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Baking cookbook for my teen

10 replies

ChangingStates · 17/05/2022 19:31

My middle teen is just starting to get into baking (cakes / bread / biscuits etc). She has a birthday coming up and I would love to get her a good, clear, uk measurements cookbook that will do the basics- simple bakes.

Everything I have seen is either American measurements, either complicated or too childish, or just not good simple recipes.

Can anyone recommend anything?

Thank you!

OP posts:
HeidiWhole · 17/05/2022 19:33

Mary Berry Fast Cakes (I think that what it's called!) is nice plain recipes in clear steps

peppaminttea · 17/05/2022 19:41

Have you thought about getting a baking subscription from a company like baked in? You get dry ingredients and a recipe each months and access to their back catalogue of recipes. Bakedin also have a recipe book of previous bakes which is very good. It's a UK based company so no wory about American measurements, ingredients etc.

PunchyAnts · 17/05/2022 19:59

Jane's Patisserie is a lovely baking cookbook with UK measurements. Also has a nice mixture of cakes, cookies, brownies...

Oldtiredfedup · 17/05/2022 20:01

I love Nigella’s Domestic Goddess

Bellie99 · 17/05/2022 20:46

Would agree BakedIn is a great subscription. However if you don't fancy that, they have their own cookbook which is brilliant and our go to book. Doesn't have bread unfortunately, but they now have.a Bread subscription so I am sure they will have a book soon.

Whenasuitcasejustwontdo · 17/05/2022 20:52

I second Jane's patisserie. It has very clear instructions and everything I've made has worked.

BigFatLiar · 17/05/2022 20:54

Most of the recipes are available online. Why not get her some nice kit (trays etc) a nice notebook and she can build her own recipe book of things she's baked and make notes on how they turned out/went down.

ChangingStates · 18/05/2022 07:03

Wow, thanks everyone- lots of great suggestions for me to look into- getting some new bits of kit also a lovely idea.
Thank you 😊

OP posts:
SpaceOP · 19/05/2022 12:48

Am late to the party but just to say that both the BBC and Australian Women's Weekly do good cookbooks that are usually quite easy to follow, lots of variety etc. I often find them really good intro books.

clumperoo · 24/05/2022 06:28

Another rec for Bakedin and their book

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