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Nottingham Uni generally and also geography degree

63 replies

Billybadgers · 30/06/2024 08:30

We went to Nottingham Uni yesterday and my son loved it as did we. He wants to study geography and the course looked great but isnt ranked really highly. How did people find Nottingham Uni and specifically geography.

OP posts:
clary · 30/06/2024 08:59

Nottingham is RG and a well ranked uni for sure. I don't know about geography specifically tho.

It's a campus uni as you see and the campus is lovely. Transport to town is good tho it's not really walkable tbh.

First year halls accommodation on campus is ALL catered so quite ££££ buy there is some sc a short walk off campus. Lots of good options for private accomm in Beeston and other nice areas. Not too £££ either.

Billybadgers · 30/06/2024 09:26

Yes, we loved tha campus and it had a great feel. Also, my son felt it was more 'his vibe' then Exeter, which we had also visited. Course looks great as well.

OP posts:
boys3 · 30/06/2024 12:11

The league tables need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Nottingham ranks 20th in the CUG for Geography

20th out of 73

its score to be placed 20th is only marginally less than the uni ranked 10th.

worth the DC digging into course structure; modules; assessment process etc

BeaSure · 30/06/2024 15:23

DD just finished 1st year at UoN. Humanities degree but not geography. Beautiful campus, good accommodation options and a student friendly city. She loves it there.

Billybadgers · 30/06/2024 16:57

Thank you. It sounds great!

OP posts:
londonmummy1966 · 30/06/2024 17:24

DD is at UoN - humanities but not Geography. She has a had a ball this year (her first). She chose to live in Broadgates which is self catered, right next to the humanities end of the campus. It can be quite tricky to get a room there though. The on campus halls are all catered but that probably helps with early days socialising.

DD does some modules with people who do joint honours with Geography and they seem happy with all of their course.

The sports facilities at UoN are second to none - she lives in the David Ross centre as far as I can tell.

TizerorFizz · 30/06/2024 22:41

I think Nottingham is great for Geography and has strong environmental science research. Students are responsible for their own careers based on their interests and Geography facilitates so many options. I think good courses offer many choices which can then lead to clear career goals for the engaged student. I sometimes think effort and engagement in the area you would like to work in is sometimes more important than whether a uni is 10th or 20th.

Gajdj · 01/07/2024 10:19

My DS went to Notts for his MSc and found it to be a very UG centric party university.

He found the UG students were mostly interested in partying and having a "good social life".

He found that they weren't very ambitious compared to the university he did his UG in.

TizerorFizz · 01/07/2024 12:12

@Gajdj Frankly, that’s nonsense. Obviously a university is a mix of personalities. There’s ones who like a party AND can work at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive events or attitudes. Maybe DS is just a bit boring? Not ambitious? So he knew everyone there?

FloribundaFlorista · 01/07/2024 13:16

@TizerorFizz what’s your direct experience of Notts? Maybe it’s more that you are opinionated and overbearing rather than the PP’s DS being boring?

EmmaGrundyForPM · 01/07/2024 13:20

DS did Mech Eng there. He loved it. Great campus,amazing sports centre (which was important for him) and he really enjoyed Nottingham. He opted for catered accommodation which surprised me, but it worked really well.

Gajdj · 01/07/2024 13:48

@TizerorFizz @FloribundaFlorista my son did PPE at Oxford and then went to Nottingham to do one of the specialised MSc courses the Economics dept offer there. Chose Nottingham for the masters due to the fact it was a specialised course (tailored to his interest) and also due to the fact it was a lot cheaper. The course itself was very academically rigourous and challenged DS a lot.

He found the university vibe very different however. Yes nightlife and party scene was amazing at Nottingham and DS loved going out. He found though the academic culture/environment lacking. The quality of the guest speakers for lectures/talks was a lot lower. UGs he'd met primarily chose the university for the social scene itself. In terms of extracurricular achievements he felt his Oxford colleagues had done more "wow" stuff.

TizerorFizz · 01/07/2024 16:24

@Gajdj Lots of DDs friends went there and all did well. I think you sound superior and sneering at others. I don’t see why he didn’t stay at Oxford instead of joining a load of ne’er do wells at Nottingham. I mean, how low can you sink! Academically lacking! What a cheek. And rude.

