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Current Oxford/Cambridge students support/chat continued (2)

830 replies

Panicmode1 · 29/10/2023 11:46

The other thread is nearly full so I took the liberty of starting a new one...

OP posts:
HoneyMobster · 29/10/2023 12:16

Checking in!

Oxonc3 · 29/10/2023 12:42

Thank you. I love this thread even tho more of a lurker- and have had several name changes along the way.

mutterphore · 29/10/2023 13:09

@Panicmode1 many thanks for starting a new continuation thread.

Checking in also, even though my DCs have now graduated. Lovely to hear about various people visiting progeny and enjoying formal halls etc. Hope everyone continues to enjoy the term.

PettsWoodParadise · 29/10/2023 14:25

Thank you @Panicmode1 for the new thread and thank you @mutterphore for sticking around to impart wisdom

Malbecfan · 29/10/2023 15:07

Checking in too. Thanks for making this @Panicmode1

PepeLePew · 29/10/2023 15:10

Thanks for the new thread. It was lovely to see DD last week even if it was just for a few hours. She's thrown herself in to sport (a bit of a departure for her, she's never been sporty before, but she said she realised she needed some kind of physical activity as she no longer has a long walk to school each day) and to socialising. She's also joined an art club as she's really into sketching and painting but never had much of a chance to do it recreationally at school once she started GCSEs and became very focused on academics.

She's working incredibly hard already which is probably a good thing; she's terrified of being left behind in one of her modules which was always going to be a challenge for her so is determined to put the hours in, and is absolutely loving the other modules so working on those doesn't feel like a hardship.

She seems to have done a good job setting up support structures, although I'm a little concerned about medical care - she has a chronic condition that needs medication and regular reviews and she hasn't yet been able to speak to either the college nurses or the GP, although she's registered with a GP. She's very capable of managing it so I don't want to micromanage but I'm also aware that tiredness and stress exacerbate her symptoms so really do want to encourage her to stay on top if it.

It's hard to believe she's nearly half way through term. She's talking about coming back for a friend's 19th birthday party in a couple of weeks and it would be really lovely to see her but I think she's in two minds about whether "bursting the bubble" as she describes it is a good idea or whether she should just power on through to the end of term.

DahliaMacNamara · 29/10/2023 15:23

DD hates any kind of interruption to the term. She had to come home for a family funeral, which was enough of a disturbance from Oxford Mode for her. I seriously doubt we'll see her again before December.
Oddly enough, visits to Oxford during vacations don't discombobulate her nearly as much.

beeswain · 29/10/2023 15:38

Checking in. Feeling miserable as I appear to have Covid on top of feeling unwell after having the Covid jab! DS seems happy, has finally managed to meet his flatmates (he had to move to private halls for his 4th year - long story) and they are all post grads and pretty quiet so he's happy.

HoneyMobster · 29/10/2023 17:32

Sorry to hear that @beeswain. I can't believe our DS are in 4th year!

In good news DD has been successful in her ballot for college accommodation for her 3rd year. Her college built swanky new accommodation but not enough for the cohort and told DD's year they had to ballot - with 10% unlikely to get college accommodation.

As it turned out 40% of the year failed to enter the ballot. I can only assume they were desperate to live out or forgot. Most likely the latter...

goodbyestranger · 29/10/2023 18:35

Blimey a room ballot in October HoneyMobster! I imagine lots of second years were caught unaware.

Well after threats of ferries not sailing I managed to get off my Scottish island, have deposited my two cocker spaniels at their new 'luxury' kennels where they get classical music piped into their space all day (the owners of their old lovely kennels retired this month) and am now half way down the country. Due to arrive in Oxford tomorrow. Oxford will look beautiful with all the Autumn leaves. Supper together then hopefully on to Zurich via Heathrow, M25 permitting. Then back to Oxford on Sunday for another supper :) Magdalen Arms first time round, Cherwell Boathouse on Sunday (haven't tried it ever - keen to check it out to see if it might be good for a graduation supper).

HewasH2O · 29/10/2023 18:40

Rumour has it many didn't apply because of the price, especially as they were still expected to eat in hall. Private housing suddenly looked much more attractive.

