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Child benefit

12 replies

Puppupandaway · 24/05/2024 18:57

My soon-to-be 18yr old starts university to do an undergraduate degree in September. I know I won't be able to claim child benefit once he starts. My question is: Do I need to tell anyone, do they write to you like they did at 16 or do they automatically stop payment on 31st August?? Thanks.

OP posts:
TeenDivided · 24/05/2024 18:59

Iirc they send a letter saying it is going to stop unless you inform them otherwise, eg having a 3rd year at college.

Mockingjay123 · 24/05/2024 19:03

They will write to you to inform you that the child benefit will stop, which will then happen automatically. You don’t need to do anything.

dementedpixie · 24/05/2024 19:09

How will they know he's starting a Uni course if OP doesn't let them know? You can get CB for 18 and 19 year olds if they are on an approved course/training

Mockingjay123 · 24/05/2024 19:19

dementedpixie · 24/05/2024 19:09

How will they know he's starting a Uni course if OP doesn't let them know? You can get CB for 18 and 19 year olds if they are on an approved course/training

They write to you each year ( once child has turned 16) to tell you child benefit will stop on the 31st August. It is then your responsibility to inform them that you are still entitled to it and provide information on where your child is continuing education. They basically assume that you won’t be entitled to it anymore from end of year 11. You have to tell them you are. If that makes sense.

Puppupandaway · 24/05/2024 19:31

I had a letter when he turned 16, but I didn't get a letter when he turned 17. I think I will see if I get a letter soon, if not I'll use the link suggested by a pp. Thanks everyone.

OP posts:
mondaytosunday · 26/05/2024 11:20

We got a letter saying it would stop the August after she turned 18 unless otherwise informed. So it did - so the fact you didn't get a letter (or missed it) doesn't really matter as it will stop by default.

Puppupandaway · 26/05/2024 21:12

Thank you @mondaytosunday He turns 18 in July so I'll keep any eye out for the letter. I still claim for my Dd who is 10, so I don't want it to be mixed up and completely cancelled.

OP posts:
Puppupandaway · 26/05/2024 21:13

@mondaytosunday When did you get the letter? Was it on the one which is sent when they're turning sixteen??

OP posts:
Puppupandaway · 26/05/2024 21:23

I've just found the letter I was sent from hmrc when he turned 16. It asked me to put when he will finish his A levels. So I'm guessing they will know he will soon not be eligible.

OP posts:
Puppupandaway · 02/07/2024 12:18

Update: had a letter from hmrc today confirming that child benefit will automatically stop in September unless I tell them he is still in non advanced education (which he won't be). So I don't need to do anything, it will automatically cease to be paid.

OP posts:
space99 · 04/07/2024 21:59

Got my letter today too. Can’t believe I have an adult son.

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