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Is Delia's How To Cook any good to learn from, or should I buy The Dinner Lady, or something else?

4 replies

JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 12/10/2008 22:59

I can't afford to buy several books, so I need you to advise me of a good one which has simple family recipes I can learn to cook from because I'm just not very good! Any advice appreciated.

OP posts:
JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 12/10/2008 23:16


OP posts:
wohmum · 12/10/2008 23:19

I like the dinner lady - standard family recipes, without too many ingedients,

dead easy.

LittlePeanut · 12/10/2008 23:19

Delia's book is very basic indeed. Someone bought it for me when I was a student. It's got some good recipes for cake, a nice roast lamb with a rosemary & onion sauce, but mostly it's about how to boil an egg and mash potatoes.

Depends how useless you are.

AnybodyHomeMcFly · 12/10/2008 23:23

I can cook pretty well but still refer to Saint Delia (as she's known in our house) regularly. The how to cook book is good because it shows you the basics and then some more impressive recipes too eg everlasting lemon curd souffles = LOVELY

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