Pigeonqueen · 01/07/2024 16:35

Dd has just finished a criminology degree at Nottingham. She’s really enjoyed her time there - she’s now going on to do a masters. I think, like any university, it’s really important to find your “tribe” as it were. She felt a bit out of place initially as everyone in her halls was very sporty (she was at Cavendish, a catered halls- go for self catering if you can as they all thought the food was horrific!) but quickly made friends with others on her course etc. In her second year she moved into a shared student house with 6 friends and it’s been there that she’s really flourished. We hardly hear from her now, always out partying etc (🤣😳). I will say though that she lives on the same street where the really awful Nottingham stabbings happened (as do many students, it’s a road lined with student accommodation) and I do worry about her because the students tend to be very much in their own “bubble” and forget that it’s actually quite a rough area compared to where many come from; so it’s important to be streetwise and know what’s going on around you all the time. She’s had some of her friends get mugged, someone got punched in the face as they were in a taxi waiting outside someone’s house (randomly, they didn’t know the person at all) and so on. I grew up in South London and it’s not dissimilar to that.

But yes, the university and the courses are excellent.

FloribundaFlorista · 01/07/2024 18:36

TizerorFizz · 01/07/2024 16:24

@Gajdj Lots of DDs friends went there and all did well. I think you sound superior and sneering at others. I don’t see why he didn’t stay at Oxford instead of joining a load of ne’er do wells at Nottingham. I mean, how low can you sink! Academically lacking! What a cheek. And rude.

@TizerorFizz how ironic that you are outraged at someone's rudeness. You don't have a monopoly on it, you know.

BeaSure · 01/07/2024 18:50

 In terms of extracurricular achievements he felt his Oxford colleagues had done more "wow" stuff

Was he a bit up himself?

TizerorFizz · 01/07/2024 20:48

@FloribundaFlorista Really? I do not think I have ever said other students were “academically lacking”. Nor have my DDs. About anyone at their unis or who they work with. Most students respect other students. Posters can write what they want but clearly the DS feels he is superior and even the guest speakers were not good enough. The DS is now doing what?

TizerorFizz · 01/07/2024 21:31

@FloribundaFlorista look at STATESMOM thread in Secondary if you want to see what rude really looks like. It is slightly concerning that you have followed me on this thread to complain about me but have nothing constructive to say about the question. Stalking?

ALunchbox · 01/07/2024 21:38

I didn't think they pushed students much although it was a humanities subject.

It wasn't play hard, work hard, it was just play hard

FloribundaFlorista · 01/07/2024 22:31

@TizerorFizz don't flatter yourself. It's just that you pop up on all sorts of which University threads so you are quite hard to miss. You can't possibly be such an authority on all of them unless you are 300 years old and collect degrees as a hobby.

marshmallowface · 01/07/2024 23:24

FloribundaFlorista · 01/07/2024 22:31

@TizerorFizz don't flatter yourself. It's just that you pop up on all sorts of which University threads so you are quite hard to miss. You can't possibly be such an authority on all of them unless you are 300 years old and collect degrees as a hobby.

NewName24 · 01/07/2024 23:58

Nottingham is a beautiful campus and has the advantages of being both a campus Uni as well as being part of a thriving City.
Good transport links to many places, and fairly central in the Country so accessible for many students too.
I didn't think they 'sold' themselves at all well on Saturday though, so it is interesting that you and your ds loved it.

One thing that does come up a LOT on university threads and also on other forums is the problems with accommodation. Nttm is overwhelmingly self catered for most first years (see pp who explains Broadgate is just on the edge of campus but not always easy to get a room there). That really doesn't suit a a lot (most?) students. But the main issue seems to be they start letting people book up the accommodation long before everyone has even received all their offers. It seems to cause a lot of angst on some forums.

Mudgarden · 02/07/2024 00:37

DS is there and loves it. In first year he opted for SC student accom near Jubilee campus, which is his campus for most academic work, and it was fine. Great opportunities for sport and he has a fantastic social life.


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Gajdj · 02/07/2024 05:23

TizerorFizz · 01/07/2024 20:48

@FloribundaFlorista Really? I do not think I have ever said other students were “academically lacking”. Nor have my DDs. About anyone at their unis or who they work with. Most students respect other students. Posters can write what they want but clearly the DS feels he is superior and even the guest speakers were not good enough. The DS is now doing what?

DS is now in equity research

clary · 02/07/2024 05:44

@NewName24 you mean catered - all the campus accommodation is catered, so even if that suits a student it needs to be considered in money terms. A lot of the halls have fees that will eat up most of a full loan.

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