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Treat myself to a hammock?

10 replies

bootswiththefur · 11/06/2023 12:26

I always admired other peoples and love the idea of curling up with a book. Does anyone else have one? Any brands you'd recommend?

OP posts:
Singleandproud · 11/06/2023 12:33

Do it! I bought a wooden framed one for DD from Wayfair and it's brilliant. I'd never bought from Way fair and was concerned over the quality but it's great, has lasted years and delivery was super quick. You need to decide whether you want to buy a straight one with the wooden bits along the top and bottom of the fabric or a traditional one you can pull the sides over you.

bloodywhitecat · 11/06/2023 12:41

I have one slung between two trees in the garden and am currently MN'ing from it. Mine is a parachute nylon one which cost less than £25 complete with the tree straps and carabiners, it packs up into a small pouch for storage in damper weather.

Hellokittymania · 11/06/2023 12:53

I would absolutely love one, but I don’t have any place to hang it. I have a big veranda, since I bought a penthouse, and I’m trying to make this place feel more like a home. I did buy a three seater swing, but I don’t yet have a big awning on the veranda to put it under and so now, it’s in my bedroom, but I love it. If I can find a hammock that does not need to be hung up, what is a good brand for a freestanding hammock and how could I secure it on the veranda? With the swing, someone suggested I put kettle bells around the legs to secure it. I live in Greece, So we don’t get the very bad wind storms like you do in the UK, but it does still get very windy sometimes and things need to be secure.

taxquestiontime · 11/06/2023 13:08

Mine is from habitat and comes with a stand. It is great, I am in it now!

This one

taxquestiontime · 11/06/2023 13:09

Mine is from habitat and comes with a stand. It is great, I am in it now!

This one

HotelNotPortofino · 11/06/2023 14:43

If you can find one still in Lidl, they are like the habitat ones with frame and bag for under £50. We’ve had a couple for a few years and they are excellent. Even taken them to the beach 😆

Hellokittymania · 11/06/2023 15:15

Thank you so much, I will look for one.

bootswiththefur · 11/06/2023 16:06

Thanks everyone!

OP posts:
PollyMumsnet · 20/06/2023 12:30
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