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Your favourite Ottolenghi recipes

33 replies

minipie · 26/12/2022 16:09

I always look at Ottolenghi recipes and think they look amazing but a fair bit of work & special ingredients… and I wuss out as I don’t know if it will be worth it.

Any recommendations for ones that are truly delicious? Ideally make ahead or freezable…

OP posts:
booksforever · 26/12/2022 22:29

I love his Slow cooked chicken with a crisp corn crust . I don't always do the crust, it's delicious with or without it, and freezes well.

toastofthetown · 26/12/2022 23:05

This miso peanut butter chickpea salad was one of my recipes of the year this year. It’s fresh not freezable, but not too challenging and really delicious.

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 26/12/2022 23:07

I was going to dig out my only Ottolenghi cookbook to find a dish to take to a party so I'm just tagging on here for recommendations for best ones!

skilpadde · 26/12/2022 23:27

Membrillo and stilton quiche. It tastes amazing, and the recipe is on his website.

LondonSouth28 · 26/12/2022 23:28

Caramelised garlic and goats cheese tart

LondonSouth28 · 26/12/2022 23:29

Peeling 3 heads of garlic for the tart is a low point. But as OP says, all his recipes are hard prep

saraclara · 26/12/2022 23:31

I'm generally scared off by the length of his ingredients lists and processes.

But I make these spliced nuts and put them in nice jars for Christmas gifts. And eat loads myself. And it's super simple. I use caraway seeds instead of nigella seeds though, and use a lot less cayenne.

handbagsandholidays · 27/12/2022 00:15

My mum makes a nice kochera and grilled chicken ottolenghi recipe

GrazingSheep · 27/12/2022 00:20

Chaat masala potatoes

superdupernova · 27/12/2022 00:47

GrazingSheep · 27/12/2022 00:20

Chaat masala potatoes

Yes to these!

Also the surprise tatin in Plenty is delicious. It looks trickier than it is. We cook it on a weeknight which I can't say for a lot of his recipes. The tomatoes go in the oven for a roast on low heat when we get home. The rest easily comes together later when we're ready to cook properly.

FlemCandango · 27/12/2022 00:51
UnclearNuclear · 27/12/2022 11:36

Mejadra - pretty much store cupboard and straight forward... and so yummy!

Squiblet · 27/12/2022 11:43

We had this allium rice as a side dish on Boxing Day, to go with the leftover roast beef and ratatouille. Delicious - the kids loved it - and DH and I couldn't get enough.

I added a bit of chopped celeriac, plus raw unsalted pistachios and pine nuts before serving.

EmmaStone · 27/12/2022 11:56

Prawn orzo with marinated feta - it's from Simple, and it really is v easy. I've just been given the book and look forward to making more 😄

myrtleWilson · 27/12/2022 12:01

Loads - chicken shawarma, hummus, and toum (we made this for Christmas Day)

Chilli stuffed pasta (on Guardian I think)

From Jerusalem we do his baby spinach salad with date/almonds, basmati & wild rice with chickpeas, currants and herbs, roasted chicken with clementines & arak, chicken with caramelised onion and cardamom rice, braised eggs with lamb tahini and sumac, pan fried sea bream with harissa and rose, pan fried mackerel with beetroot and orange salsa, cod cakes in tomato sauce, spanakopita

From Simple - cornbread with cheddar, feta and jalapeño, lamb and feta meatballs, Harris and confit garlic roast potatoes

From Flavour - spicy roast potatoes with tahini and soy, kohlrabi noodle salad, miso butter onions, Portobello mushroom steaks, cabbage with ginger cream and numbing oil, cardamom and lime tomato salad, cafe du Paris celeriac,

From OTK - curried cheese cauliflower pie,

one of his proteges Ixta Belfrage has recently had her first book mezcla published - brilliant recipes but often shorter than Yotam's! I'm a fan and if you pop on to the new recipes thread you'll see some of her recipes..

MandyMotherOfBrian · 27/12/2022 12:08

This is divine. Reminded me of it so I might make it again this week.

EnglishGirlApproximately · 27/12/2022 12:19

I love Ottolenghi and don't mind the work as the reward is so great! My favourites;

Chat Masala potatoes
Confit Chickpeas
Potato lime gratin
Aubergine parmigiana dumplings
Lamb shawarma
Courgette and Ciabatta frittata
Chicken with cornbread crust
Chicken thighs with crispy Spaghetti
Lamb Ricotta Meatballs
Roast cauliflower and Hazlenut salad
Beetroot, goats cheese and Caraway bread
Cauliflower cheese pie
Sweet stuff;
Tahini cookies
Chocolate, Hazlenut & sesame rolls
Blueberry almond and lemon cake

Not sure that helps you narrow it down sorry 😁

Squiblet · 27/12/2022 13:13

Oh dear I'm really hungry now!🤪

minipie · 27/12/2022 13:48

Thanks everyone, my mouth is watering! I might make one of the chicken dishes or lamb shawarma for NYE… wish me luck!

I will also check out Ixta Belfrage, thanks for the suggestion

OP posts:
EnglishGirlApproximately · 27/12/2022 15:48

I did the Lamb shawarma for Christmas day last year and it was fantastic! You can't really go wrong with Ottolenghi tbh

myrtleWilson · 27/12/2022 18:45

Sorry to barge in again @minipie but has anyone ever made the turnip cake in Flavour - it looks amazing but every time I look at the recipe I get scared off - yet my experience with his recipes is, yes they can be long but follow them and I've never had a bad experience

This page has the spicy stuffed pasta shells I mentioned up thread

And the spicy pork and porcini lasagne on this one is also a favourite

BrightYellowDaffodil · 27/12/2022 23:21

This is one of my favourite things ever; the flavours are amazing (you can get date syrup from Amazon, the Basra one is the best I’ve found):

I also love the lamb meatballs recipe from Jerusalem, but I just use Waitrose’s own lamb meatballs and squish a few barberries/cranberries into them! The spiced biscuits from that book are to die for, too.

kittenkipping · 28/12/2022 08:42

His confit chickpeas are amazing! I'll be trying the allium rice posted up thread today- will report back. Thanks for the link x


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veneeroftheyear · 28/12/2022 09:08

FlemCandango · 27/12/2022 00:51

Black pepper tofu

This is one of my favourites too. I've not made for ages so must do it again soon. I do reduce the pepper though.

HelenHywater · 28/12/2022 09:13

Where's the Lamb Schwarma recipe from? I would like to try that.

Agree the mejadra is delicious and very easy. As are the chat potatoes.

We did his vegetarian dirty rice and his butternut squash and Dolcelatte salad for Boxing Day with some roast beef and the nigella ham in coke and they are delicious. I agree that Ottolenghi dishes are generally always worth the faff. And even if you can't find all the ridiculous ingredients you can often substitute.

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