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Strathclyde or Loughborough ?

26 replies

Roundtherondabaout · 04/07/2024 16:25

For Product Design Engineering? We are based closer to Loughborough.

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clary · 04/07/2024 16:42


Straythclyde is a long way away if you are anywhere near Luffers. I think distance is a factor tho others disagree. It’s been a factor for my DC let’s say.

i don’t know Strathclyde at all but Glasgow is a big city. Loughborough I do know tho. Small town, huge campus, activity very student oriented bc of that. Loads of sport but plenty of other stuff too. Good range of first year accommodation at different prices. Plenty of private accommodation as well. Not great for a part time job tho. No shops, clubs, gigs or cinemas really so you either don’t do that or go to Notts/leics/brum (but then why not just go there?)

Mate of ds’s did product design there as did a mate of mine. Ds mate works in family business; my mate is a comedian. So that’s no help!

Is it just between those two?

TheCultureHusks · 04/07/2024 16:53

Omg Strathclyde.

As the previous poster still ends up saying despite trying to write the most pro-‘Luffers’ 🤣 post ever - there’s nothing happening in Loughborough from jobs to entertainment.

Glasgow is the most amazing city ever.

Roundtherondabaout · 04/07/2024 17:14

clary · 04/07/2024 16:42


Straythclyde is a long way away if you are anywhere near Luffers. I think distance is a factor tho others disagree. It’s been a factor for my DC let’s say.

i don’t know Strathclyde at all but Glasgow is a big city. Loughborough I do know tho. Small town, huge campus, activity very student oriented bc of that. Loads of sport but plenty of other stuff too. Good range of first year accommodation at different prices. Plenty of private accommodation as well. Not great for a part time job tho. No shops, clubs, gigs or cinemas really so you either don’t do that or go to Notts/leics/brum (but then why not just go there?)

Mate of ds’s did product design there as did a mate of mine. Ds mate works in family business; my mate is a comedian. So that’s no help!

Is it just between those two?


thanks; that’s disappointing reg jobs prospects? Was it engineering?

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Roundtherondabaout · 04/07/2024 17:53

We went to the open day arm Loughborough and I know is a good uni but did not get the vibe/feeling for it.

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clary · 04/07/2024 18:31

TheCultureHusks · 04/07/2024 16:53

Omg Strathclyde.

As the previous poster still ends up saying despite trying to write the most pro-‘Luffers’ 🤣 post ever - there’s nothing happening in Loughborough from jobs to entertainment.

Glasgow is the most amazing city ever.

Yes that post was super honest about possible issues with being a student in Loughborough! I am clearly a bit defensive about it haha - my DS is having a great time there. I have never been to Strathclyde so I can’t speak about it. Student life is not only about jobs and ents is it?

I utterly agree Loughborough is not right for everyone (mate of ds’s left after a few weeks) but equally lots of ppl love it. A Scottish city is not the right place for everyone either.

@Roundtherondabaout re the jobs, my comedian mate is in his 40s and did something PD related before. Ds’s mate was always going to work in the family business.

If you aren’t feeling the L vibe head to Strathclyde. Are there any other options on the table tho - those two are so different!

Roundtherondabaout · 04/07/2024 19:44

We haven’t seen Strathclyde yet; the distance put me off. She may take a gap year to decide. It is so much money it is important to make the right decision.

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Samecolourradiator · 04/07/2024 20:04

Just had DC graduate from Strathclyde Product Design Engineering, now heading to a graduate Engineer role. They had a great experience including time spent abroad and an internship with a local company.
Glasgow is an amazing city. If you can get to Manchester easily on public transport, then it’s a straight run up the West Coast on the train.

Roundtherondabaout · 04/07/2024 20:19

Samecolourradiator · 04/07/2024 20:04

Just had DC graduate from Strathclyde Product Design Engineering, now heading to a graduate Engineer role. They had a great experience including time spent abroad and an internship with a local company.
Glasgow is an amazing city. If you can get to Manchester easily on public transport, then it’s a straight run up the West Coast on the train.

Thank you. That’s great to hear. We are going to try to go to the next open day.

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Roundtherondabaout · 04/07/2024 20:57

Is Strathclyde a campus university?

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Samecolourradiator · 04/07/2024 21:13

It’s a campus right on the edge of the city centre about 10 minutes walk to George Square. It’s not the prettiest place but the location is good.

Roundtherondabaout · 04/07/2024 21:31

Samecolourradiator · 04/07/2024 21:13

It’s a campus right on the edge of the city centre about 10 minutes walk to George Square. It’s not the prettiest place but the location is good.

Thank you. We have never been in Glasgow

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clary · 04/07/2024 22:14

Why only those two tho @Roundtherondabaout? There must be some other options that are campus-based, bigger than Lboro if that appeals and nearer home, if that appeals?

Entry reqs look about the same for the two. Has your DD looked at Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield? All great cities (not all campus unis tbf) and excellent unis.

Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 06:09

clary · 04/07/2024 22:14

Why only those two tho @Roundtherondabaout? There must be some other options that are campus-based, bigger than Lboro if that appeals and nearer home, if that appeals?

Entry reqs look about the same for the two. Has your DD looked at Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield? All great cities (not all campus unis tbf) and excellent unis.

Hi Clary, we can’t find other universities that have Product Design Engineering and the course is accredited. Bath has integrated design engineering. I may be better DC takes a year off to consider their options. We liked Sheffield but they don’t have a similar degree.

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Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 06:22

Nottingham has Product Design and Manufacture but not sure is engineering and the course doesn’t show any accreditations. It is so much money we need to make sure is the right career and university. I didn’t realise it was going to be so difficult.

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Samecolourradiator · 05/07/2024 07:07

Whatever your DC choose, if they want to go down an engineering route post university, make sure the degree meets the educational requirements for Chartered Engineering Status. If it’s the design part they’re more interested in then this doesn’t apply. Loughborough and Strathclyde both meet this. That said there are many successful engineers who choose not to take up accreditation.

Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 07:53

Is Strathclyde diverse? Or will it mainly be Scottish kids?

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Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 08:01

And will the accent be a problem? I mean trying yo understand the Scottish accent from teachers and students. I am not native so certainly difficult for me but perhaps not a problem for DC who grew up in South England

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Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 09:34

Samecolourradiator · 05/07/2024 07:07

Whatever your DC choose, if they want to go down an engineering route post university, make sure the degree meets the educational requirements for Chartered Engineering Status. If it’s the design part they’re more interested in then this doesn’t apply. Loughborough and Strathclyde both meet this. That said there are many successful engineers who choose not to take up accreditation.

Thank you. They definitely want to go the chartered engineering path

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clary · 05/07/2024 10:12

Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 07:53

Is Strathclyde diverse? Or will it mainly be Scottish kids?

IME (limited tbf) a lot of students at Scottish unis are Scottish. That’s hardly surprising given the fees situation. I wouldn’t think it was an issue tho.

If those are the only unis offering his course, he needs to decide:
Big city or town
Lots of ent locally or not
Near home or not

What about accommodation? There’s a good range in lboro for halls and then private is cheap; no idea about Glasgow on that point tho.

Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 10:59

clary · 05/07/2024 10:12

IME (limited tbf) a lot of students at Scottish unis are Scottish. That’s hardly surprising given the fees situation. I wouldn’t think it was an issue tho.

If those are the only unis offering his course, he needs to decide:
Big city or town
Lots of ent locally or not
Near home or not

What about accommodation? There’s a good range in lboro for halls and then private is cheap; no idea about Glasgow on that point tho.

I think accommodation could be a problem in Glasgow. Honestly there are not many options, DC is not sportive and doesn’t don other extra curriculars like art, drama’ music. I think they will find Loughborough dull and boring. As I said maybe better they take a year off to consider other options/paths/carers

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HarpieDuJour · 05/07/2024 11:09

Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 07:53

Is Strathclyde diverse? Or will it mainly be Scottish kids?

There are loads of international students, but also a large number from the rest of the UK. One of my kids is there, studying Pharmacology and Microbiology. He loves it, it's a very supportive place and pastoral care is excellent. I also went there, many years ago.

The only caveat is that it may not be great for students with accessibility needs. A large part of it is built on a huge hill, and while there are obviously facilities within most buildings, I can't see anyone with mobility problems having fun getting up Montrose Street to get to a lecture (it's very, very steep!).

Cosycover · 05/07/2024 11:31

I went to Strathclyde. Honestly Glasgow is just amazing. The people are like no other. There's so much to do. And it's beautiful (in parts of course!)

clary · 05/07/2024 11:57

DC is not sportive and doesn’t don other extra curriculars like art, drama’ music

What are they interested in? Chances are you’ll find it happening at most unis. I posted this elsewhere but I think it’s important to have an outside interest when you go to uni - yes sports, but also could be coding, or D&D, or crochet - it’s such a good way to meet friends and get support and focus.


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Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 17:26

Cosycover · 05/07/2024 11:31

I went to Strathclyde. Honestly Glasgow is just amazing. The people are like no other. There's so much to do. And it's beautiful (in parts of course!)

That sounds very positive. We will definitely book to go and see it.

OP posts:
Roundtherondabaout · 05/07/2024 17:28

HarpieDuJour · 05/07/2024 11:09

There are loads of international students, but also a large number from the rest of the UK. One of my kids is there, studying Pharmacology and Microbiology. He loves it, it's a very supportive place and pastoral care is excellent. I also went there, many years ago.

The only caveat is that it may not be great for students with accessibility needs. A large part of it is built on a huge hill, and while there are obviously facilities within most buildings, I can't see anyone with mobility problems having fun getting up Montrose Street to get to a lecture (it's very, very steep!).

That’s good to hear; not si much reg the hills though but will keep DC fit if they go there

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