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Degree apprenticeship in London: How do they find accomodation?

21 replies

WishIMite · 04/07/2024 14:25

My 18yo has a degree apprenticeship starting in London in September. We live miles away so commuting isn't possible.

She needs to find a flatshare but I can't find any agencies or similar that deal with degree apprentices. I know there are things like but I'm worried about her being conned...

Any advice?

OP posts:
mitogoshi · 04/07/2024 14:30

Can she go into private student accommodation? You can book directly

WishIMite · 04/07/2024 14:35

mitogoshi · 04/07/2024 14:30

Can she go into private student accommodation? You can book directly

I don't THINK she is eligible, but that is something she will need to confirm one way or another. If so, I guess that would solve it! Thanks for the suggestion.

OP posts:
YYURYYUCICYYUR4ME · 04/07/2024 14:37

Can the employer help, as they may have links or can post internally an advert for a room / accommodation. You can earn up to £7,500 for a lodger without tax, so there might be some takers.

WishIMite · 04/07/2024 14:43

YYURYYUCICYYUR4ME · 04/07/2024 14:37

Can the employer help, as they may have links or can post internally an advert for a room / accommodation. You can earn up to £7,500 for a lodger without tax, so there might be some takers.

The employer is a huge name but doesn't seem to have the support in place...

OP posts:
Sunbeckons · 04/07/2024 15:15

WishIMite · 04/07/2024 14:35

I don't THINK she is eligible, but that is something she will need to confirm one way or another. If so, I guess that would solve it! Thanks for the suggestion.

I was under the impression you could live in student halls as an apprentice. Most likely with one of the private student hall companies and might be preferable to get a studio or very small flat as students and apprentices will keep very different hours!

Sunbeckons · 04/07/2024 15:18

This info and more is found on Rate my apprenticeship

Ladyface · 04/07/2024 15:22

Which university will she be attached to for the degree part?

mitogoshi · 04/07/2024 15:37
WishIMite · 04/07/2024 15:37

Ladyface · 04/07/2024 15:22

Which university will she be attached to for the degree part?

It's not a local university unfortunately but I think that she could approach them and ask for advice anyway.

I've been looking on and there are lots of nice options there too I think. I'm sending her ones that say things like 'nice quiet mum and daughter seeking flat mate...' - HAHA

OP posts:
WishIMite · 04/07/2024 15:57

mitogoshi · 04/07/2024 15:37

Try these:

Thank you so much for this - I looked at this ages ago and totally forgot about it! It looks great.

OP posts:
Sunflowers1237 · 06/07/2024 21:50

My daughter is in the exact same situation and we are not sure what to do

Psspsspssssss · 06/07/2024 22:08

Why does she need a special accommodation agency OP? I'm not trying to be abrasive but just setting the expectation as someone who also works for a large company with degree apprentices. She's an adult, essentially a full-time employee being paid to both work and study. Hence capable of finding herself somewhere to live. Not sure why you expect additional support from the employer, unless they promised this.

Usually early careers (graduates and apprentices) start at the same time, so she may be able to club together with someone else. Or as PP said post a request for lodgings on an internal portal, but this is additional and not what the company is expected to do.

Not only is student accommodation only for FT students, in 2024 it's often not cheaper than private accommodation elsewhere. And in London, only guaranteed by the university in first year! Most have to rent on the private market.

What some people I know did is rent an AirBnB or similar for a couple of months until they found somewhere to rent, or stay a bit further out and commute in until they found somewhere suitable.

When I moved from London to Manchester, I did similar although the rental market in Mancs wasn't that bad, I wasn't going to sign any contracts without knowing the place etc.

Bear in mind as well as she's not a FT student she will be liable for council tax - that will make house shares with students harder, lodging is a better idea but doesn't give the protection of a tenancy.

Whalesong · 06/07/2024 22:10

WishIMite · 04/07/2024 14:35

I don't THINK she is eligible, but that is something she will need to confirm one way or another. If so, I guess that would solve it! Thanks for the suggestion.

She may well be eligible, but private halls are typically booked out from the spring. The ones that are still available at this point are often £600-800 per week so crazy prices.

Whalesong · 06/07/2024 22:11

I think Spareroom or AirBnB are her best options at this point. Yes, it will eat up her salary, but I think it's the only way, sadly.

PerpetualOptimist · 07/07/2024 08:40

@Psspsspssssss You make very helpful points but also, I feel, you need to cut to some slack to school leaver apprenticeships moving away from home, and their parents like the OP.

