc's? If so make sure you book minac tickets as soon as possible, iirc Tuesday and Thursday are kids mornings. If no dc's yet then go to an evening show.

bunny85 · 01/06/2015 18:58

No, it's my first one. I'll be around 6 month by then. Any other tips on what to see? Smile Thanks a lot

OP posts:
Wonkyparsnip · 01/06/2015 19:01

Lands End? The Minnack Theatre? A day trip to the Isles of scilly?

bunny85 · 01/06/2015 19:13

Thank you parsnip, made a note of them!

OP posts:
meglet · 01/06/2015 19:53

Trebah Gardens, on the road towards Falmouth. If you get a calm day the little pebbly beach at the bottom is perfect for skimming stones. It gets quite competitive.

Cathpot · 01/06/2015 19:58

Water temp is ok in August but to be honest wetsuits are key really if you want to spend any length of time in the sea. We always take shortie wetsuits- not that we haven't been in without but they keep the kids warm for longer and double as a sunsuit. The Minack is really fun but take lots of jumpers and something to sit on if you go in the evening. You can see all the shows they have on line and there is a cafe there . There are lots of lovely gardens around - my favourite is Trebah but that's maybe an hours drive from where you will be- we are based further east. If you're in Truro for any reason we like the royal Cornwall museum and the art cafe next door. You will be near Sennen cove and Gwithian at hayle. Porthcurno is very lovely by the way- great choice! It's a bit of a drive for us so we don't get there very often but every time I make the effort I'm pleased I did!

Cathpot · 01/06/2015 20:02

X post for trebah meglet! Last summer there was a guy there maybe early 50s who was an alarmingly good stone skimmer to the point where most of the beach were watching in awe. In my head I decided he was either a) professional skimmer or b) retired spin bowler. Toyed with asking him so long that by the time I thought I might, the moment was gone.

badRoly · 01/06/2015 20:08

I swam off Swanpool beach in Falmouth last week in my cossie Grin

If you aren't bothered about swimming in the sea, look at Helford Passage - you can swim in the river just up from Trebah (we also swim off Trebah beach).

If you are not tied to school holidays I would wait until early September - we've had a few Indian Summers recently where the kids have been dragged down to the beach after school after spending August watching the rain fall Hmm

austenozzy · 01/06/2015 20:16

I live in the same village as trebah and can vouch for the beaches along the helford. Durgan is a nice little beach, sandier than trebah, at the bottom of glendurgan national trust, next door to trebah. Porth Saxon is also good. Maenporth is the nearest 'proper' sandy beach with cafe and parking. It's shallow shelved, sheltered and even has a wreck you can get over the rocks to on a low spring tide.

austenozzy · 01/06/2015 20:18

Helford passage is still seawater, roly. You're only a few hundred yards from the sea there. The helford isn't really a river until you get to gweek, it's an inlet from the sea.

Branleuse · 01/06/2015 20:18

porthcurno is beautiful. Also Treen, pedne vounder.

Hayle is lovely but my ex stood on a weaver fish there and it ruined the holiday.

badRoly · 01/06/2015 20:19

Maenporth is our favourite beach locally austenozzy Grin but my 3 older DC were booked into Elemental all last week so we spent each day there.

Cathpot · 01/06/2015 20:20

I know I am a complete wuss about cold water!

austenozzy · 01/06/2015 20:22

My dd is only 4, can't wait to get her into a boat roly! (Just re-read my last post btw, didn't mean to sound like big head !)

badRoly · 01/06/2015 20:22

But it's far more sheltered than the 'sea' was what I was meaning, like swimming from Flushing or GreenBank - it doesn't feel like swimming in the sea Blush

austenozzy · 01/06/2015 20:25

True, apart from being just as flippin' cold!

badRoly · 01/06/2015 20:25

That's ok, my older 2 sailed with HRCST last year for the first time and were gripped! They are both now Sea Scouts as a result.

Dc3 is 8 and is going to go sailing this summer if I pull my finger out and get her booked in they 'just' did water sports last week (kayaking, paddle boarding, coasteering etc but no sailing).


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Cathpot · 01/06/2015 20:29

Just twigged that you are pregnant with your first (the hands on kids stuff in Truro museum is less use to you sorry!) but you could do day trips quite easily. None of these things - apart from the Minack - need booking so you can play it by ear. St Ives is nice for pottering around in if its wet- although it's very busy in summer, go early or you can end up very stuck for car parking. We all got weaver fished last holiday - apologies if you know this already but you need to put your foot in water as hot as is bearable as quickly as possible - it is instant relief and after 20 mins it's fine. The lifeguards will have a kettle ready. Or wear beach shoes.

VivaLeBeaver · 01/06/2015 20:31

The best beach is the secret beach a short walk East of Porthcurno. It involves a bit of a scramble down a very steep cliff face to reach the beach. But it's very sheltered and quiet. I got down it with a body board, a 9 month old and a small dog so it's do'able. Had to do a few trips up and down though. Oh, and it's an unofficial nudist beach which I didn't realise till we got there. But I kept my clothes on!

St Ives is worth a visit. The telegraph museum was surprisingly good, that's at Porthcurno.

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