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University applications for September 2025 - let's go!

147 replies

hornetgirl · 19/06/2024 12:58

Hello to all you on the forum.

Having gone through this all in 2022/23 with my eldest ( just completing year 1 Southampton), I am back again with my daughter - just finishing year 12.

She is looking at Vet med or vet nursing

We have been to several open days: RVC, Chester, Nottingham Trent, Bristol and we have Surrey this Saturday and Nottingham in 2 weeks.

What a stressful process this is even for a second time mum (and expensive on the travel and hotel stays!)

What are you doing with your year 12s so far?

OP posts:
Wornoutlady · 19/06/2024 14:27

Mine have been going to a few open days (I have two kids applying this autumn). One has his list and a draft UCAS form put together and the other hasn't even looked at the UCAS website yet. But she's known to procrastinate and then pull it all out of the bag last minute.

dunkdemunder · 19/06/2024 18:51

The academic requirements and evidence of commitment are completely different for Vet Med and Vet Nursing. I've never heard anyone express an interest in both.

Perzival · 19/06/2024 19:00

Hi, ds1 is applying for Sep 25. He's visited a couple of uni's and is going to Warwick on Sat. Me and dh have no experience of the process and are squeaky to be honest with it all. Ds is on the ball though. He's looking to take physics.

Thanks for starting the thread.

buckleten · 19/06/2024 19:19

My DD is hoping to do economics, and we are going to the Warwick open day this weekend. Went to Bath last week and loved that so will hopefully apply there..

mumonthehill · 19/06/2024 19:23

Ds thinking geography but still undecided. His school want draft UCAS statements done by the end of term. Lots of support from school.

SingingAvocado · 19/06/2024 19:28

We are doing uni visits for DD for midwifery. Seen Kings College a fortnight ago, Manchester and York this weekend. Nottingham the week after and then Southampton. We did a few closer to home in the autumn and found out that they like midwifery applications in early to allow time for interviews. DD has a draft personal statement done as she is getting excited!

lastdayatschool · 19/06/2024 20:07

dunkdemunder · 19/06/2024 18:51

The academic requirements and evidence of commitment are completely different for Vet Med and Vet Nursing. I've never heard anyone express an interest in both.

Maybe the OP's daughter is using the Open Days to determine which would be the best path/course for her, e.g. based on contents, likely offers etc.

Monstermunchy · 19/06/2024 21:31

Geography ba for my dc - potentially with planning. First open day on Friday at Liverpool - Sheffield also booked, and will probably do a couple more in autumn (Lancaster, Newcastle and Manchester possibly)

FiveFoxes · 19/06/2024 21:44

I am feeling a little stressed when I think about it all! DS is thinking Maths or Computer Science. Also going to Warwick on Saturday and loved Bath last Saturday.

Changes17 · 19/06/2024 21:49

First timer here. We did our most expensive/far flung visit first- Durham last weekend. Manchester next and then DS is doing two London unis on his own in the last week of June and staying with a relative.

We’ll then see Sheffield in September. Planning on studying physics.

purplewibble · 19/06/2024 23:29

Second timer here but first time for open days due to covid scuppering things first time round.

Ds wants to study mechanical engineering. Doing open days at Liverpool this Friday and Manchester Saturday, then UCL the following Friday. Then a few more in the autumn including Sheffield and Birmingham.

And so it begins!

Era · 19/06/2024 23:40

Ds2 is already decided on Lancaster as first choice and Surrey as insurance. Im
not sure he even really wants to apply anywhere else!

hornetgirl · 20/06/2024 08:51

Hi there, there are 3 vet schools that my DD can apply to with her level 3 extended BTEC. She has to apply for a gateway/foundation year and will need to get exceptional results in her BTEC eg: DDD* for RVC.

We are going to make a decision later this summer whether to try and apply for Vet med on the UCAS with vet nursing as our back up.

She has already got all the appropriate work experience thanks to her being in an agricultural 6th form college :-)

Vet schools that might take her:
RVC - vet med with foundation year D DD*
Bristol - vet met with gateway year and from an aspirational school DMM
Nottingham vet med + gateway year DDM

It's a very long shot, but she wants to try and I am not going to stop her.

