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Oxbridge 2024 Entry Part 5

919 replies

YouOKHun · 08/01/2024 17:15

Good Luck everyone whatever the outcome!

OP posts:
MirandaWest · 08/01/2024 17:18

Hello - just posting on here to make sure I have this thread on Threads I'm on

Revengeofthepangolins · 08/01/2024 17:19


lifeturnsonadime · 08/01/2024 17:25

Checking in for tomorrow , I have no idea why I feel so nervous. It’s less than 2 years since I had no idea whether my son was going to do his GCSEs and be able to access A Levels. It’s been a rollercoaster!

catmomof3 · 08/01/2024 17:28

Checking in ready for tomorrow

mushroom3 · 08/01/2024 17:28

posting so I can find this thread tomorrow!

InvestedButNotOverinvested · 08/01/2024 17:30

Thanks for the new thread. DD will probably find out mid morning after mock 1 and before mock 2. Will be so, so glad to have a decision, either way.

lullubell · 08/01/2024 17:31

Posting to make sure I'm on it too

stoneysongs · 08/01/2024 17:35

Checking in, thanks for the new thread 👍😬
A bit jittery here, trying to get some work done to pass the time..
Avoiding DD as I will only wind her up with my supportive comments 😂

Rollergirl11 · 08/01/2024 17:38

Marking place. Good luck all DC’s for tomorrow!!! 🤞🙏

WutheringConniption · 08/01/2024 17:42

My daughter is being incredibly pragmatic about things and has been busy sorting out offer holder visits at other unis (she's had offers from everywhere else she applied to but her firm second choice is still up in the air). I'm glad she's being level headed and as I keep reminding her - there are many brilliant and successful adults in this country, and most of them did not go to Oxford!

I haven't posted very much at all on these threads, but wanted to say thank you to those who've given advice and information and to wish everybody's children the best of luck for tomorrow.

lifeturnsonadime · 08/01/2024 17:42

stoneysongs · 08/01/2024 17:35

Checking in, thanks for the new thread 👍😬
A bit jittery here, trying to get some work done to pass the time..
Avoiding DD as I will only wind her up with my supportive comments 😂

I’m doing the same my son sighed earlier and I made a comment about being anxious about Oxford outcome tomorrow, he said that’s just me, he’s not looking forward to going back to school having had a relaxing break 😂

Lightsabre · 08/01/2024 17:49

Not hopeful here but glad we'll know either way by tomorrow lunchtime. Good luck everyone - it's been quite a journey!

RIPMatthewperry · 08/01/2024 17:53

Posting ahead of tomorrow… just realised I have the UCAS password also but I’d feel very wrong using it I think. I had a VERY nosey mother so I try not to pry…

sparkles18 · 08/01/2024 17:56

I had permission from my DS to check UCAS last year as he had a mock exam in the morning. He knew i wouldn't be able to wait 😀

Harumff · 08/01/2024 17:58

Yey we’ve just had a Durham offer which makes the C wait and potential rejection much more palatable as he really loves Durham. Phew!

ShanghaiDiva · 08/01/2024 18:01

Checking in for tomorrow. Dd is waiting for Cambridge but have my fingers crossed for the Oxford hopefuls.

ShanghaiDiva · 08/01/2024 18:01

Harumff · 08/01/2024 17:58

Yey we’ve just had a Durham offer which makes the C wait and potential rejection much more palatable as he really loves Durham. Phew!

That is good news! Dd also waiting for Cambridge but has all her other offers now so if it’s not C it will be Bath. More convenient location for us but the accommodation fees are giving me palpitations!

EleanorSidgwick · 08/01/2024 18:19

Good luck everyone!

stressedlinguistmum · 08/01/2024 18:24

Hi guys. Best of luck to all of our amazing young people tomorrow. They have all worked so hard regardless of the outcome and will go on to do amazing things!

This community has been so lovely and helpful to me and DD over the past few months (she's the only Oxbridge applicant from her school this year and actually the only MFL applicant too!)

stressedlinguistmum · 08/01/2024 18:25

stressedlinguistmum · 08/01/2024 18:24

Hi guys. Best of luck to all of our amazing young people tomorrow. They have all worked so hard regardless of the outcome and will go on to do amazing things!

This community has been so lovely and helpful to me and DD over the past few months (she's the only Oxbridge applicant from her school this year and actually the only MFL applicant too!)

She also got her first 2 offers today! Bath and Aberdeen. It seems perfect timing as she would be happy to go to Bath so that will soften the blow a bit tomorrow if it needs to.

DSandDD · 08/01/2024 18:27

And another Durham offer here too, so only Oxford to go tomorrow. He's now off for a walk in the sleet to distract from thinking about it!

SunnyAgain · 08/01/2024 18:31

De-lurking to join this thread, with severe butterflies in my stomach!
No other offers on the table yet for my DS so it feels really nervewracking. (Though he still has 2 choices still to submit, which has caused some arguments over the holidays.... I have now stepped back from bringing this up until tomorrow is over!)

FebuarySmith · 08/01/2024 18:32

If UCL could drop an offer tonight I’d be grateful. DD refusing to discuss Oxford with me.


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stoneysongs · 08/01/2024 18:34

FebuarySmith · 08/01/2024 18:32

If UCL could drop an offer tonight I’d be grateful. DD refusing to discuss Oxford with me.

Same here UCL, if you're listening 😀

Redhotchillipeppers · 08/01/2024 18:36

Harumff · 08/01/2024 17:58

Yey we’ve just had a Durham offer which makes the C wait and potential rejection much more palatable as he really loves Durham. Phew!

Congratulations on the Durham offer

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