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IB results

20 replies

Wineoclock45 · 05/06/2024 10:12

Those of you who have lived vicariously through the IB for the last 2 years, how are you feeling? I just realised today that it is one month to go! Have to say that on top of the normal levels of stress I’m pretty worried about the impact of the leaks that I’ve heard about?

OP posts:
NosyJosie · 05/06/2024 10:45

What leaks?

Still a year to go and so far so good.

NosyJosie · 05/06/2024 15:32

The data leak is irrelevant to students so I wouldn’t worry about that.

Timezone cheating is easily avoided with the assistance of the schools. My DD’s school quarantines the students ahead of exams, no phones or laptops allowed, to prevent them going online. The only way to ensure 100% compliance though is to have separate exam papers so half the world does paper 1 and the other half paper 2.

Wineoclock45 · 06/06/2024 09:51

@NosyJosie The time zone cheating this year was daily and significant and cannot be controlled by schools. It’s created an enormous amount of stress and IB are massively playing it all down. It is insane for students in Asia to be sitting the same paper many hours ahead of those in Europe.

OP posts:
KazzaV · 30/06/2024 21:33

5 days to go - any other anxious IB parents around ??

Truetoself · 01/07/2024 16:34

Yes me!

I can't believe results are out on a Saturday! Does anyone know if Universities are reaponsive to queries from IB students after their results day or do they need to wait until AL results come out?

KazzaV · 01/07/2024 21:08

I was reading a thread last night that indicated that you have to wait unti, the A level results are out so the unis can decide re offers etc - but I haven’t looked into this myself .
What does your DC need ?

Gulbekian · 06/07/2024 12:02

Good luck to everyone! Just an hour to go. DD is looking decidedly nervous!!

KazzaV · 06/07/2024 12:36

DD got her results at school this morning and has made her uni offer so we are thrilled

WindUpBird · 06/07/2024 12:59

A good result here too - DD got into the uni of choice. Such a massive relief and so glad the wait is over!!!

Gulbekian · 06/07/2024 13:46

We've to wait until 13:45 GMT 😬

WindUpBird · 06/07/2024 13:47

@Gulbekian fingers crossed!

RosesAndHellebores · 06/07/2024 13:48

Clearing is open BTW. It opens before A'Level results are published.

Tupperwarelid · 06/07/2024 15:00

Son has just got his and got what he needs for his first choice. So relieved! Does anyone know what happens next? Do we wait for the university to contact him or does he need to do something on the UCAS page?

Gulbekian · 06/07/2024 15:39

Well, the results are in but unfortunately accompanied by a lot of tears due to a 6 rather than a 7 in Physics. (She's only one mark off a 7 though so we'll be requesting a re-mark.) Other than that her points total is good and will take her where she next wants to go so I'm highly relieved!

marcopront · 06/07/2024 17:36

Gulbekian · 06/07/2024 15:39

Well, the results are in but unfortunately accompanied by a lot of tears due to a 6 rather than a 7 in Physics. (She's only one mark off a 7 though so we'll be requesting a re-mark.) Other than that her points total is good and will take her where she next wants to go so I'm highly relieved!

Wait until that component results are out tomorrow.

Paper 1 (MCQ) is not remarked and nor is the IA.

Doublethecuddles · 07/07/2024 08:16

DD very disappointed with her results after a huge effort she put in. She is 1 mark off a 5 in maths and a 7 in ESS so we are going to ask for a regrade. She is taking a year out and thinking of resitting 1 subject in November. Does anybody know if this would disadvantage a university application?

Wineoclock45 · 12/07/2024 11:30

Sorry to hear of so many disappointments - same at Dd’s school. Just wondering about a re-mark on one subject (not needed as met offer but would be nice to have). Has anyone already requested some and heard back?

OP posts:
KazzaV · 12/07/2024 18:04

just caught up with this as was away - quite a few disappointed at DD’s school and not made uni offers

Doublethecuddles · 12/07/2024 21:07

Wineoclock45 · 12/07/2024 11:30

Sorry to hear of so many disappointments - same at Dd’s school. Just wondering about a re-mark on one subject (not needed as met offer but would be nice to have). Has anyone already requested some and heard back?

My DD has had her maths remarked and her mark wasn’t changed. A friend DS biology grade didn’t change with remarking.

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