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Can anyone recommend a slow cooker cookbook?

8 replies

YukoandHiro · 25/11/2022 16:54

I've never used a slow cooker after mixed reviews from friends but I've now been given one almost brand new so want to give it a go.

Can anyone recommend a recipe book for slow cookers that's really good and varied (ie isn't just a load of tomato based dishes that all come out tasting the same)? Bonus points if it has veggie dishes too as DH is veggie

OP posts:
YukoandHiro · 25/11/2022 19:05


OP posts:
Whine0Clock · 25/11/2022 19:08

Whole Food Slow Cooked by Olivia Andrews is good. Has a whole section of veggie recipes and definitely goes beyond variations on a tomato-based theme. Also has the benefit of giving instructions for using both slow cooker or oven for every recipe!

YukoandHiro · 26/11/2022 22:43

Thank you!

OP posts:
Furries · 28/11/2022 22:55

I often find recipe books for the slow cooker a bit meh - struggle to find things I really like the sound of.

I got this book a while ago and it’s bloody brilliant, have got lots of recipes bookmarked. I bought a second-hand copy which was in good condition.

What I really like is that each recipe has instructions for both slow cooker method and traditional method. Sometimes I enjoy actually “cooking” so I’ll go for the traditional method. It also shows which recipes are ok for freezing which I find really handy when batch cooking.

I’ve got the ingredients in for doing a batch of beef bourguignon tomorrow, fingers crossed it turns out ok.

Furries · 28/11/2022 22:57

I haven’t explored this site yet, but I’ve seen her site recommended quite a few times on here.

mackthepony · 28/11/2022 23:00

Another shout for taming twins. Made the chicken casserole, was really decent

DogInATent · 28/11/2022 23:03

Slow Cooked, by Miss South.
Based on an excellent blog, that's sadly now unavailable.

Luluem · 28/11/2022 23:07

Pinch of nom often have the slow cooked version alongside the “normal” way of cooking, def not all tomato based things

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