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Where to stay on the Isle of Wight and what to see?

24 replies

sailorsgal · 10/03/2012 16:42

I am thinking of taking ds 5 and myself off to the Isle of Wight for a few days during the easter hols. I am hoping not to drive so would take the ferry from Southampton.

Any recommendations of where to stay which is child friendly? Did think a hotel in Cowes would be nice but thought ds would prefer somewhere with a pool and entertainment.


OP posts:
SoldeInvierno · 10/03/2012 19:47

are you determined not to drive? I found when we were there last time that moving around without a car would have been quite difficult. Sorry, I can't remember where we stayed, so I can't recommend a hotel

sailorsgal · 10/03/2012 19:54

I could hire a car once we were there, just thought it would be easier to go as foot passengers as it is school hols.

OP posts:
Lizcat · 10/03/2012 20:34

If you are hoping not to drive Ryde would be one of the best places to stay as the train runs from here to Shanklin and most of the Vectris buses including the Breezers (take you to all the sights) run through Ryde. If you choose Ryde you would be best to cross from Portsmouth either on the Cat gunwharf quays to Ryde pierhead and get the train into town or the hover Southsea to Ryde town.
Bus passes are very reasonable for the week £22 for an adult and this includes the Breezers the Islands bus service is excellent if you are staying in the East Wight as this is where most of the residents are.
Ryde has a lovely indoor pool on the seafront, great play parks, ice skating and ten bowling. Great places to eat.

smalltown · 10/03/2012 20:36

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smalltown · 10/03/2012 20:39

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smalltown · 10/03/2012 20:39

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AllthatshewantsisanotherBBaby · 10/03/2012 20:42

Ive stayed at the sandringham hotel right on the seafront, at sandown which was nice altho large and impersonal. The shanklin mount hotel is blimmen lovely, friendly perfect for children so friendly, however you would face some walks if without a car. IOW is a fab place id recommend amazon world

nothingoldcanstay · 10/03/2012 21:41

I agree about Portsmouth to Ryde. Much easier to do if you are without a car.
I think you can do the Island easily without a car BTW. The bus is also a complete blast thanks to the rubbish state of the roads and the overhanging branches on the tiny roads!
We have done the Wellington hotel in Ventor that has massive rooms and balconies that overlook the sea. The Wight mouse Inn in Chale was great for kids as they had a playground and a soft play area in a barn. Ryde leading towards Seaview has fantastic beaches.The Kasbah in Ryde is NOT for families however nice it looks! I love Seaview but I have family there and most of the hotels seem "dated" if I'm honest.

Lizcat · 10/03/2012 21:46

I think nothing you maybe referring to the Springvale Hotel (Fawlty Towers) which finally shut its doors last month.

bigTillyMint · 10/03/2012 21:49

Ooh, we are going at Easter too! My first time and I'm really excited!

Car ferries are easy - surely better than hiring a car? Portsmouth sailing was the cheapest with a car.

sailorsgal · 10/03/2012 21:57

BigTillyMint where are you staying?

DS loves taking the train as a bit of a novelty and I have a rail pass. Will look at taking the car.

Thanks for all the advice so far.

OP posts:
bigTillyMint · 10/03/2012 21:58


There is a steam train and an old London tube train somewhere on the island apparently Smile

Lizcat · 10/03/2012 22:08

The old London tube train is the main Island train service. This links in with the Isle of Wight Steam Railway at Smallbrook Junction.

nothingoldcanstay · 10/03/2012 22:11

The tube takes you up the esplanade at Ryde and you can stay on and join the steam train further up the line. It does Thomas Tank days in the hols as all good steam lines do!!

The IOW is very touristy now be warned. It's not classy and is even losing that 1950's vibe it was famous for. However beaches are amazing and if you live in the SE then you are used to over priced pubs, food and attractions!

mycatsaysach · 10/03/2012 22:15

you need a car for sure op
only one hotel in cowes really- a nice one but only the one
we like cowes for shops etc but my dcs are older
beach is much nicer at shanklin also amusements etc
i am v jealous - have a great time

JETS · 11/03/2012 08:02

Lived on IOW for many years - would recommend Shanklin if you dont have a car but like others state - car really pretty much essential on IOW. Easy driving etc - but be warned stick like rigid to every speed limit - they are really hot on this especially during some of the hol periods (many towns have 20 as a limit).
Stuff to do - robin hill, black gang, ventnor bot gardens (through here to smugglers cove beach - bit of a resident secret). If weather good - beaches & more beaches. Dinosaur land a bit of a rip off - but on south coast you can go to dinosaur fossil hunting much better..... At 5 dd would probably also like flamingo world near Ryde. THere are lots of soft play areas in Shanklin and around there. We always had a laugh at Amazon forest - but never really understood why as it is a bit basic! - but if it rains - hey ho! Main town centre easy to get around if you want some basic retail therapy.
Young children love the IOW!

bigTillyMint · 11/03/2012 08:42

Great tips and ideas!

Anything recommended for an 11 and 12 1/2 yo?

NormanTheForeman · 11/03/2012 08:53

The steam railway is very good. Also, we enjoyed visiting the lifeboat station at Bembridge.

Do try and work out what you want to do and get all the info online before you go (such as directions to places, opening times etc), becuse the IOW in their wisdom have closed ALL the tourist information offices. There may be some information leaflets where you are staying (in hotels etc) but be prepared you might not be able to find all the info you need easily.

dinkystinkyandveryverybored · 11/03/2012 17:29

This is a great thread- we're going there at easter too with a nearly 6 yo and a 3 yo so handy to have the hints above (esp about the tourist offices!).

My MIL is coming too and loves walking - we thought we'd be able to pick up some walk leaflets at a tourist office but if there arent any does anyone have any idea where we can find some details for her?

captainbarnacle · 11/03/2012 17:35

I live there :)

But not in the east - much of the east is like anywhere in mainland south coast. You need to go to the south and the west - and for that you would be better off getting a car.

Hundreds of amazing walks.

NormanTheForeman · 11/03/2012 17:47

Walks on the Isle of Wight and some more.

LIZS · 11/03/2012 18:01

Carisbrooke Castle

dinkystinkyandveryverybored · 11/03/2012 18:18

Thanks Norman!


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sailorsgal · 12/03/2012 08:53

I'm thinking of going later on now when dh is here as it sounds that there is enough to do to make it a proper holiday rarther than a weekend break. Will then take the car and see all the lovely places you all have recommended.


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