Panicmode1 · 29/10/2023 18:42

Sorry to hear that @beeswain hope you feel better soon. I have been invited for my Covid jab, but am in two minds as to whether I will bother....I felt utterly rotten after my last one, but I have never tested positive, so maybe I should just go and have it done.

Just had a lovely long chat with DS. Lots of rowing, LOTS of work all of a sudden, but a pub crawl (done) and a Halloween formal (to come) so he sounds in good form - and he thinks he may just be able to stay with us on Sunday night before whizzing back up for labs on Monday, which would be really lovely. (@PepeLePew We've found that by about week 5 or 6, DS is very happy to leave the bubble - even for a day/lunch just to relieve some of the pressure, so perhaps a 19th birthday party is just the right way to 'burst the bubble' for your DD?!)

OP posts:
HoneyMobster · 29/10/2023 18:53

@HewasH2O - DD thought differently and reckoned a room in college was a safer and cheaper bet than risking a private let. Plus the rules about eating in hall have changed (DD has had a hand in making the case to college) so it's easier to opt out and not pay for the privilege of doing so.

HewasH2O · 29/10/2023 18:59

DD had a hall exemption with her long lease, so she didn't even have to pay kitchen charges. Such a shame they weren't ready last year as origjnally planned.

goodbyestranger · 29/10/2023 18:59

Will your DD need to live out in the clinical years HoneyMobster?

HoneyMobster · 29/10/2023 19:00

I don't think so @goodbyestranger - she has the option of swapping college but the jury is out on that one.

Riverpebble · 29/10/2023 19:17

I've barely heard from my first year. A brief weekly phone call and occasional messages saying they are very busy.

Ironoaks · 29/10/2023 20:28

Thank you for the new thread @Panicmode1

Teriyakieverything · 30/10/2023 09:57

Checking in to new thread.

@Riverpebble I'm not sure it's a good sign or a bad sign to not hear much, as they are busy. Certainly there was one weekend when DD calls quite a bit and we were worried...why is she calling us from her room all the time? Why is she not out socialising? Then when she doesn't call, we also worry....can't win...

Juja · 30/10/2023 20:18

@PepeLePew apologies I can't remember is your DC at Oxford? Mine went also along to an art club - on Friday at O. My DD much enjoyed a chill evening drawing and drinking wine.

She was also terribly excited to be in her College rowing crew in a race of Sunday.

PepeLePew · 30/10/2023 20:37

Juja · 30/10/2023 20:18

@PepeLePew apologies I can't remember is your DC at Oxford? Mine went also along to an art club - on Friday at O. My DD much enjoyed a chill evening drawing and drinking wine.

She was also terribly excited to be in her College rowing crew in a race of Sunday.

No she's at C. Not sure if it was a college or uni club.
She's currently incommunicado as she is apparently "too busy to talk". I get a daily WhatsApp and can see her posting on BeReal but otherwise I am just assuming she's fine!

sytron · 31/10/2023 11:17

What a nice shiny new thread!

DC messages/rings about 3 times a week - usually while walking to lectures (they are early and other course mates often don't get up but watch online).
I love hearing about all the minor details, mundane as they must seem to them.
Course seems to be going ok now, and still seems to have friends to spend time with!

RE: vegetarian restaurant in oxford - we are doing a family meet up in a couple of weeks and are going to the gardeners arms which is a 100% vegetarian pub - no idea what it is like, but will be nice for the non-meat eaters in the group to get a full menu!

HewasH2O · 31/10/2023 19:41

And on 31 Oct DD finally had her degree result completely 100% confirmed with her final module mark being released. The admissions team took a risk when they offered her a place and she's absolutely proved she deserved it. Incredibly proud of her.


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Panicmode1 · 31/10/2023 20:01

HewasH2O · 31/10/2023 19:41

And on 31 Oct DD finally had her degree result completely 100% confirmed with her final module mark being released. The admissions team took a risk when they offered her a place and she's absolutely proved she deserved it. Incredibly proud of her.

Fantastic news!!

OP posts:
PermanentTemporary · 31/10/2023 20:08

Ooh @goodbyestranger I think the Cherwell Boathouse is one of the nicest places to eat in Oxford and a perfect graduation meal spot, hope you enjoy it.

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