OP posts:
SingingAvocado · 20/06/2024 09:36

hornetgirl · 20/06/2024 08:51

Hi there, there are 3 vet schools that my DD can apply to with her level 3 extended BTEC. She has to apply for a gateway/foundation year and will need to get exceptional results in her BTEC eg: DDD* for RVC.

We are going to make a decision later this summer whether to try and apply for Vet med on the UCAS with vet nursing as our back up.

She has already got all the appropriate work experience thanks to her being in an agricultural 6th form college :-)

Vet schools that might take her:
RVC - vet med with foundation year D DD*
Bristol - vet met with gateway year and from an aspirational school DMM
Nottingham vet med + gateway year DDM

It's a very long shot, but she wants to try and I am not going to stop her.

Definitely look at all your options for her. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Was talking with a friend about their DC and with an Animal Management BTEC they might be accepted at UCLAN, Aberystwyth, Harper & Keele and RVS.

bellinisurge · 20/06/2024 09:42

Can I join in? Open Days at the moment. Dd still mulling course choice. Naively optimistic that her and boyfriend will be able to get to same uni. Planning a gap year with him too.
Fortunately, white wine is still affordable.

Justlurkingmostly · 20/06/2024 21:59

following! We’ve done a fair few visits, lots of amazing options and I’m feeling quite envious of all the opportunities ahead - Altho of course lots of stress as well. Good old MN comes into its own once again with so much useful info about it all.

Orangecandle81 · 21/06/2024 07:04

We went to see one last year; DD is going to see one with a friend and I am going to see another one with her. 3 in total. I haven’t found it stressful. There is only 2 universities that offer the course she wants and are accredited

NCTDN · 21/06/2024 09:35

Second time around here. Last weekend we did Bristol and Bath. We've got Liverpool and Sheffield this weekend.

elliejjtiny · 21/06/2024 09:45

Can I join? Ds1 is year 13 but having a gap year before uni to hopefully save some money. We're going to an open day at Liverpool next week and he's also looking at Leeds and Cardiff.

curlywillow · 21/06/2024 11:36

Lancaster is top of the list here. We have been extremely impressed with the flexibility in terms of the courses (major minor system), its top ten in the rankings and the campus is just beautiful. DC also visiting Keele today as a fallback which is also very pretty.

pastahat · 21/06/2024 17:50

Thanks OP for starting this, it’s very interesting. Have only just discovered the higher education thread and find it fascinating how much has changed since I went to uni 30 years ago…
DD in year 12 wants to do history and economics, this has helped narrow down choices as not that many do both. Have visited Leeds and Reading open days/ campus tours, and spent a weekend up in Edinburgh just exploring the city as well. DH taking her to Manchester and York open days this weekend.
She’s liked them all so far (as have I), just have to hope it translates into offers!

stronglatte · 21/06/2024 17:56

Keen to
Join ! Thank you for setting up the thread

TheTurn0fTheScrew · 21/06/2024 17:57

Evening all - hope I can join you?

DC1 is in Yr 12, and will be applying for some sort of combo of Spanish/Russian/Linguistics. She's at an open day in Birmingham today, which is the furthest south of her preference at the moment, and she's done Manchester. Liverpool, Newcastle, Glasgow and Edinburgh are all in the mix as well.

I am not allowed anywhere near open days or her UCAS form.


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HebeJeeby · 21/06/2024 18:07

We went to Essex last weekend and were really impressed. It’s our first Open Day so have nothing to bench mark it with. Got Leicester in July and then York and Surrey in Sep/Oct. DD also wants to look at Lancaster. Toying between Law and English Lit. I think English Lit might win. Really interested to hear what others think about the universities they have visited, it might help us add or delete from the list.

Perzival · 21/06/2024 18:34

Ds visited Oxford with school (not rich, he's worked incredibly hard) - he said he felt like Eggsy in Kingsman but that it was amazing. He will apply but it's a long shot, someone has to get in tho and he definitely won't if he doesn't apply.

Durham was a hit last weekend, he loved it and said it felt right for him. (Keeping everything crossed I guess for a year).

Warwick tomorrow and I'm not sure. It's a campus uni and I think he's better off with a collegiate uni.

He's going to look at Nottingham in the Autumn and I'm trying to talk him into visiting Lancaster.

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