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Will a Chromebook do what I need?

20 replies

nothingcomestonothing · 15/11/2020 11:56

Hi, I'd be very grateful if anyone techy (more techy than me, which isn't hard) could reassure me that a Chromebook will do what I need? Or tell me what to buy if it won't?

I'm NHS and am being asked to wfh one day a week, which I don't mind except I only have my phone to do it on, and work are not going to supply any tech! It's probably time we had something other than phones anyway, now DD is in secondary school.

Ideally I'd need to access Google classrooms, gmail, Satchel One and attached pdfs, google docs, word docs, a video calling platform which works on Chrome not IE, and web based Outlook. There is also something called a RAS token which accesses the hospital systems remotely, but I don't know what that is and I think there's an app-based alternative.

Given that I'm paying for this and it will mainly be to wfh rather than anything I want to do I'd like to keep the budget down, so it seems like a Chromebook would be the obvious answer, I'm just a bit worried I'll buy one then find it can't do the things I need. I've googled and it all seems possible, but I would be very grateful for advice from someone who knows this stuff.

OP posts:
00100001 · 15/11/2020 11:58

It will be Okay..a bit slow. Mine can't handle doing a zoom call and a spreadsheet for example.

nothingcomestonothing · 15/11/2020 13:09

That's fab, thanks!

OP posts:
Mutunus · 15/11/2020 14:46

You'll have to be a bit careful here as the cheaper Chromebook come with very little storage. They won't be the fastest of machines either with low powered processors, and screen size may be compromised
Back to storage; The cheapest machines come with only 32gb which is Ok as long as you not saving loads of photos for instance. You will be relying on external or cloud storage. If you up the spec then pricewise you're entering Windows laptop territory.
As for RAS Token you'll have to email your IT dept.

Janek · 15/11/2020 14:57

Perhaps you should email your IT dept about all of it? My school recommend chrome books for students as we do everything in google (docs, meet, email etc). But I overheard a parent asking our IT guy what laptop they should buy and the answer was "the best you can afford", which didn't really toe the party line...

I was under the impression that everything was web-based on a chromebook, so you didn't need much storage, but how that translates to operating speed I don't know. I don't think it would automatically have Microsoft office (which is a yearly subscription now).

CraftyGin · 15/11/2020 15:00

I'm using a Chromebook right now. I can use all the Google apps, showmyhomework. It displays word documents. I love it.

It's not perfect, and I am glad I have a Windows laptop (£300 one) for occasional use, but partly because my Chromebook is restricted by school - no Facebook, for example.

ShesMadeATwatOfMePam · 15/11/2020 15:08

I've got a Chromebook. It's perfect. You open it and it's ready to go, no stupid updates that were a permanent feature of my old windows laptop. I run my business off it, using Google drive and all the associated features like sheets, docs, etc. Even their PowerPoint is great. Cost me half of what a laptop would have. Don't need storage as it's all on the cloud. I'm never going back to laptops. If you can access something online or via a Google app, you can do it on a Chromebook. It's much, much faster than the laptop i used to have.

cornbread · 15/11/2020 15:18

Love my chromebook. V light, fast, starts almost instantly, occasional updates that take about 1 minute. Had mine for 4 years, done an MA on it and hoping it will cope with a PhD too. Get the most RAM you can for speed, but don't worry about internal storage - as PP have said, it's all stored online. School chromebooks have terrible RAM!

Only annoying thing with mine is that it is quite slow to load if you're working on a document over about 30 pages, but this might be because mine is an older model. Copes fine with zoom etc. Definitely prefer it over a windows laptop!

nothingcomestonothing · 15/11/2020 16:12

This is so helpful thank you all, off to research possible options!

OP posts:
Mutunus · 16/11/2020 01:09

I'm a complete Windows fan I'm afraid, and not 100% au fait with Chromebooks so here's a genuine question to you C/Book users.
My internet is patchy due to location. Would my work still be available to me if the internet was down?

00100001 · 16/11/2020 08:30


I'm a complete Windows fan I'm afraid, and not 100% au fait with Chromebooks so here's a genuine question to you C/Book users.
My internet is patchy due to location. Would my work still be available to me if the internet was down?

Yes, basic features.

You can still use docs etc, bit things like spell check won't work for example
iglpgl · 16/11/2020 08:35


I've got a Chromebook. It's perfect. You open it and it's ready to go, no stupid updates that were a permanent feature of my old windows laptop. I run my business off it, using Google drive and all the associated features like sheets, docs, etc. Even their PowerPoint is great. Cost me half of what a laptop would have. Don't need storage as it's all on the cloud. I'm never going back to laptops. If you can access something online or via a Google app, you can do it on a Chromebook. It's much, much faster than the laptop i used to have.

I use a Chromebook (a pretty basic one - it's actually a "rugged" model designing for primary school pupils! Grin) for all my computing needs and love it - however, I've never used it for Zoom calls. I do have a (borrowed from work) laptop for WFH, though, so haven't tried the Chromebook for that.
iglpgl · 16/11/2020 08:37

(Oops, went wrong in quoting there - but I meant to say I agree with @ShesMadeATwatOfMePam!)

ShesMadeATwatOfMePam · 16/11/2020 20:32

Mine runs zoom and multiple other video calling things. You can save your work off line and download it so yeah you could easily work somewhere with patchy internet. Mine is a HP one.

nothingcomestonothing · 16/11/2020 21:04

This has been so helpful, thanks all. I have a shortlist of possible purchases and am ready to click buy on black friday!

OP posts:
Mutunus · 17/11/2020 11:19

Thanks 00100001 Chromebook still wouldn't be my first choice though Smile

FixTheBone · 23/11/2020 20:33

Is the RAS token, actually an RSA token? If so, this can be installed as an app on your phone or anywhere else, it just generates a code (a bit like online banking ) whenever you login.

You'll also need a 'client' piece of software to connect to work, many NHS trusts use VMWare Horizon, which will work on a chromebook, you need to check with your IT department that whatever they use is available for chrome OS.

Finally, just like PCs, Chromebooks come in a variety of specifications and prices, I've just got my daughter an acer one based on an i5 processor, which is extremely rapid, but the best thing is the battery, lasts seemingly forever.

nothingcomestonothing · 25/11/2020 22:15

Hmm it might be - apparently it generates a new code every minute to keep data secure?! Not my area of expertise as you can tell. An Acer is top of my shortlist but oos everywhere, I'm hoping after black friday stock will come back in.

OP posts:
CoddledAsAMommet · 25/11/2020 22:23

@FixTheBone could you share which one you bought for your daughter, please? I'm also deciding between a laptop and Chromebook and am out of my depth!

FixTheBone · 26/11/2020 10:23

It is an Acer spin 713 i5 model.

CoddledAsAMommet · 26/11/2020 19:15

Thank you.

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