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Air fryer

18 replies

Cuwins · 01/01/2023 16:36

We got an air fryer for Christmas so I would love to know your best hints/tips, recipes etc

OP posts:
TheMindfulMum · 01/01/2023 18:49

Get on TikTok. Search for air fryer and you'll have an abundance of recipes to follow made into short videos. I love TikTok for finding new ideas to try.

AlisonDonut · 01/01/2023 18:50

Put 'air fryer' into a you tube search and watch hundreds of videos to your heart's content.

RandomMess · 01/01/2023 18:50

Any freezer food cooks quicker!!

Very versatile and cooks most other things just google "How to cook X air fryer"

Aethelthryth · 02/01/2023 17:10

Makes great arancini from leftover risotto, also bhajias, pakoras, aloo tikki and little pasties. Roasted vegetables are great, as are tandoori chicken wings. Crispy bacon is fabulous.

Cuwins · 02/01/2023 17:38

Thanks everyone. I realise I could search on YouTube (don't do TikTok) but was hoping for tried and tested ones.
We did oven chips in it last night and they were lovely so will definitely do other freezer things.
Roasted veg is a great idea as it's something we love but we only have a small oven so if something is in there we wouldn't have room for veg too.

OP posts:
Username6194 · 02/01/2023 18:23

Not a recipe but a good tip.
But the air fryer lines, they are about £5 for 100 from Amazon. Saves lots of cleaning.

Username6194 · 02/01/2023 18:23

Buy. Not but. 🙄

Cuwins · 02/01/2023 18:24

Username6194 · 02/01/2023 18:23

Not a recipe but a good tip.
But the air fryer lines, they are about £5 for 100 from Amazon. Saves lots of cleaning.

Ohh thanks. I will have a look

OP posts:
holein1 · 02/01/2023 18:25

I've just got one too and have just made a successful chicken fried rice tonight.

2 bags of microwave rice
Couple of handfuls of frozen mixed veg
Packet of ready cooked chicken breast
Tablespoon sesame oil
Couple of glugs of soya sauce

Air fried for 6 minutes
Cracked 2 eggs in, air fried for 4 more.

Worked a treat!

Snoopystick · 02/01/2023 18:26

Not very exciting but chicken legs are amazing in the air fryer. I rub a bit of oil on and Chinese 5 spice.

Dirtyslippers · 02/01/2023 18:26

Lots of good things on this thread, helped me decide to get on

Georgyporky · 02/01/2023 18:30

I use a silicon pot inside the basket for some things, straight in the DW after use & basket stays clean.
Try "air fryer silicone pot" on Amazon as they come in various sizes & shapes.

Cuwins · 02/01/2023 18:46

Dirtyslippers · 02/01/2023 18:26

Lots of good things on this thread, helped me decide to get on

Thanks will have a look through

OP posts:
mcjudge · 03/02/2023 16:58

How are you getting on with the fryer op?

Cuwins · 03/02/2023 17:18

mcjudge · 03/02/2023 16:58

How are you getting on with the fryer op?

I haven't used it much but my partner has.

OP posts:
FiveGoMadInDorset · 03/02/2023 17:22

Bacon, will never cook it in the oven again
pork chops also good
this weekend going to try cinnamon bites

mcjudge · 03/02/2023 17:43

What are your bacon cooking instructions please?

FiveGoMadInDorset · 04/02/2023 09:11

@mcjudge out bacon in the drawer in one layer, air fry setting, 200c for 6 to 8 minutes

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