I have two DC who moved away to different cities at 18 to take up apprenticeships. Both are very independent and 'can do' but nevertheless found the sourcing of accommodation to be challenging.

Most agencies, landlords, potential fellow lodgers etc assume school leavers live at home and that if you are looking for accommodation you are either a FT student or a 21-22 year old grad, when actually you are neither. My DC had to do a lot of work challenging assumptions and perceptions to get the accommodation they wanted.

In addition, they were experiencing a crash course in understanding 'how to rent' during and immediately after their A levels, so it was tough from that perspective too. Unlike first year students clubbing together to view lets in their uni town, mine were travelling solo over long distances to view properties.

I don't think it is unreasonable for the OP to be posing the questions they have posed and trying to assist their DD. I am philosophically a fairly hands off parent but accommodation hunting was one area where my 18 year old DC found direct guidance was quite important.

I do agree that employers are quite laissez-faire; though, interestingly, my DCs' respective employers have improved the facilitation of info sharing about property hunting since my DC joined, so there is some recognition this issue needs to be addressed.

Finally, OP, there was a MN thread a couple of years ago where another poster flagged this accommodation as potentially helpful in this kind of situation:

Bobbybobbins · 07/07/2024 08:46

I'm not sure bring in student accommodation would work if she is going to work every day- might be a very different lifestyle in halls!!

BotDranning · 07/07/2024 08:59

I went through this with my daughter two years ago. For a parent it's very scary.

We didn't get any where at all with the private student accommodation. Ended up in an Airbnb for a month then found a house share on spare room.

Happy to put you In touch with my DD if you PM me ...... good luck. Its such a worry buy my DD couldn't be happier now.

Apix · 07/07/2024 09:20

mitogoshi · 04/07/2024 15:37

Try these:

my son was in the same position 2 years ago and stayed at one of the lha hostels, it wasn't bad at all and he survived the year. he is now living with students in a houseshare so we are now paying a large council tax bill for him.

Psspsspssssss · 07/07/2024 12:37

PerpetualOptimist · 07/07/2024 08:40

@Psspsspssssss You make very helpful points but also, I feel, you need to cut to some slack to school leaver apprenticeships moving away from home, and their parents like the OP.

I have two DC who moved away to different cities at 18 to take up apprenticeships. Both are very independent and 'can do' but nevertheless found the sourcing of accommodation to be challenging.

Most agencies, landlords, potential fellow lodgers etc assume school leavers live at home and that if you are looking for accommodation you are either a FT student or a 21-22 year old grad, when actually you are neither. My DC had to do a lot of work challenging assumptions and perceptions to get the accommodation they wanted.

In addition, they were experiencing a crash course in understanding 'how to rent' during and immediately after their A levels, so it was tough from that perspective too. Unlike first year students clubbing together to view lets in their uni town, mine were travelling solo over long distances to view properties.

I don't think it is unreasonable for the OP to be posing the questions they have posed and trying to assist their DD. I am philosophically a fairly hands off parent but accommodation hunting was one area where my 18 year old DC found direct guidance was quite important.

I do agree that employers are quite laissez-faire; though, interestingly, my DCs' respective employers have improved the facilitation of info sharing about property hunting since my DC joined, so there is some recognition this issue needs to be addressed.

Finally, OP, there was a MN thread a couple of years ago where another poster flagged this accommodation as potentially helpful in this kind of situation:

You seem to think that I was telling the OP off for posting. I wasn't. She doesn't need mine or anybody else's permission to post. She's perfectly entitled to ask what she wants.

I was only pointing out that degree apprentices, unlike full-time students, are considered working adults - for the purposes of institutional support.
No different to others moving to London, aged 18, 55, whatever. There seems to be some misconception on this thread that they are students, and so can avail themselves of student accommodation. That's not the case - there might be a small number that accept them but it's the exception not the rule.

You mention 'challenging assumptions'. Sadly, I think this is true for a lot of people who don't have the requisite income, not just degree apprentices. The London housing market is tight, rents are sky high and LL's can afford to be picky. Our apprentices have only faced challenge in the salary/income department. Similar to others who have gotten low paid entry level jobs instead of going to university. Never on their employment status, as they have an employment contract from a blue chip company.

The term school leaver confused me a bit as 'school leaver' apprenticeships are usually post GCSE's, so they're minors (and have more support/some accomodation available). Compared to degree apprentices, who are 18 and so expected to compete in the same market as everyone else.

Psspsspssssss · 07/07/2024 12:59

As an aside OP a search term you can use is 'student accommodation for part-time students'

Some unis do

Some don't

Bear in mind also that student accomodation might require moving out in summer

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