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Do you have a hammock? Do you use it? Do you recommend it?

28 replies

cultkid · 12/04/2020 18:46

Love to get one for the garden
I wanted to get one for my husband before but I'm still not sure if he would use it
He has said sometimes he likes them and other times he's said he wouldn't use it

This thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for hammock recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best hammocks page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful.

OP posts:
NoSquirrels · 12/04/2020 19:41

Yes, extremely well used! And an absolute bargain from Lidl with stand at some ridiculously cheap price - look out for it, they usually repeat offers.

Whattodowithaminute · 13/04/2020 08:10

Yes we use ours every day when it’s warm enough-great addition to the garden. We have telegraph poles as supports and just hook the hammocks over.

MereDintofPandiculation · 13/04/2020 09:39

I have one which we sling between two flowering cherry trees. It has a waterproof sleeve that just slides over it, so we can leave it out all summer. When in use, the sleeve can just be pushed up to one end. The hammock is big enough for two of us. Some years we use it a lot, some years we don't.

Mascotte · 13/04/2020 09:41

I’d like one but I’m too scared as I’m quite clumsy, so worry I’ll just become a sideshow as I attempt to get in and out of one . . 😳

Mascotte · 13/04/2020 09:42

I’m also slightly worried I’m so heavy I’ll just end up with my arse resting on the ground

Hoppinggreen · 13/04/2020 09:44

We have 2, they are attached to the wall with metal hooks rather than tied to trees.
DH (who is a big bloke) and the Dc love them but I’m not so keen, I find them hard to get in and out of and I can’t sit up and read in them either so a bit pointless for me

AnnofPeeves · 13/04/2020 09:56

We've got one. Have to say I'm not very keen. It's a bit like a deck chair in that your back is curved and I don't find it comfortable. Maybe a really expensive one is flatter? Also I had a nasty fall when I got into it to watch the stars one night. Must have put my weight more at one end, it tipped vertically and I landed heavily on my back. A friend who is very coordinated managed to fall out getting into it somehow too. All in all I prefer a decent sun lounger!

Barbararara · 13/04/2020 10:01

Hated ours and got rid of it. It was entertaining at family gatherings though.

cultkid · 13/04/2020 11:02

@Mascotte 😂

OP posts:
cultkid · 13/04/2020 11:02

What sun lounger do you have? Any recommendations?

I've fallen out of hammocks before too 😬 it fucking hurts

OP posts:
CMOTDibbler · 13/04/2020 11:04

We have one on a stand from Aldi. It gets a lot of use and is very easy to get in and out of

MrsHoolie · 13/04/2020 11:04

We have one on a stand and it get used a lot. We all use it.
So comfy and I read my book in it (I take a cushion for my head).

Chocolategirl79 · 13/04/2020 11:12

I love mine. I got one from John Lewis on a stand as a wedding present 14 years ago. The frame eventually broke when we both got in it together so we ordered a cheapie one from Amazon. It's the best thing ever. Quicker and easier than getting all the patio cushions out and rocking in it is really relaxing! Getting in and out is a knack but it's not difficult!

BertiesLanding · 13/04/2020 11:23
AnnofPeeves · 13/04/2020 18:15

It does indeed hurt OP! I ended up having to have a kidney scan Shock

We've just gone for textiline multi position loungers. They can stay out in the rain, are really light to move and you can't fall out of them! I find being able to lie flat much more comfortable for my back and neck than the hammock.

TiddleTaddleTat · 13/04/2020 19:17

I would love a hammock.
Although wonder if a swing chair might get used more often. You can read in them too.

oohnicevase · 13/04/2020 19:21

Loads on amazon

Puffthemagicdragongoestobed · 13/04/2020 19:24

Oh interesting thread as we are just thinking about getting a hammock. We have two apple trees to hold it up. Do people have singles or doubles?

CountFosco · 13/04/2020 19:33

We got one last year. PIL have had one for years and the kids love it. We have 1 suitable tree so got this standplus a 2 person hammock. Was really impressed with the service from this company so can highly recommend

FireandFury · 13/04/2020 19:34

We’ve just moved and DP surprised me with one. It is very lovely but I do feel a bit decadent when I use it.

bloodywhitecat · 13/04/2020 19:40

We have one that hangs between two trees, I love it as do the fosterlings (a 3yr old and a 4 month old), the baby loved being in there with DP yesterday. Our hammock was probably one of the best £15 we've spent.

AnnofPeeves · 13/04/2020 19:45

Do people have singles or doubles?

Ours is a big single one.

FourTeaFallOut · 13/04/2020 19:50

Yes, DH got me one with a stand a couple of years ago. It gets used a lot. It's a fight between me and the kids to get in there first on sunny days.


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womaninatightspot · 13/04/2020 19:53

I have one it's set up between two trees it's a big single. It was an ikea cheapie and is left out in all weathers. It's 9 years old and still in really good condition. I was in it today dc were rocking it and telling me stories. You're on a tropical beach with a gentle breeze oh no here come the pirates (cue mad rocking) Set up with a couple of swings also Ikea. Cheap and cheerful is best :)

DianaT1969 · 13/04/2020 19:54

Extra wide zero gravity loungers are the best ever. Wide so that you can curl up in them.

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